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Week of September 20, 2010 |
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Research shows Fish Oils work against Diabetes And Obesity Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have discovered that omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils can help insulin in the body work properly and reduce inflammation.
They have reportedly identified a molecular mechanism that allows omega 3 fatty acids to reduce chronic inflammation and insulin resistance. This could fix the problem for many Americans as the American Diabetes Association reports that 23.6 millions of people in the United States suffer from diabetes, while 26.7 percent of the population is obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The scientists have found a receptor in the body called GPR-120, which � when subjected to omega-3 fatty acids � generates an anti-inflammatory response. Jerrold Olefsky, professor of medicine at UC San Diego who was involved with the research, said that "our work shows how fish oils safely do this and suggest a possible way to treating the serious problems of inflammation in obesity and in conditions like diabetes." |
Writing in the advance online edition of the September 3 issue of the journal Cell, Olefsky and colleagues identified a key receptor on macrophages abundantly found in obese body fat. Obesity and diabetes are closely correlated. The scientists say omega-3 fatty acids activate this macrophage receptor, resulting in broad anti-inflammatory effects and improved systemic insulin sensitivity.
"It's just an incredibly potent effect," said Olefsky, professor of medicine and associate dean of scientific affairs. "The omega-3 fatty acids switch on the receptor, killing the inflammatory response." Scientists also suggest that fish oils could help fight against other illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.
However, Olefsky said more research is required. For example, it remains unclear how much fish oil constitutes a safe, effective dose. High consumption of fish oil has been linked to increased risk of bleeding and stroke in some people. The research is also still unclear on the optimal amount of omega-3 fatty acids that could help individuals at risk of these diseases. However, it may be one step towards finding a cure for millions of Americans. |
Testimony done in Asian carp suit to close locks Meanwhile new Asian Carp populations continue to crop up CHICAGO (AP) � Testimony over three days ended on Friday, Sept 10 in a potentially far-reaching federal lawsuit seeking to close two Illinois shipping locks to thwart the invasive Asian carp.
Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin say that would ensure the carp can't overrun the Great Lakes. Their witnesses testified that such an invasion would devastate a $7 billion-a-year fishing industry. But the city of Chicago, barge companies and others called experts who said closing the locks would undermine flood-control measures and cost businesses billions.
Carp Czar John Goss said recently that he had not reached a conclusion on the separation issue.
One focus during the hearing was the reliability of genetic testing that Lodge, a University of Notre Dame scientist, said showed Asian carp in the Chicago area. "I think there is a risk, a very imminent risk of invasion," biologist David Lodge testified for the states. He added ominously that such "invasions are often irreversible."
Those opposed to closing the locks have cast doubt on the so-called environmental DNA tests, which look, not for the fish itself, but for traces of Asian carp DNA.
Some suggested the carp DNA found near Lake Michigan could have been transported in barges' ballast water and bird droppings. If it was, they argue, that could mean the fish |
themselves aren't necessarily present. But Lodge insisted that by far the most plausible explanation for the DNA is that it came from discarded cells of carp living in the waterway. DNA can degrade within hours, he said, so it probably wouldn't have survived transport in a barge or a bird.
After three days of testimony in Chicago, District Court Judge Robert Dow told lawyers on Sept 10 he'd hear oral arguments sometime in October. The states say carp could enter Lake Michigan from Chicago waterways at any time, so Dow could rule soon after oral arguments.
Meanwhile, Asian carp are now common in the Kansas and other rivers. Kansas Fisheries biologists found high densities of bighead carp and silver carp leaping into the falls at the Bowersock Dam in Lawrence. Asian carp also were reported congregating below the dam at Atchison State Fishing Lake. Asian carp are now found in the Big Blue, Kansas, Missouri and Wakarusa rivers in Kansas. State fisheries experts say any streams that connect to the Kansas or Missouri river likely contain these fish.
"Young-of-the-year (2-3" long) Asian carp were stacked up by the hundreds of thousands," said Kansas Department of Wildlife and Park's aquatic nuisance species specialist Jason Goeckler of an area below the Johnson County WaterOne Coffer Dam. "I've never seen anything like this, and the water was just loaded with them. You can stick a dip net in and pull up 100 or more at a time. Our real concern is that, because they could be easily mistaken for shad or other minnows, anglers will put them in their bait buckets and take them to other waters." |
Synthetically produced Pheromones lure Lampreys into Traps ANN ARBOR -- New research supported by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission suggests sea lamprey pheromones could be a new weapon in the battle to control the destructive sea lamprey in the Great Lakes. Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey�s Hammond Bay Biological Station believe that sea lampreys emit pheromones to attract mates and to indicate suitable spawning areas.
