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Week of October 28, 2013 |
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U.S. Senate and House Send Letters Saying "NO" to U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
In October of 2009, at the U.N. General Assembly, the Obama administration
reversed the positions of the two previous administrations and voted for the
United States to participate in negotiating the United Nations Arms Trade
Treaty. On September 25, 2013, Obama's designs on international gun control
were realized, as Secretary of State John Kerry signed the ATT on behalf of
the Obama administration. The NRA strongly opposes this treaty, which
clearly jeopardizes the right to keep and bear arms protected by the Second
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. |
Rep. Kelly's press release notes that the House letter includes members of House Leadership, such as Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon (R-Calif.), Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas), and Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.).
Rep. Kelly said in the release, "Today the People's House takes a stand for national sovereignty where the White House failed to do so. The ATT is a clear threat to the Constitutional rights of all Americans and should never have been signed. This letter makes it absolutely clear to President Obama and his cabinet that the United States Congress will not support any implementing legislation to give this dangerous treaty the legs it needs to take effect. We will also oppose any efforts by this administration or future ones to implement or enforce this treaty through executive action. The liberty of the American people and the independence of the United States are far too sacred to ever be sacrificed at the altar of a dysfunctional global institution like the United Nations. For the sake of our freedom at home and our strength abroad, this fight must continue."
(The Senate letter can be accessed via Sen. Moran's
press release,
and the House letter can be accessed via Rep Kelly's
press release.) |
NOAA will stop printing traditional nautical charts The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced the end |
of traditional paper nautical charts, but NOAA-certified print-on-demand partners will continue to sell up-to-date paper charts |
Artificial Reefs a Success in the Huron-Erie Corridor A large scale habitat restoration effort is currently underway in the Huron‐Erie Corridor in an effort to delist the St. Clair and Detroit River Areas of Concern. One of the Beneficial Use Impairments being addressed is the Loss of Fish and Wildlife Habitat. Dredging within the corridor to facilitate commercial ship traffic has led to a drastic loss of rocky habitat. This rocky habitat is of great importance to many native species within the Great Lakes, particularly for spawning.
Artificial spawning reefs are being constructed in the Detroit and St. Clair Rivers to increase the amount of suitable spawning habitat available to native fish species. Reefs have already been constructed near Belle Isle (2004) and Fighting Island (2008) in the Detroit River and in the Middle Channel (2012) of the St. Clair River. Several more reefs are scheduled for construction in the fall of 2013 near Fort Wayne on the Detroit River and near Algonac and Harts Light on the St. Clair River. These reefs are constructed of loosely piled rock about two feet thick and are one to two acres in size. The species of particular concern include lake sturgeon, northern madtom, walleye, and lake whitefish, which are threatened and/or economically important fish species that utilize rocky substrate for spawning.
Monitoring efforts evaluating the current restoration sites have shown the constructed reefs to be a success. Prior to construction of artificial reefs near Belle Isle, only 2 fish species were captured at this site. Following construction, 20 species were captured with 14 of these being native
species in spawning‐ready condition or recently hatched from eggs. At the reefs constructed near Fighting Island, the U.S. Geological Survey documented lake sturgeon spawning in 2009, 2010, and 2012 and collected lake sturgeon larvae, indicating the first evidence of successful lake sturgeon reproduction in the Detroit River. Reefs constructed in the Middle Channel of the St. Clair River have also been a success, with lake sturgeon spawning being documented each of the last two years.
This spring and summer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service fish biologists from the Alpena Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office � Waterford Substation conducted gill net surveys at current and proposed reef sites on the Detroit and St. Clair Rivers. Sampling was conducted over 13 weeks with 74 nets being set. A total of 16 species were captured over the sampling period. Data collected from gill net surveys will be compared prior to and after reef construction to evaluate the fish community response to these restoration efforts.
