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Week of December 3, 2012 |
Beyond the Great Lakes |
Fishing beyond the Great Lakes |
Misc New Fishing-Boating Products |
Hunting & Shooting Products/Issues |
National |
Regional |
Illinois |
Michigan |
Minnesota |
New York |
Ohio |
Pennsylvania |
Wisconsin |
Other Breaking News Items |
or |
Beyond the Great Lakes
Invasive Boa Constrictor Thriving on Puerto Rico
MAYAG�EZ, Puerto Rico� Non-native boa constrictors, which can
exceed 10 ft and 75 lb, have established a breeding population in Puerto
Rico, one that appears to be spreading, according to research published in
the journal Biological Invasions. |
The established boa constrictor population likely originated with the pet
trade. Genetic studies conducted by the researchers indicate that individual
boas on the island are highly related and that the population probably
originated with a small number of snakes. First-hand accounts from local
officials suggest that newborn boas were released in Mayag�ez in the early
1990s. Two snakes found some distance from the expanding Mayag�ez population share genetic markers with that population, suggesting that people might be intentionally or unintentionally moving the snakes around the island. Such movement could potentially increase the rate of spread of this invasive snake. Because the snakes are secretive and difficult to spot, the researchers suspect the population size is large. |
Fishing beyond the Great Lakes
2013 BoatUS Collegiate Bass Fishing Championship SAN ANTONIO, - The 2013 BoatUS Collegiate Bass Fishing Championship presented by Cabela's will be returning to Florence, Alabama, for the next five years and details for the 8th annual event are taking shape. Collegiate anglers from across the country should block off the entire week of May 20-24 off on their calendars for another record- setting event.
Online registration opens Friday, February 1, 2013 at 8:00AM and all university-recognized clubs are allowed to register up to three two-person teams for the 2013 BoatUS Collegiate Bass Fishing Championship presented by Cabela's. Every club is guaranteed entry for one two-person team and no team will earn more than three total entries.
The following criteria will be used to determine which school clubs receive entry for two or three two-person teams: Past champions (2006 - 2012) earn one additional spot per Championship title. Teams also earn one additional spot in the Championship for participating in each of the following events: 2012 Collegiate Bass Fishing Open; 2013 Cabela's Collegiate Big Bass Bash; or 2013 Collegiate Bass Fishing Open.
According to Wade Middleton, Co-founder of the Association of Collegiate |
Anglers and President of CarecoTV, "Last year was a record-setting year in every way we could measure the event. We had more students catching more bass than ever before, and they were supported by more sponsors than we've ever had at the BoatUS Collegiate Bass Fishing Championship. 2012 was certainly a banner year, but we're already working to make sure 2013 continues our tradition of growth and event development."
Chris Edmonston, President of the BoatUS Foundation, added, "Having been a partner in this event since the inception, we couldn't be happier to see the continued growth and development of collegiate fishing. The BoatUS Collegiate Bass Fishing Championship and collegiate bass fishing in general have been one of the most successful youth fishing initiatives in recent history and we're honored to be a part of the progression."
Complete official rules for the 2013 BoatUS Collegiate Bass Fishing Championship, including these registration details, can found at www.CollegiateBassChampionship.com. A detailed Angler Packet will be released in the coming weeks. Collegiate anglers can ensure they receive information as it is released by joining the ACA Mailing List, which broadcasts all announcements via email. |
Misc New Fishing-Boating Products
Evinrude E-Tec 135 H.O. Outboard Engine
STURTEVANT, WI-- BRP has introduced the 135 H.O., the newest
Features include: |
� High Output Alternator
Multi-Point Oiling System
With a factory-backed, 3-year non-declining warranty and 3 years or 300
hours with no dealer-scheduled maintenance, the 135 H.O. is factory-tuned
for high performance applications. It is available in four configurations -
20" white, 20" blue, 25" white and 25" white counter rotation.