The general attributes of pheromones--naturally occurring, species-specific, effective at low concentrations, and environmental benign�make them ideal candidates for use in sea lamprey control. By applying synthetically produced pheromones to streams, sea lamprey control specialists have enhanced the effectiveness of lamprey traps and may one day be able to disrupt sea lamprey spawning patterns. Recently approved funding from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative will support further advances in this research.
Synthetically-produced pheromones have been developed by researchers from the USgs, led by research ecologist Dr. Nick Johnson, and successfully used in field trials to attract female sea lampreys into traps. Results of Dr. Johnson�s research have formed the basis of a three-year management-scale field experiment that began in 2009, looking at the effects of a synthetically produced component of the male sea lamprey pheromone as trap bait in twenty Great Lakes streams. Currently, managers capture migrating sea lampreys using traps integrated into barriers used for blocking migrating sea lampreys. This conventional barrier-integrated trapping technique captures only about 40% of the migrating sea lampreys within a stream.
Consequently, sea lamprey populations are not as affected as they could be within a stream because each female sea lamprey can produce up to 60,000 eggs. Enhancing trapping efficiency through the use of pheromones as trap bait has the potential to greatly increase the efficiency of trapping as a sea
lamprey control tactic. The field trials have shown promising results by substantially increasing the capture of sea lampreys in pheromone-baited traps compared to non-baited traps.
�Pheromones may be the newest technique in controlling the invasive sea lamprey in the Great Lakes,� said Dr. Johnson. �Enhancing trapping efficiency through the use of synthetic pheromones as trap bait has the potential to reduce sea lamprey populations in streams and turn trapping into a more effective sea lamprey control tactic. Synthetic pheromones have been shown to function over a wide-range of habitat conditions indicating that they would be effective at capturing female sea lampreys in many Great Lakes tributaries. We hope to identify other components of the male sea lamprey pheromone that will make synthetically produced pheromones more closely resemble natural pheromones, thereby increasing their effectiveness as a sea lamprey control method.�
Sea lamprey pheromone research represents an example of successful collaborative research between multiple agencies. Partners include researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey, Michigan State University, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Protocols are being developed that will make it easy to translate pheromone-trapping strategies to managers, who will apply synthetic pheromones to streams across the entire Great Lakes basin once the study is complete.
Development of improved lamprey management techniques is an ongoing part of the commission�s activities, and new research indicates that pheromones may become a key component in the suite of control methods used to control this noxious pest.
www.glfc.org/pressrel/pr100823_3.pdf |
Lamprey Spawning Migration tied to Temperature Range ANN ARBOR -- Research supported by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission is the first to test directly the effect of temperature on the migratory activities of sea lampreys, a factor that could help sea lamprey control experts time their activities to occur when the lampreys are concentrated at their highest.
Throughout much of their lives, sea lampreys are nocturnal. Toward the end of their spring spawning migration, they become active during the daytime. This research shows that daytime activity is triggered by rising temperatures, refuting previous studies stating that daytime activity is linked to sexual maturation. By coordinating their migration to temperature, sea lampreys increase the probability that they will reach spawning grounds at the same time as potential mates and within the narrow thermal range required for successful reproduction.
Under controlled laboratory conditions, scientists from the University of Guelph acclimated four groups of sea lamprey to four different temperatures, measuring changes in daytime and nighttime activity levels according to sudden temperature shifts. Below 7C, sea lampreys were relatively inactive during both the day and the night. Sea lampreys were almost exclusively nocturnal at temperatures up to 15C, but as
temperature increased, nighttime activity extended into the day. The most acute increase in movement occurred when temperatures were changed from 15C to 22C. As daytime activity increased, nighttime activity decreased. The shift to 24-hour activity was most pronounced between 20C and 24C.