Monitoring these spawning reefs is important to the continued conservation of both aquatic species and aquatic habitat. The adult fish community sampling being conducted by the Alpena FWCO is just one aspect of the biological response being evaluated by project partners and a long‐term monitoring program is currently being developed to assess system wide changes in these rivers. For more information on these projects please visit the Huron‐Erie Corridor Initiative website at: www.huron‐erie.org/. |
Weekly Great Lakes Water Levels for Oct 25 WEATHER CONDITIONS A lake effect pattern with precipitation falling along the downwind, or eastern, edges of the Great Lakes has been occurring over the last several days and is expected to continue into the start of next week. Air temperatures dropped around the Great Lakes on Monday and Tuesday and will stay below seasonal averages through the upcoming weekend. All of the Great Lakes have received above average precipitation so far for the month of October. The increased precipitation may offset some of the increased evaporation which occurs at this time of the year as the cold, dry air moves across the warm surfaces of the lakes. LAKE LEVEL CONDITIONS Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron are 12 and 9 inches, respectively, above what they were at this time last year. Lakes St. Clair and Erie are each 9 inches above their levels of a year ago, while Lake Ontario is 13 inches above last year. Over the next month, the levels of Lake Superior and Lake Michigan-Huron are predicted to fall 3 and 2 inches, respectively. Lakes St. Clair, Erie and Ontario are projected to decline 3, 4, and 3 inches, respectively, over the next 30 days. See our Daily Levels web page for more water level information. FORECASTED MONTHLY OUTFLOWS/CHANNEL CONDITIONS Lake Superior�s outflow through the St. Marys River is projected to be above average for the month of October. Lake Huron�s outflow into the St. |
Clair River and Lake St. Clair�s outflow into the Detroit River are both expected to be below average throughout the month of October. The outflow of Lake Erie into the Niagara River and the outflow of Lake Ontario into the St. Lawrence River are predicted to be near average in October. ALERTS Official records are based on monthly average water levels and not daily water levels. Lake Michigan‑Huron is below chart datum and expected to remain below datum over the next several months. Users of the Great Lakes, connecting channels and St. Lawrence River should keep informed of current conditions before undertaking any activities that could be affected by changing water levels. Mariners should utilize navigation charts and refer to current water level readings.
Cabela�s honors �Hometown Heroes� Nov 11 � 12 Event pays homage to those who serve SIDNEY, Neb. � Cabela�s stores nationwide will honor the contributions of those who serve by offering employee pricing to all veterans, active duty military and reserves, law enforcement, fire, and EMS personnel beginning Monday, November11 through Tuesday , November 12. The �Hometown Heroes� event will recognize the service and sacrifice of those who protect and serve our country and communities every day.
�Cabela�s values the contributions of our nation�s military and service personnel,� said Cabela�s Chief Executive Officer Tommy Millner. �Making them honorary employees, and extending our employee discount |
to them as we celebrate Independence Day, is our way of saying thank you for keeping us safe.�
To participate in the �Hometown Heroes� event, veterans, active duty military, reserves, law enforcement, fire and EMS personnel should present their service ID to the �Hometown Heroes� check-in table at their local Cabela�s store on November 11 - 12. Upon doing so, they will receive their �Hometown Heroes� coupon which they will redeem at checkout to receive employee discount on virtually everything in the store. Some restrictions apply; see store for complete details. For more info contact your local Cabela�s retail store |
2nd Amendment Issues
CCRKBA supports Interpol Chief's idea about Armed Citizens The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms concurs with Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble's suggestion last week that an armed citizenry is one way to meet the threat of terrorism like the attack on a Nairobi, Kenya shopping mall last month.
In remarks after the opening of the 82nd annual gathering of Interpol's |
governing body in Cartagena, Colombia, Noble made this observation: "Ask yourself: If that was Denver, Col., if that was Texas, would those guys have been able to spend hours, days, shooting people randomly? What I'm saying is it makes police around the world question their views on gun control. It makes citizens question their views on gun control. You have to ask yourself, 'Is an armed citizenry more necessary now than it was in the past with an evolving threat of terrorism?' This is something that has to be discussed. |
Lake Ontario
Lake Ontario Fishing Boat Survey, 1985 � 2013 Preliminary Summary for April 15 - September 30, 2013 Since 1985, NYSDEC surveyed boats operating in New York waters of Lake Ontario�s main basin from April through September. The data collected from counts and interviews of fishing boats are used to manage Lake Ontario�s multi-million dollar trout and salmon fishery and provide valuable data on other fish species.
Results indicate that fishing effort directed at trout and salmon has remained stable for more than a decade. Lake Ontario anglers experienced good fishing quality in 2013 (i.e. catch rate = total number of trout and salmon caught per boat trip). Chinook salmon catch rates remained well above the long term average for the 11th consecutive year (2003-2013).
Anglers experienced the 6th consecutive year of excellent rainbow trout fishing. Lake trout catch rates were the highest since 2002, and brown trout fishing quality was average throughout most of the open lake season. Coho salmon catch rates varied over the 5� month period, resulting in a seasonal, lake-wide rate comparable to the long term average (1985-2012). Fishing effort targeting smallmouth bass remained low despite improved catch rates in 2013. Results presented here are preliminary, lake-wide averages, and therefore may not reflect fishing quality experienced in some NY areas of Lake Ontario.