Hunting & Shooting Products/Issues
Winchester Varmint X� Factor
Gives Hunters
New Ammo for Coyotes and Varmints |
Varmint X ammunition specifications:
The Winchester
Varmint X line will hit store shelves in January 2013, just in time for
prime coyote hunting. Each caliber will be available in 20-round boxes and
200-round cases.
Hoppe's, an industry leader in gun care cleaning products and
The Hoppe's Elite Zombie Kit contains everything needed to quickly clean and lubricate a firearm in the field with minimal downtime. Each kit contains 4 oz. bottles of Hoppe's Elite Gun Cleaner, and Gun Oil with |
T3 and a cleaning cloth. The kits include BoreSnakes in the most popular pistol, rifle and shotgun zombie-fighting calibers.
The pistol kit includes 9mm, .40 and .45 caliber BoreSnakes, while the rifle/shotgun kit includes a 12 gauge BoreSnake as well as .223/5.56mm and .308/7.62mm BoreSnakes. The Hoppe's Elite Zombie Kits (pistol and rifle/shotgun) will be available in January 2013. In addition to the cleaning products and accessories mentioned above, each Zombie Kit will be packaged in a reusable green hard plastic case.
About $59.99
Toomey and Brown introduce Bill to protect Ohio River Basin from Asian Carp WASHINGTON, D.C. � U.S. Senators Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) yesterday introduced a bipartisan bill to help prevent the invasion of Asian carp into the Ohio River basin. Although several federal agencies have been combating Asian carp, none have been designated as the lead agency to coordinate the federal response with state and local partners in the Ohio and Upper Mississippi River basins.
The Strategic Response to Asian Carp Invasion Act would allow the federal government to build a more effective partnership with state and local entities fighting to end the spread of Asian carp. This bill would place |
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in charge of coordinating a new federal multi-agency effort, which would include the National Park Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and Army Corps of Engineers. This multi-agency effort would include providing technical assistance, best practices, and other support to state and local governments working to stop the spread of the Asian carp.
halt Ohio�s multi-million dollar fishing and boating industries,� Sen. Brown said. �The Ohio River basin remains dangerously vulnerable to an Asian carp invasion. The Strategic Response to Asian Carp Invasion Act is a bipartisan bill that would ensure a definitive plan to control and prevent Asian carp from entering streams and rivers in our state. We must move aggressively and quickly to protect our waterways.� |
Supreme Court rejects appeal on taping Illinois copsWASHINGTON � The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an Illinois prosecutor�s plea to allow enforcement of a law aimed at stopping people from recording police officers on the job. The justices on November 26 left in place a lower court ruling that found that the state�s anti-eavesdropping law violates free speech rights when used against people who tape law enforcement officers. The law sets out a maximum prison term of 15 years.
Opponents of the law say the right to record police is vital to guard against abuses.
The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in 2010 against Cook County State�s Attorney Anita Alvarez to block prosecution of ACLU staff for recording police officers performing their duties in public places. It�s one of the group�s long-standing monitoring missions. |
NICS Checks Soar on 'Black Friday' One-Day Record A new single-day record for point-of-sale background checks was established on Black Friday, Nov. 23, when 154,873 were conducted by the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). That |
total was nearly 20 % more than the previous high of 129,166 set on Black Friday last year. Because a federal background check is mandatory for every firearm sold at retail, background check activity serves as an indicator of retail gun sales. |
Weekly Great Lakes Water Levels for Nov 30, 2012 WEATHER CONDITIONS The Great Lakes basin experienced below seasonal average temperatures this past week and minimal precipitation. Precipitation was well below average for November, with the Great Lakes as a whole receiving less than 50% of average. Temperatures are forecasted to warm up this weekend, and several areas of the basin have a chance of rain and snow showers starting this weekend and continuing into the early part of next week. LAKE LEVEL CONDITIONS The water level of Lake Superior is 2 inches lower than its level of one year ago, while Lake Michigan-Huron is 16 inches lower than its level from last year. Lakes St. Clair, Erie, and Ontario are 26, 21, and 13 inches, respectively, lower than their levels of a year ago. Over the next month, Lake Superior and Lake Michigan-Huron are each forecasted to drop 3 inches from their current levels. The water levels of Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie are each expected to decline 1 inch and Lake Ontario is predicted to rise 1 inch over the next thirty days. FORECASTED MONTHLY OUTFLOWS/CHANNEL CONDITIONS Lake Superior's outflow through the St. Marys River is projected to be below average for the month of November. Lake Huron's outflow into the St. Clair River and the outflow from Lake St. Clair into the Detroit River are also expected to be below average throughout the month of November. |
Lake Erie's outflow through the Niagara River and the outflow of Lake Ontario into the St. Lawrence River are predicted to be below average in November. ALERTS Lake Superior and Lake Michigan-Huron are below chart datum. Users of the Great Lakes, connecting channels and St. Lawrence River should keep informed of current conditions before undertaking any activities that could be affected by changing water levels. Mariners should utilize navigation charts and refer to current water level readings.