�Sea lampreys cease feeding prior to their spring migration and must rely on stored energy to fuel both the migration and the spawning act,� said Dr. Thomas Binder, the study�s lead researcher, now with the U.S. Geological Survey�s Hammond Bay Biological Station. �Sea lampreys must maximize their energy reserves by timing their run to the ideal temperature window. Lampreys require significantly more energy to swim in colder temperatures. By remaining relatively inactive at low temperatures, lampreys are able to reach their spawning grounds with enough energy to spawn.�
Binder continued: �Successful embryonic development only occurs within a narrow thermal range, around 18C. By timing their migration to the temperature range suitable for spawning, lampreys maximize their energy efficiency and the probability that they will reach spawning grounds at the same time as mates, thus increasing their chances of successful reproduction.� This information will help control experts concentrate their efforts during times when migratory intensity is likely to be high. |
Weekly Great Lakes Water Levels for Sept. 17, 2010 Weather Conditions Temperatures in the Great Lakes basin remained near average to below average over the past week. After a passing front dropped less than an inch of rain over the region on Saturday, sunny skies returned for the early part of the week. Another front passed through the region on Thursday, dropping nearly 2 inches of rain across Michigan's Upper Peninsula and an average of a quarter inch across the rest of the basin. Scattered showers and above-average temperatures are expected for the rest of the week and into the weekend. Lake Level Conditions Each of the Great Lakes continues to be below its level of a year ago. Currently, the lakes range from 3 to 9 inches below last year's levels. Over the next 30 days, Lake Superior is expected to remain at its current level, while Lake Michigan-Huron is forecasted to decline 3 inches. It is predicted that Lakes St. Clair, Erie, and Ontario will decline 7, 4, and 6 inches, respectively, during the next month. Forecasted September Outflows/Channel Conditions The outflows from Lake Superior into the St. Mary's River, from Lake Huron into the St. Clair River, and from Lake St. Clair into the Detroit River are expected to be below average in September. The Niagara River's flow from Lake Erie is also |
predicted to be below average, and the flow in the St. Lawrence River is forecasted to be near average throughout September. Alerts Users of the Great Lakes, connecting channels and St. Lawrence River should keep informed of current conditions before undertaking any activities that could be affected by changing water levels. Mariners should utilize navigation charts and refer to current water level readings.
2nd Amendment Issues
FBI Releases 2009 Crime Report As firearms and ammunition experienced record sales in 2009, the nation's crime rates continued to fall, a new report from the FBI shows.
During 2009, violent crime declined for the third straight year, with an estimated 5.3 percent drop from 2008 figures. |
Homicides were down 7.3 percent. The FBI statistics undermine a favorite argument of anti-gun groups and some mainstream media that "more guns equal more crime," especially when you consider that the decrease in violent crime in 2009 occurred at the same time that firearm sales were surging. |
Illinois Fall Trout Fishing begins Oct. 16 Trout to be stocked at 37 locations SPRINGFIELD � The 2010 Illinois fall trout fishing season opens Saturday, Oct. 16 at 37 ponds and lakes throughout the state, the Illinois DNR announced.
More than 70,000 trout are stocked by IDNR at the locations listed below just prior to the opening of the fall trout season. Anglers are reminded that no trout may be taken from any of the stocked sites from Oct. 1 until the fall trout season opens on Oct. 16 at 5 a.m. |
To take trout legally beginning Oct. 16, anglers must have a fishing license and an inland trout stamp, unless they are under the age of 16, blind or disabled or are an Illinois resident on leave from active duty in the Armed Forces. The daily catch limit for each angler is five trout. Anglers are reminded to check the opening time of their favorite trout fishing location if they plan to go fishing on opening day. While regulations allow trout season to open at 5 a.m. on Oct. 16, not all locations are open that early. Click here for more info on the 37 sites: Fall Trout Season |
DNRE Proposes 73 More Miles of Gear-Restricted Trout Streams The Michigan DNRE is proposing to classify an additional 73 miles of streams under Michigan�s gear-restricted streams category.
The proposal, which will be presented to DNRE Director Rebecca Humphries at the Oct. 7 meeting of the Natural Resources Commission in Lansing, is the result of lengthy meetings with fisheries officials and the Citizens Coldwater Regulations Steering Committee.