A final 2013 survey report will be available in spring 2014.
Fig 1-Seasonal estimates of total fishing effort, trout, Salmon and bass effort, 1985-2013.
Fishing Effort For more than a decade fishing effort specifically targeting trout and salmon has remained relatively stable, while total fishing effort has declined (Fig. 1). The decline in total effort is attributed to a decline in effort targeting smallmouth bass since the early 2000s. In 2013, there were an estimated 54,605 fishing boat trips, 87.0% of which targeted trout and salmon (47,520 boat trips; comparable to previous 5- year [-8.2%] and 10-year [-9.8%] averages). Fishing effort directed at smallmouth bass declined from the early 2000s through 2010. Effort remained at a lower, relatively stable level since. From the start of the traditional bass season on June 15 through September 30, 2013, there were an estimated 4,273 boat trips targeting bass (7.8% of all fishing trips), the lowest on record (Fig. 1). Effort targeting bass during the preseason catch and release period remained low and similar to recent years (191 boat trips, April 15-June 14, 2013).
Fig 2-Total trout and salmon catch and catch rate, 1985-2013.
Trout and Salmon Catch, Harvest and Fishing Quality From April 15 - September 30 anglers caught an estimated 168,837 trout and salmon and, similar to recent years, harvested 59.3% of them (Fig.2). Each year since 2003, Chinook salmon dominated catch (2013: 62,603 fish, 37.1% of total catch) and harvest (2013: 38,276 fish, 38.3% of total harvest). In recent years rainbow trout and brown trout represented the 2nd and 3rd most commonly caught and harvested species, and lake trout represented a relatively minor component of the fishery. In 2013, however, lake trout represented the 2nd most commonly caught species (35,533 fish), representing 21.1% of angler catch (highest since 2002 and well above the 2003-2012 average of 7.5%).
Rainbow trout was also an important component of the fishery in 2013 (34,563 fish caught, 20.5% of total catch). An estimated 27,721 brown trout were caught (16.4% of total catch), the lowest number since 2008. Coho salmon and Atlantic salmon each represented relatively small components of the fishery (4.6% and 0.4% of total, respectively).
Trout and salmon fishing quality, as measured by catch rate (3.6 per boat trip), was well above the long term average (+35.8%; Fig. 2) and is attributed to above average catch rates for Chinook salmon, rainbow trout, and lake trout (+37.1%, +67.4%, and +43.2% compared to respective long term averages). Brown trout and coho salmon catch rates were comparable to long term averages (+12.0% and -1.1%, respectively). Total trout and salmon harvest rate (2.1 fish per boat trip) was also well above the long term average (+32.8%; Fig. 2).
Fig 3-Chinook salmon catch and catch rate, 1985-2013.
Chinook Salmon Chinook salmon catch rates have been at or near record levels for eleven consecutive years (2003- 2013; Fig. 3). Although the 2013 catch rate (1.3 Chinook salmon per boat trip) was among the lowest in the recent time series (-13.8% compared to the previous 10- year average), it remained 37.1% higher than the long term average and more than 2-fold higher than the 1985-2002 average. Harvest rate of Chinook salmon (0.8 fish per boat trip) was also higher than (+29.6%) the long term average. Fishing quality for Chinook salmon during April was poor (69.9% below the long term April average), but improved later in the season with June and August catch rates among the highest for those months (6th best June and 5th best August in the 29-year data series).
Fig 4-Coho Salmon catch and catch rate, 1985-2013.
Coho Salmon The coho salmon catch rate (0.16 fish per boat trip) was comparable to (- |
1.1%) the long term average (Fig. 4). Monthly coho salmon catch rates were at or below average in April (-69.6%), July (-1.0%), and August (-21.8%), were above average in May (+56.1%) and June (+14.1%), and was among the highest estimated for September (+72.3%).
Fig 5-Rainbow Trout catch and catch rate, 1985-2013.
Rainbow Trout For the 6th consecutive year, rainbow trout catch rate remained at record high levels (0.73 fish per boat trip in 2013) and was 67.4% above the long term average (Fig. 5). Monthly rainbow trout catch rates were below respective long term averages in April (- 27.8%) and June (-41.9%), and were above respective long term averages in May (+34.0%), July (+160.5% and the 3rd best July), August (+72.1%), and September (+28.5%). Only 49.8% of rainbow trout caught in 2013 were harvested, the 5th lowest in the data series.
Fig 6-Brown Trout catch and catch rate, 1985-2013.