Gov amendatory Veto shot down in the Senate, moves to House Illinois ammo purchases bill passes Senate 49-4 On Wednesday, Nov. 28th, 2012, the Illinois Senate passed SB681 in its original form at a margin of 49 � 4. The bill, SB681, was a simple bill that allowed ammunition to be mail ordered from dealers or companies in Illinois and shipped to FOID card holders in Illinois. FOID card holders could already order ammunition from out of state sources.
Governor Quinn�s procedural maneuver to enact a gun ban through use of an amendatory veto, was overridden in the Illinois Senate by a 49 to 4 vote. Now, there is one remaining hurdle before victory can be declared since this veto is now going to the state House for an override vote.
We have learned that due to this loss, Quinn is now shopping around a new semi-auto ban for future introduction in the Illinois General Assembly. Your NRA-ILA will continue to monitor any activity in
Springfield and will keep you informed of developments as they occur. It is critical that NRA members across Illinois continue to remind their state legislators of their responsibility to defend the Second Amendment now and in the future.
Your Action Is Needed! Now it is more important than ever for you to contact your state Representative to ensure that the Quinn gun ban is completely dead. The Illinois House of Representatives will be convening tomorrow for their veto session and will vote on the Governor's proposed changes to Senate Bill 681.
Contact your state Representative TODAY and urge him or her to vote to override the Governor�s amendatory veto on Senate Bill 681! Contact information for all state legislators can be found by clicking here. |
Controlled Pheasant Hunting Hunter Quotas Increased at Jim Edgar Panther Creek SFWA SPRINGFIELD, IL � The Illinois Department of Natural Resources today announced that the daily hunter quotas will be increased on the Controlled Pheasant Hunting Unit at the Jim Edgar Panther Creek State Fish and Wildlife Area in Cass Co. beginning Wednesday, December 5 through the close of the hunting season on Sunday, January 13. Additional pheasants will be released at the site as a result of the hunter quota increase.
Hunters are encouraged to use the online Controlled Pheasant Hunting Reservation System at www.dnr.illinois.gov to secure permits. Reserved Permits ensure hunters will have the opportunity to hunt. Standby Permits are also available for each hunt date, although standby hunting opportunities are limited.
To access the reservation system: Access the "Hunting/Trapping" drop down list from the IDNR Home Page |
Then click on "Upland Game" Then click on "Controlled Pheasant Areas" under the �Quick Links� heading
Hunters are reminded that the daily permit fee for the controlled pheasant program is $30 for resident hunters and $35 for nonresident hunters. The daily permit fee applies to each hunter. Daily permit fees are collected during the on-line application process for Reserved Permits or at the site hunter check station for Standby Permit hunters.
Hunters without computers are encouraged to gain access to the controlled pheasant hunting on-line reservation systems by checking with family or friends who have computers with internet access or by using a computer at their local public library. Completing a permit reservation on-line takes less than five minutes. For complete details, check the controlled pheasant hunting website at www.dnr.illinois.gov
Supreme Court rejects appeal on taping Illinois copsWASHINGTON � The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an Illinois prosecutor�s plea to allow enforcement of a law aimed at stopping people from recording police officers on the job. The justices on November 26 left in place a lower court ruling that found that the state�s anti-eavesdropping law violates free speech rights when used against people who tape law enforcement officers. The law sets out a maximum prison term of 15 years. |
Opponents of the law say the right to record police is vital to guard against abuses.