By law, Michigan can have no more than 212 miles of trout streams that are managed under gear restriction regulations. Currently, there are 105 miles of trout stream with gear restrictions. � We worked very closely with both our Steering Committee members � who represent many of our largest sport fishing,
conservation and environmental groups � as well as the public,� said Jim Dexter, Lake Michigan Basin Coordinator and Regulatory Affairs Supervisor for the DNRE�s Fisheries Division. �The proposed changes represent an on-going commitment to improve regulations that govern fishing for trout and salmon as well as create diverse fishing opportunities for our anglers. Although it is difficult to please everyone with an issue like this, we believe this proposal will enhance some anglers� enjoyment of the resource while building stewardship for managing our limited coldwater resources.�
The public has additional opportunities to comment on the proposal at the Oct. 7, Nov. 4, and Dec. 9 meetings of the Natural Resources Commission in Lansing.
The proposal can be found on-line at the DNRE�s website www.michigan.gov/dnrfishing. |
Fish Chief Smith Honored with American Fisheries Society Mentoring Award Dr. Kelley Smith, chief of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Fisheries Division, recently received a prestigious national award from the American Fisheries Society, recognizing his commitment to increasing workplace diversity through the mentoring of students and colleagues from minority or underrepresented groups.
Smith was named the recipient of the Mentoring for Professional Diversity in Fisheries/Aquatic Sciences Award at a recent AFS annual meeting in Pittsburgh. The award honors individuals who, through professional mentoring, have challenged intellectual growth, provided networking opportunities and career development, offered professional encouragement, support and advocacy, and acted as a positive role model for students and young professionals of diverse backgrounds.
Smith is known by his colleagues as a supportive manager who encourages his staff to pursue professional development and leadership opportunities to achieve their career goals, while using creative strategies to increase knowledge building on the job.
"Kelley is an enthusiastic mentor who willingly and unconditionally shares his time and knowledge with colleagues and peers, and most especially, with students who have an interest in fisheries management," said DNRE Fish Production Manager Gary Whelan. "He has had a dramatic impact on increasing diversity among our future natural resource leaders and we are better for it."
Smith began his career with the DNRE as a research biologist in 1985, was promoted to Fish Production Manager in 1996, and has served as Fisheries Division Chief since 1997. In 2005, Fisheries Division staff founded the Fenske Memorial Award to honor Smith's late wife, Janice Fenske, who was the first female fisheries biologist hired by the DNRE. Smith proudly plays an active role in this award program, which recognizes outstanding young fisheries and wildlife college students and provides networking opportunities and financial assistance to help the students begin their new careers. |
In 2006, Smith also established the Fenske Fellowship program at Michigan State University, which provides substantial funding to graduate students from minority or underrepresented groups to undertake a one-year project with a government fisheries resource agency. During the fellowship, the student works with a mentor from within the agency, who assists the fellow in navigating and understanding the resource agency while providing opportunities for professional development and networking. During the 2009-2010 academic year, Smith served as the Fenske Fellow mentor.
"With a true zeal and commitment to professional diversity, Kelley has personally taken individuals under his tutelage and has challenged them to improve their abilities by providing a broad range of leadership training opportunities, while also ensuring that students from underrepresented or minority groups are recognized for their accomplishments and treated fairly," said Michigan State University Distinguished Professor William Taylor. "I simply cannot imagine a more deserving individual of this award."
In his acceptance comments, Smith said he will continue to focus on encouraging students as they embark on their new careers and become the next generation of natural resource managers.
"My reward over the years has been watching the excited faces of those young students who have benefited from the opportunities presented by the Fenske Award and Fenske Fellowship programs, not to mention tracking the successful starts of their careers," Smith said. "I truly believe additional recognition is not necessary, but I greatly appreciate this award. It is probably the best recognition I have received during my career, and I accept this on behalf of all those who have helped me make a difference in Jan's memory."
Smith earned a B.S. in Fisheries Biology and Management from Michigan State University in 1978, and received both an M.S. in Biometrics and a Ph.D. in Fisheries Biology and Management from the University of Michigan.
Walleye regs on Osakis, Little Osakis to be discussed Sept. 30 The minimum walleye length on Osakis and Little Osakis lakes will be the focus of a Minnesota DNR public meeting from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 30, at the Pollard Community Center, 18 Nokomis Street, in Osakis. DNR fisheries staff will explain the existing 15-inch minimum length limit regulation and solicit public comments on whether the regulation should remain in place, be modified or dropped.