Brown Trout The 2013 seasonal brown trout catch rate (0.58 fish per boat trip) and harvest rate (0.40 fish per boat trip; 3rd highest) were slightly above the long term average (+12.0% and +14.3%, respectively; Fig. 6). Catch rates were comparable to respective monthly averages in April (+2.8%), June (-6.6%), July (-0.4%), and August (+5.9%), and were above average in May (+24.2%), and September (+135.0% and the 2nd highest observed).
Fig 7-Lake Trout catch and catch rate, 1985-2013.
Lake Trout Trends in lake trout catch rates are influenced by lake trout abundance and fishing quality for other trout and salmon species. Lake trout catch declined during the mid-2000s due to the combined effects of anglers selectively targeting other salmonines and relatively low adult lake trout abundance during that time period. In recent years, lake trout catch rates have improved (Fig. 7, Table 1), coinciding with an increase in abundance as indexed by an annual September gill netting survey. The April 15 - September 30 lake trout catch rate was 0.75 fish per boat trip, the highest since 2002, and similar to rates observed throughout the 1990s when lake trout abundance was relatively high (Fig. 7). Anglers harvested 57.7% of lake trout caught, resulting in the highest harvest rate (0.43 fish per boat trip) observed since 1991 (0.58 fish per boat trip). This increase is attributed to both increased abundance (i.e. anglers are more likely to catch them) and the likely increased fishing effort directed at lake trout in response to relatively lower catch rates of others species in 2013 as compared to recent years.
Atlantic Salmon Catch and harvest of Atlantic salmon in the boat fishery are rare, and estimates from 1995- 2008 were the lowest observed in the survey (i.e. catch and harvest estimates below 600 and 250, respectively). From 2009-2013, occurrences of Atlantic salmon in angler catch were the highest observed since the early 1990s (Table 1). In 2013, although estimated catch was only 687 fish, the catch rate of Atlantic salmon was more than 3 times higher than the 1995-2008 average. The cause(s) of increased Atlantic salmon catch in recent years is not clear, however, recent natural reproduction occurring in the Salmon River and recent increased stocking levels by Canada may be contributing factors.
Fig 8-Smallmouth Bass catch and catch rate, 1985-2013.
Smallmouth Bass Catch Harvest and Fishing Quality Smallmouth bass fishing quality in 2013 (June 15 -September 30; 4.3 bass caught per boat trip) was the best since 2007 and 2.2 times higher than the record low rate observed in 2010 (Fig. 8). Catch rate was, however, 69.5% below the 2002 record high (14.1 bass caught per boat trip). Smallmouth bass anglers harvested 1.7 bass per boat trip, the highest rate since 2003.
Fig 9-Yellow Perch catch and harvest, 1985-2013
Yellow Perch Catch and Harvest Estimated catch of yellow perch (15,345 fish in 2013) declined 80.1% from the highs observed during 2007- 2011 and was 49.0% below the long term average (Fig. 9). Yellow perch harvest (6,572 fish) also declined relative to the long term average (-50.3%). Yellow perch estimates in this survey are highly variable because relatively few boats target yellow perch, catch and harvest among these boats is highly variable, and the probability of interviewing perch anglers during this survey is low. |
llinois Concealed Carry classes Planning to take a concealed carry class in or around Chicago or in the northern Illinois area?
Take our approved curriculum for the 8- or 16-hour concealed carry class
authorized by the new Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act HB 183. Classes are $125 a day plus range fees; and if you show your current fishing or hunting license, you will get a $10 discount.
Illinois Concealed Carry Part 1 Illinois Concealed Carry Class Part 1 is scheduled for Nov 2, 12, 16 & 24
Price: $125.00 plus range fees |
Illinois Concealed Carry Part 2 Illinois Concealed Carry Part 2 is scheduled for Oct 29, Nov 3, 7, 8, 10, 23 & 26. (You must have 8 hours of prior approved training or be Active or Honorably discharged from the military prior to taking this class.) Price: $125.00 plus range fees
More Classes are being scheduled as the need arises.
If you have a class of 10 or more, we will travel to your hall or meeting location and give the class in your neighborhood. The criteria for an Illinois law to determine whether you take 16 or just the 8 hour class is determined with the following Illinois schedule.
The credit list of instruction classes authorized by the Act is here: Illinois CCW Prior Training Credit Also, veterans with an honorable discharge and a DD214 or active service military members will only be required to take the one-day class.