The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in 2010 against Cook County State�s Attorney Anita Alvarez to block prosecution of ACLU staff for recording police officers performing their duties in public places. It�s one of the group�s long-standing monitoring missions. |
MI proposes 599-mile Trail connecting Detroit to Wis. via U.P.
Governor Rick Snyder wants Michigan to be
known as �the trail state.�
Beginning on Belle Isle, Detroit�s inner-city recreational island with a bike path, picnic areas and a beach, the trail will wind north through Flint, Bay City, Mackinaw City, Grand Marais, Munising and through Ironwood on the border of Wisconsin.
Already, 365.5 miles of the proposed trail are existing trails that are in use today. Snyder�s plan hopes to build an additional 233.5 miles of trails to link between the existing routes. Of that, 152 miles are needed in the upper peninsula and 81.5 in the lower peninsula. |
�We have unique assets in our state that many other people in the world wish they have,� Snyder said during the address. �Let�s not take it for granted but do something with [them].�
Ultimately, the trail might extend further if connected to Wisconsin�s trail system. In Michigan, the effort is not projected to cost a lot of money since the state does not plan to purchase land for this route. A preliminary map released by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) shows the route, as well as links that are missing and need to be constructed. The department stresses that the map is purely conceptual and that the actual trails may change.
The DNR has already met with communities, the federal government and volunteer groups to determine how the trails can be connected. The non-motorized trail will take participants through the state�s �breathtaking vistas,� forests, prairies, waterways and more dazzling terrain.
Minneapolis Chef Wins $1000 with Lake Superior Fish
Earlier this month,
John Occhiato, executive chef of Cosmos in Minneapolis, Minn., became
the 2012 Grand Champion of
A Salute to Lake Superior�s Sustainable
a professional chef competition and public tasting event. He did this
with �Roasted Superior Herring, Smoked Herring, Fennel, Salsify.� Enough
people asked for the entr�e after the event that Occhiato introduced it
to the Cosmos menu for the first time ever. |
versions of lake herring. �I wasn�t expecting such a variety of flavors and preparations,� said Elaine Krueger an event attendee from Pine City. �This event made it clear that eating fish can be exciting � a culinary adventure. I�m inspired to try some new ways to serve fish at home.�
Other winners of the night included Fire Lake Grill House�s new
executive chef Jim Kyndberg, who earned an Award of Excellence from the
professional judges. Avery Cassar from At Sara�s Table/Chester Creek
Caf� won an honorable mention from the people attending the event.
New York
DEC proposes limits on Phosphorus discharges for Chatauqua LakeThe New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) submitted its proposal for limiting the amount of phosphorus discharged into Chautauqua Lake to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), DEC Commissioner Joe Martens announced today. The proposed limits to foster compliance with water quality standards, known as a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), are required under the federal Clean Water Act.
"Chautauqua Lake is a western New York treasure that in recent years had beach closures due to algae blooms triggered by excessive phosphorus in the lake," Commissioner Martens said. "This summer was a particularly bad one for the lake, with beach closures and numerous complaints of algal blooms, including toxic blue-green blooms. This TMDL provides a specific program to improve the lake's water quality."
Since 2004, DEC has identified Chautauqua Lake as a waterbody not |
meeting water quality standards and needing a TMDL to bring it into compliance. DEC prepared the TMDL and submitted it to EPA for its approval. EPA has 30 days to approve or modify the TMDL.
A TMDL specifies the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards. TMDLs account for all contributing sources which include point sources such as wastewater treatment plants and nonpoint sources such as agricultural runoff, and natural background levels. The TMDL also account for seasonal variations in the pollutant load and incorporates a margin of safety that considers unknown or unexpected sources of the pollutant.