For those unable to attend the local meeting, there also will be
an open house from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 29, at the DNR Headquarters, 500 Lafayette Road, in St. Paul. Staff will be available to take comments on the regulation.
Written comments also may be submitted until Monday, Oct. 11, by e-mail to [email protected] or by mail to DNR Area Fisheries Office, 23070 North Lakeshore Drive, Glenwood, MN 56334. Those who wish to provide comments by phone may call 320-634-4573.
Northern pike regs for Upper Red Lake to be discussed Oct 7 A special regulation that requires anglers to release all northern pike 26 - 40" long from Upper Red Lake has been in place since 2006. A proposal is being considered to modify this regulation to protect larger northern pike from 26 - 44" long.
Minnesota DNR fisheries staff will hold a local public meeting to provide information on the proposal and to accept public comments about whether to proceed with the modification. The meeting will be Thursday, Oct. 7, at 7 p.m., at the North Beltrami Community Center, on Gould Avenue and Main Street
in Kelliher.
For those unable to attend the local meeting, an open house will be held at the DNR Headquarters, 500 Lafayette Road in St. Paul, on Sept. 29 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Staff will be available to take comments on the proposal.
Written comments may also be submitted until Monday, Oct. 18, by e-mail to [email protected], or by mail to DNR Area Fisheries, 2114 Bemidji Ave., Bemidji, MN 56601. Those who wish to provide comments by phone may call 218-308-2339. |
Lake Winnibigoshish walleye regs to be discussed Oct 11 & 12Anglers who fish for walleye on Lake Winnibigoshish and connected waters will have a chance to discuss experimental fishing regulations with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) staff in October.
Each meeting will begin with a short presentation. The presentation will describe the changes in the walleye fishery since 2000, when the DNR implemented regulations requiring anglers to immediately release all walleye 17-to 26-inches in length. Staff will explain several options to change the regulations.
►The first meeting will be 6 p.m., Monday, Oct. 11, at the Bug-O-Nay-Gee-Shig School, Highway 2 between Cass Lake and Bena. ►A second meeting will be 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 12, MN Interagency Fire Center Training Rm, 402 SE 11th Street, Grand Rapids.
Written comments also may be submitted through Friday, Oct. 22, to the DNR Area Fisheries Office, 1201 East Highway 2, Grand Rapids, MN 55744, or by e-mail to [email protected].
DNR seeks input on Leech Lake walleye slot limit Oct 13 Those interested in walleye regulations on Leech Lake can learn more about the Minnesota DNR proposals to maintain or modify existing regulations at an upcoming public meeting. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 13, from 6-9 p.m. at the Walker/Hackensack/Akeley school commons in Walker.
DNR fisheries staff will explain why the department is considering maintaining regulations adopted in 2005, which require Leech Lake anglers to immediately release all walleye 18 - 26" in length. Anglers are allowed to keep up to four walleye, only one of which can be longer than 26".
A second proposal would require anglers to immediately release all walleye 20 - 26" in length. The bag limit would remain at four fish, with one of those walleye allowed to be longer than 26 inches. If DNR population surveys determine that female walleye density was negatively impacted by the reduced slot limit, DNR could revert back to the 18-to 26-inch |
slot limit.
�The ability to revert back to a more protective slot limit gives us flexibility,� said Harlan Fierstine, the DNR�s Walker area fisheries supervisor. �It allows anglers to keep larger fish while providing a useful management tool that allows us to protect younger year classes of walleye, if necessary, to meet population objectives established by Leech Lake�s citizen input committee.�
Those unable to attend the meeting in Walker can discuss the proposals with DNR staff from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 29, at DNR headquarters, 500 Lafayette Road, in St. Paul.
Written comments may be submitted until Monday, Oct. 25, via e-mail to [email protected], or via postal mail to DNR Area Fisheries, 07316 State 371 NW, Walker, MN 56484. Telephone comments can be made by calling the Walker area fisheries office at 218-547-1683. |
New York
Public meeting on 15th Annual Salmon River Hatchery Open House Tours, Fishing Seminars and Kids Games Highlight Activities The New York State (DEC) will hold its 15th annual Salmon River Hatchery Open House and Family Day Saturday, Sept. 25, 2010. Open house hours will be 9- 4 p.m., held in conjunction with the celebration of "National Hunting and Fishing Day."