The full law can be read here - Illinois Concealed Carry Act
Questions? Contact Mike Slevnik: [email protected], 708-233-0211, Cell 708-212-3067 www.privatedetectivechicagoillinois.com
Call or e-mail for a registration form
For digital finger printing: Williams, James
630-715-2760 188 Industrial Dr, Suite 214 B Elmhurst, IL 60126
ISRA Success in securing Concealed Carry Law Are you a member of the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA)? The ISRA was diligent and instrumental in working with the state legislature to secure our Concealed Carry law. Join now For online individual memberships and renewals: Click Here! For online family memberships and renewals: Click Here! Download ISRA Membership Application
More Info: ►Digital printing is an additional fee, but those prints are only good for 60 days, so hold off on getting them till November or December.
►Veterans with an honorable discharge and a DD214 will only be required to take the one-day class. Be sure to bring a copy of your prior training or DD214 to class.
►Active service military memsbers will only be required to take the one-day class
►Concealed Carry License apps will be available on the Illinois State Police web site January 5, 2014 |
Programs and events for November 2013 Annual Pheasant Hunt at Rend Lake Nov. 10-12 Join hunters from throughout the state at scenic Rend Lake Resort on Nov. 10-12 for the annual Kim Presbrey Memorial Pheasant Hunt, hosted by the Illinois Conservation Foundation. Enjoy an afternoon of trap, skeet, |
and five-stand shooting at the Rend Lake Shooting Complex, followed by an evening pairings reception on Nov. 10, then a full day of pheasant hunting on Nov. 11. Lodging and meals are provided. Proceeds benefit ICF youth conservation education programs. Register online at www.ilcf.org or phone 217-785-2003. |
Targets available The Michigan Department of Natural Resources shooting range webpage www.michigan.gov/shootingranges now has printer-ready targets to download before you go out to sight-in your firearms. Under the �Next Steps� header on the webpage, click on the �Print Targets� link. There are two bulls-eye targets and a turkey patterning target available.
A big thank you goes to John Brooks of Ortonville, who provided the bulls-eye targets for his fellow shooters. There's three weeks left before the f
irearm deer season opener, so head out to the DNR shooting ranges to ensure a clean shot. This week's cool weather is supposed to warm up to the high-40s to the mid-50s in the next week.Print Targets here
reminded to follow off-road vehicle laws
Use maps. For more information, contact the local national forest headquarters.
For more information about ORV regulations � including rules for transporting weapons and hunting provisions for those with disabilities � see the Handbook of Michigan Off-Road Vehicle Laws at www.michigan.gov/orvtrails. Maps of state-designated ORV trails can also be found there. |
Ohio Changes Perch Limits, Requires Bait Inspections The Ohio Wildlife Council passed several rule changes at its meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 16, including lowering the statewide daily limit for |
yellow perch in all waters except Lake Erie and authorizing additional bait inspections to help detect invasive species. |
Wisconsin Crossbow Bill Heads to Governor AB-384 (The crossbow bill) just passed the WI senate on a unanimous voice vote. The bill now goes to Governor Scott Walker (R) where his signature is expected. for signing. Beginning this fall, all resident and non-resident hunters will be able to use a crossbow to hunt deer, bear, turkey, small game, predators and rough fish in WI without having to be 65 and older or handicapped. |
(Click on title or URL to read full article)
Bombshell: Federal judge green-lights lawsuit that could stop Obamacare in its tracks The Affordable Care Act forbids the federal government from enforcing the law in any state that opted out of setting up its own health care exchange, according to a group of small businesses.The Obama administration, according to their lawsuit, has ignored that language in the law, enforcing all of its provisions even in states where the federal government is operating the insurance marketplaces on the error-plagued Healthcare.gov website.Thirty-six states chose not to set up their exchanges, a move that effectively froze Washington, D.C. out of the authority to pay subsidies and other pot-sweeteners to convince citizens in those states to buy medical insurance.But the IRS overstepped its authority by paying subsidies in those states anyway, say the businesses and their lawyers. -
9 Ohio, W.Va. residents with cancer sue DuPont Nine Ohio and West Virginia residents who have cancer and other diseases have filed federal lawsuits against chemical giant DuPont.The lawsuits accuse the Wilmington, Del.-based company of knowingly contaminating drinking-water supplies with a chemical known as C8, used at its plant near Parkersburg, W.Va.
Waukesha sets 4
public meetings on bid for Lake Michigan water
Killer virus no longer killing Great Lakes fish
Fishing captains�
nerves rattled by Lake Michigan salmon catch |
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Reproduction of any material by paid-up members of the GLSFC is encouraged but appropriate credit must be given.
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