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DEC halts Creel Limits

  Lake Ontario daily   creel limits and   current daily limit&   regulations will &   remain in effect at   least through    Sept.30, 1998.
    A proposal for a lower daily limit for rainbow trout originated from discussions at the Lake Ontario Fisheries Congress, a diverse group of fishery stakeholders convened by DEC last winter to provide advice on fisheries issues.

    Some representatives to the Fisheries Congress suggested lowering the daily creel limit on steelhead as a way to emphasize the trophy quality of this fish and limit angler harvest, DEC staff discussed this approach with a variety of fishing organizations and other interest groups. While there was substantial support for the proposal, many anglers opposed taking this step without also looking at other management options to improve Lake Ontario's steelhead fishery.

    IL JCar perch

    What was originally considered a sure thing by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the sport fishing community became unraveled when the administrative rules committee of the Illinois Legislature voted 8 to 1 to rescind DNR administrative regulations banning any further commercial fishing in Illinois waters of Lake Michigan.

    But the ban is now back on. On Apr. 16, the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) reversed their original ruling to rescind by the surprising vote of 10 to 0.

brown  NY stocking

    The 1997 season also will be the first year of a two-year experimental stocking of 90,000 two-year-old brown trout that average 12-to-13 inches in length, with some as long as 15 inches. These larger fish will be placed into 168 selected waters statewide to see if the possibility of catching larger fish enhances the early season trout fishing experience.

pafbc logo
 shad make history Researchers have documented the first adult American shad to utilize new fish passage facilities at two major hydro-electric dams on the Lower Susquehanna River. The event marks one of the most important milestones in a multi-million dollar program to restore migratory fish populations to the river, an effort that has roots in the 1800s.

 WDNR hikes fees

   This is the first hunting and fishing fee increase since 1991. WNDR logo     MADISON, WI -

The Wisconsin Legislature approved increases in Wisconsin hunting and fishing licenses that went into effect April 1.

The fee increase package had broad support of hunting and fishing organizations statewide and its approval avoided millions of dollars in cuts the Dept. of Natural Resources would have had to make if fees had not been increased, said DNR Secretary George E. Meyer.

FWS logfree fishing

Illinois  June 6-8
Indiana   June 7-8
Michigan  June 7-8
Minnesota June 7-8
Ohio      June 7-8
Pennsylvania June 7 & Sept. 27
New York  June 28-29
Wisconsin June 7-8
    treaty stopped tribes

    Court of Appeals limits Ojibwe harvest to ceremonial or religious purposes

    On April 9, 1997 the Appeals Court issued a stay order on implementaion of a treaty harvest, meaning the Mille Lacs, Fond du Lac, and six other Ojibwe Bands from Wisconsin would not be allowed to implement any treaty harvest until after the Appeals Court made a final ruling late this summer.

    The Bands had planned to spear and net fish from 29 lakes in east central MN, including 40,000 pounds of walleye from Lake Mille Lacs.

    Fish are good for you!

    New England Journal

    Men who eat an 8 ounce meal of fish twice a week are 40% less likely to die of a heart attack, according to the 30 year study. Researchers at North-western University in Evanston, IL conducted the longest study ever, analyzing data from the Chicago Western Electric Study which followed 1,822 men employed there. The study began in 1957 and covered 47,153 person-years of follow-up.

    The report was released by the New England Journal of Medicine April 10, 1997

    " Trout fishing brings an estimated $2.75 million to the local economy"

    Record number of steelhead trout and chinook salmon were harvested from St. Joseph River during the 1996 fishing season, according to Indiana Department of Natural Resources fisheries biologists.

    A 63-mile joint Michigan- Indiana project area, more that 19,000 steelhead and 5,700 chinook were caught by trout fisherman. Angler's fishing Indiana's portion of the river harvested 8,889 steelhead while 10,489 steelhead were taken in Michigan


    For boaters who paid $115 or $75, refunds are available only if the original license is sent in to the FCC with a request for a refund. The amount refunded will only be for full, unused years left on the 10 year term of the license and only for the "user fee" portion of the payment. Boaters will not get the application processing fee of $45 they paid.

    To get your partial refund, send in your license and request for refund to: FCC, 1270 Fairfield Rd., Gettysburg, PA 17325-7235.

    Exotics Likely to Enlarge Their Ranges

    Spring thawing could be followed by summer flooding along the brimming Great Lakes, experts are warning.

    "We're not at the record high, but we are getting close," said Thomas Baldini, chairman of the International Joint Commission's U.S. section.

    But the big problem to our resources is nonindigenous animal and plant species are posed to extend their ranges, and high flood waters may expedite their invasion.

    To Learn More About Exotic Invaders Visit these sites:

    Indiana alewife die-off

    Indiana area residents along Lake Michigan can expect to see large numbers of dead alewife again this spring on area beaches because of the harsh winter weather and overpopulation of the small exotic fish, according to Indiana Department of Natural Resources biologists.

    Last year, Lake Michigan had a big die-off of alewife. Lakefront municipalities had to rake the beaches at a considerable expense to remove the dead fish.

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