There will be activities, seminars, and demonstrations throughout the day. Salmon River Corridor outdoor recreational opportunities will be highlighted in each program. Activities, programs and demonstrations will be geared towards hands on activities for youth and families. This year a new art program, courtesy of the Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust, will be featured at the hatchery and the falls.
The open house will be held rain or shine, and admission is free.
The Salmon River Hatchery is located at County Route 22, Altmar, Oswego County.
On Friday evening, Sept. 24, there will be a special seminar featuring John Kendall, President of the Credit River Anglers Association from Ontario, Canada. Kendall's presentation will focus on the role private angler association play in Ontario. Topics include fisheries and habitat management, steelhead enhancement programs, Atlantic salmon restoration, fish culture and stocking of Pacific salmon, stream bank restoration and scientific monitoring. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for a socializing opportunity; the program begins at 7 p.m.
Participation in Friday night's activities will be limited to 75 persons; participants must register in advance. To register, call 315-298-760, or e-mail [email protected] or stop by at the Salmon River Hatchery lobby desk. |
On Saturday, there will be many opportunities for learning and fun. You can tour the hatchery with DEC staff, observe the rare and endangered fish exhibit or learn about fishing for Pacific salmon. Bring the family and learn to cast a fishing rod, tie flies, fly cast and fly fish while enjoying the beautiful fall scenery of the Salmon River Corridor. Kids can participate in "Backyard Bass" and Hook and Ladders fishing programs, or discover the living creatures of Beaver Dam Brook. Families can learn about the heritage of hunting and shooting sports through the 4-H Shooting Sports Program, and participate in the highly popular laser shot game. And persons of all ages may enjoy observing migrating salmon in the fish ladder through the ladder's underwater camera and taking a nature walk at the Salmon River Falls.
Tours of the Salmon River Hatchery will be given every half hour starting at 10:30 a.m. This is the one opportunity during the year where the public is able to access the working parts of the facility with a more up-close-and-personal tour.
Guests can visit the 110-feet-high Salmon River Falls, a DEC Unique Area located four miles from the hatchery. This year at the falls and the hatchery, the Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust will have its "Annual Plein Air Paint Out" -- a group of artists painting together outdoors. The public is invited to visit with the artists, observe their work in progress and ask questions. Paintings created throughout the day will be auctioned off that evening and all proceeds will benefit the land trust.
Along with the scheduled program events there will be many conservation organizations and agencies on hand providing information about their role in the Salmon River Corridor and the Lake Ontario Ecosystem.
For more information contact Fran Verdoliva, NYSDEC Salmon River Coordinator, at 315-298-7605.
PA Fish & Boat Commission offers Family Fishing Program Oct 2 Meadville, PA � Looking for a great way to connect with your family? Discover how much fun fishing can be when you do it together at a PA Fish and Boat Commission Family Fishing Program. Butler County Parks and Recreation and PA Fish and Boat Commission will be sponsoring a Family Fishing Program at Alameda Park on Saturday, October 2, 2010 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The session starts by learning basic fishing skills including types of gear, knots, and casting practice. Participants who attend the entire session will be eligible to go fishing at Alameda Park.
No fishing license is required during the program and all |
equipment and bait is provided. The �catch?� Adults must bring a child and children must bring an adult. You�ll be learning and fishing together. Participants must be eight years of age and older. The program will be held rain or shine so please dress for the weather.
Reservations are required for this event. Please contact Butler County Parks and Recreation to register by calling 724-284-5383. This event is limited to 40 people, so be sure to register as soon as possible!
For more information on Fish and Boat Commission programs, visit www.fishandboat.com and click on Learning Center |
(Click on title or URL to read full article)
Asian carp threat demands a more vigorous response
Gov. Ted
Strickland talks turkey with White House "Carp Czar"
Angling for urgency
32,000 islands of ecological purity
selected for proposed Lake Erie wind farm off Cleveland's coast
attorney general delivers petitions on Asian carp barrier
ends in Great Lakes carp case
Don�t expect Asian Carp czar to leap into action That will be easier said than done. If you want proof of the axiom that "all politics is local," look no further than the Asian carp debacle in America. The businesses and politicians who have blocked the federal government from closing the Chicago canal are from Illinois, as is President Barack Obama, which doesn't give me much confidence in Goss' "independence." |
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