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Week of September 5, 2005 |
Hunting beyond the Great Lakes
Galley Cuisine
DNR seeks comments on experimental walleye regs on Rainy Lake
DNR, 1854 Authority sign conservation law enforcement agreement
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Hunting beyond the Great Lakes
N.C. Wildlife Commission Sets Waterfowl Seasons RALEIGH, N.C. (Aug. 26) � The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission has established season dates, bag limits and other waterfowl hunting regulations for 2005-2006. Duck hunters received a full 60-day season, and goose hunters in the state�s northeastern counties can enjoy the area�s first Atlantic population Canada goose season since 1991.
Working within frameworks established by federal wildlife authorities, the state Wildlife Commission set the following season dates: * ducks, coots and mergansers � Oct. 5-8, Nov. 12-Dec. 3 and Dec. 17-Jan. 28. (Black and mottled duck seasons closed until Dec. 1; season closed on harlequin ducks.) * canvasbacks � Dec. 26-Jan. 28. * sea ducks � Oct. 5-Jan. 28. * brants � Dec. 26-Jan. 28. * tundra swans � Nov. 5-Jan. 31, permit only, 5,000 permits to be issued. * light geese (snow, blue and Ross� geese) � Oct 19-29 and Nov. 12-March 4.
Seasons for dark geese (Canada and white-fronted) vary by |
population zone. For more information about North Carolina�s goose population zones, consult the 2005-2006 Regulations Digest, available online at www.ncwildlife.org, or through a local hunting license vendor. Goose season dates by zone include: * Resident Population Zone � Oct. 5-8, Nov. 12-Dec. 3 and Dec. 17-Jan. 28. * Southern James Bay Population Zone � Oct. 5-15 and Nov. 12-Dec. 31. (Gaddy Goose Refuge closed during late season.) * Northeast Hunt Zone � Jan. 14-31.
The Northeast Hunt Zone, comprising all or parts of 11 northeastern counties, will be a permit-only hunt with a season limit of one bird per hunter. The hunt has been approved for three years during which feathers of all geese harvested will be collected for DNA analysis to determine whether they are residential or migratory. At the end of the first year if participation or harvests are low, the number of permits can be increased.
For more information about waterfowl hunting and regs in North Carolina, www.ncwildlife.org , or call the Division of Wildlife Management at (919) 733-7291. |
Galley Cuisine
Gravlox 2 Salmon Fillets � cup Aquavit Liquor 12 fresh dill sprigs (do not substitute dehydrated dill) 1/3 cup kosher salt � cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon white peppercorns, cracked
Remove the pin bones in the salmon with needle nose pliers. Rinse the fillets under cold water and pat dry with paper towel. Place 1/3 of the dill sprigs in a non-metallic 2� dish. Mix the salt, sugar, peppercorns and aquavit in a bowl. Rub the mixture on the flesh side of each fillet. Put one fillet skin side down in the dish over the dill sprigs already in the dish. Place half of remaining fresh dill sprigs over the salmon in the dish.
Place the fillet on top of the other fillet, flesh side to flesh side |
and placing them thick side to thick side and thin side to thin side so they are even. Place the rest of the dill over the salmon that is skin side up. Cover the fish with plastic wrap; apply it directly to the salmon not over the dish. Find something heavy equal to five pounds, another glass dish with canned foods in it, a couple of clean bricks, etc and place it on top of the salmon.
Place in the refrigerator for 3 or 4 days. 2 or 3 times a day open and peal the fillets apart basting with the liquid in the dish. Recover and place weight back on. To serve remove the dill; wipe the fillets with a paper towel to remove any access salt. Place skin side down on a cutting board and slice diagonally into strips, freeing them from the skin.
** The texture of the fish will not be soft and juicy. It will be a little dry and the flesh firm. Once sliced you can add a little vegetable oil to the meat to soften it. |
How to help with the Katrina Disaster The GLSFC and its members and friends join Americans nationwide in offering our deepest sympathy, thoughts and prayers to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. We ask that our members join in offering their support to our fellow citizens affected by the storm as they struggle to cope with the devastation left in its wake.
We also offer our support to those involved in the ongoing search and rescue, and rebuilding operations, and encourage the angling and boating community who are able, to offer whatever assistance they can. Even if you are far away from where tragedy struck, please check with national organizations and local authorities to see if they are in need of volunteers, donations, or other types of humanitarian assistance.
Donors who want to help victims of Hurricane Katrina should specify that on the check made out to the following organizations:
Some of the more well known organizations:
Salvation Army Disaster Relief P.O. Box 4857 Jackson, MS 39296-4857 800-SAL-ARMY (725-2769)
America's Second Harvest 35 E. Wacker Drive, Ste. 2000 Chicago, IL 60601 800-344-8070
Catholic Charities USA P.O. Box 25168 Alexandria, VA 22313-9788 800-919-9338 |
Jewish Federation Katrina Relief Fund c/o Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago 1 S. Franklin St., Room 625 Chicago, IL 60606 312-444-2854
Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief P.O. Box 116543 Atlanta, GA 30368-6543 (checks payable to North American Mission Board) 800-462-8657, Ext. 6440
United Methodist Committee on Relief UMCOR, P.O. Box 9068 New York, NY 10087-9068 800-554-8583
Salvation Army Disaster Relief P.O. Box 4857 Jackson, MS 39296-4857 800-SAL-ARMY (725-2769)
American Red Cross P.O. Box 37243 Washington, D.C. 20013 800-HELP-NOW (435-7669
Stocking Permit Now Required for Public Freshwaters of N.C. RALEIGH, N.C. (Aug. 31) � Anyone interested in the stocking public, inland fishing waters of North Carolina with fish, mollusks or crustaceans first must obtain a stocking permit issued by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. The new regulation was approved by the Wildlife Commission in March and went into effect July 1. Previously, stockings were unregulated in North Carolina.