The federal Clean Water Act (CWA) requires states to develop TMDLs for waterbodies identified as not meeting water quality standards. The TMDL process allocates required reductions in pollutant loadings to specific sources to bring waters into compliance. Under the CWA, states are required to submit proposed TMDLs to the EPA for approval. |
Delaware Lake Boat Ramp Getting a MakeoverBoaters will soon have improved access to Delaware Lake Columbus, OH- The Ohio DNR announced that renovations have begun on the Delaware Lake east boat ramp. The ramp is located on the Delaware Wildlife Area near the intersection of Horseshoe and Sherwood Roads. The ramp was built in the 1960�s and requires a considerable update to improve not only condition, but also safety.
Contractors will demolish the deteriorated concrete ramp and replace it with a new ramp and dock. The parking area will also be repaved, implementing a new parking layout. As part of the planned improvements, solar lights will be installed to aid boaters after dark. �This ramp is especially useful to anglers with small boats and low horsepower motors |
because it allows them access closer to the upper end of the lake where a lot of great crappie fishing can be found,� said Ethan Simmons, DOW fisheries biologist.
Unfortunately these much needed improvements require the ramp, parking lot, and access lane to be closed for the next 6 months. Signs and a barricade will be placed near Horseshoe Road to alert users of the closure. If all goes as planned, the work should be completed by late May 2013.
New Multi-Year Fishing Licenses Available Dec. 1 HARRISBURG, Pa. � With a new fishing season just around the corner, anglers can ready themselves for years to come by purchasing a multi-year fishing license, available for the first time this year from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC).
�Beginning December 1, we will start selling 3-year and 5-year fishing licenses for the first time in our history,� said PFBC Executive Director John Arway. �Customers want options when they buy products, and fishing is no different.�
�Anglers can select from a variety of rods, reels and equipment, so it only makes sense that they should have the ability to purchase a license which is good for several years,� he said. �It�s convenient and provides for one less thing to worry about. Now anglers can purchase a multi-year license and know that when friends and family want them to go fishing, they don�t have to worry about whether they renewed their fishing license.�
�In addition, we�re offering a number of rewards exclusively for customers who buy a multi-year license, including a free online subscription to our flagship publication, Pennsylvania Angler and Boater magazine, along with various offers from popular retailers,� added Arway. �Other incentives being offered are also pretty attractive. They include various pieces of fishing equipment and several discount coupons which can be used at sporting goods stores.� |
A 3-year fishing license is valid through 2015 and a 5-year license is valid through 2017. Customers who buy multi-year licenses save money by not having to pay transaction and processing fees each year. For example, a customer who buys a 5-year license will save $6.80. Anglers can also purchase multi-year trout/salmon, Lake Erie and combo permits and experience similar savings. Visit the PFBC website for more information about pricing and answers to frequently asked questions.
Customers who purchase their multi-year license through either the PFBC Outdoor Shop (www.pa.wildlifelicense.com) or from an issuing agent will receive a website link where instructions on accessing their rewards will be located.
Also starting December 1, the PFBC is launching a fishing sweepstakes contest to give away a series of fishing trips across the state for many of Pennsylvania�s popular game fish. The general public will be eligible to participate in the sweepstakes, and registration for the sweepstakes will be at www.gonefishingpa.com.
In addition to the Outdoor Shop, multi-year fishing licenses can be purchased at more than 900 issuing agents (http://fishandboat.com/flagent.htm), county treasurers� offices, and at PFBC regional offices.
Permits Required for Wisconsin Ice Fishing Tournaments
Organizers of ice fishing tournaments will want to apply for a permit
for their 2013 event as soon as possible, and they can use a new online
feature aimed at making the process faster and more user friendly. |
form and find more information by going to DNR's home page,
dnr.wi.gov and searching for "fishing tournaments."
Organizers need a tournament permit in cases in which any of the
following apply: |
(Click on title or URL to read full article) Tribal commission issues, then cancels night deer hunting permit) |
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