�This new regulation protects native or legally established aquatic species from the potentially damaging effects of unauthorized stockings,� said Bob Curry, chief of the Wildlife Commission�s Division of Inland Fisheries. �Instead of banning stockings outright, the Commission passed this regulation to give us an opportunity to assess on a case-by-case basis the impacts that proposed stockings may have on established fisheries.�
Unauthorized stockings can have long-lasting, negative impacts, such as altering the existing aquatic community through predation or competition; introducing diseases, parasites and unwanted fish species; and degrading water quality and habitat. Ecological impacts of stocked fish are |
rarely reversible, and the time, money and resources spent on mitigation and management far exceed any benefit the stocked fish may have had.
Biologists typically stock waters to maintain fish populations that have no or limited natural reproduction potential. Stocking also is used to restore fish stocks depleted as a result of fish kills, habitat loss or overfishing. In fact, fish stockings are one of the more important fisheries management tools available to biologists. The Wildlife Commission�s six hatcheries raise nearly 8 million fish for stocking into public, inland fishing waters every year.
Unauthorized stockings rarely meet the expectations of anglers and can pose serious risks to existing fisheries. While most anglers stock their favorite waters with the best of intentions � to improve or support an existing recreational fishery � they can do more harm than good.
To obtain an application for a stocking permit, or for more information on fishing in North Carolina�s public freshwaters, visit the Wildlife Commission�s Web site, www.ncwildlife.org or call the Division of Inland Fisheries, (919) 733-3633. |
Lake Michigan Stocking conference Sept 24 The long anticipated Lake Michigan Stocking Conference has been scheduled for Sept 24 in Kenosha. WI.
The Lake Michigan management agencies are considering reduced stocking to meet ecosystem objectives, and would like to know the opinions of the interested public. This conference will provide a scientific review of the status of predator and prey communities, and present options for future stocking designed to meet prescribed objectives.
Growth rates of Chinook salmon have declined over the past several years and forage abundance is down. Regional fisheries scientists say community dynamics in Lake Huron have shifted drastically and could impact Lake Michigan�s balance.
Hosted by the Wisconsin DNR, and sponsored by the four Lake Michigan states and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, the conference will be held at the University of Wisconsin - Parkside, 900 Wood Rd, Kenosha, WI 53141, 8:30-3 PM Central Time. Pre-registration, is required, and cost |
is $10 covering lunch and breaks.
The draft agenda plan is for agencies to present information in the morning with breakout sessions right after lunch, and a wrap-up session winding down the meeting.
Suggested lodging: Baymont Inn; 7540 118th Avenue; Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158. www.baymontinns.com 262-857-7911 (Reserve by Sept 9, ask for Salmon Conference. Room rate is $58/night plus tax)
For more information: contact Phil Moy, UW Sea Grant, at 920-683-4697 or [email protected] . For directions, see www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Fisheries/ and click on "Salmon Stocking Conference"
The registration form is posted at http://www.great-lakes.org/fall05LkMichSC-Annoucement.html. Register by Sept 19.
Your input into the decision making process is important! |
Section of deal to protect the lakes should be removed or it could lead to mass diversion From theToronto Star A striking loophole, known as article 207.9, lurks in the final draft of the Great Lakes Annex Agreement and it should raise alarm bells for those committed to preserving and protecting the world's largest body of fresh water. Under that article, water bottling companies will have free rein to extract water from any of the five Great Lakes and package it for human consumption, provided the containers they use are 20 litres or smaller in size.
This loophole spells nothing less than a bonanza for the bottled-water industry. Today, bottled water is the fastest growing segment of the global water industry. In the past decade alone, consumption of bottled water has more than doubled in the U.S. while, in Canada, it now outpaces that of coffee, tea, apple juice or milk.
In both countries, close to a fifth of the population depends on bottled water for their hydration needs. Worldwide, the bottled water industry rakes in billions of dollars annually.
Unlimited access to the Great Lakes basins also provides a monumental gift to some of the world's largest brand name corporations. Fifteen years ago, the bottled water industry in North America was composed of hundreds of independent, locally based firms. Now, the industry is dominated by four giants of the global food and beverage market � Nestl�, Coca-Cola, Pepsico and Danone. More recently, Coca-Cola's takeover of Danone's bottled water operations in North America, including its flagship product, Evian, means that the industry will be dominated by the "Big-3."
At the same time, these companies traditionally pay next to nothing for the water they extract.
In the U.S. and Canada, Nestl� and Danone generally take their water from rural springs, while Coke and Pepsi get their water directly from municipal water systems.
Yet, regardless of the source, these corporations pay little for their water extractions compared with the prices they charge for the product. Studies show the mark-up for bottled water is often thousands of times that of ordinary tap water. By granting the bottled water industry unlimited access to the Great Lakes, this rip-off will undoubtedly accelerate.
As well, the decision to allow unlimited bottled water takings does not square with the Annex's own stated objectives, namely, to ensure efficient use and conservation of water |
How can new or increased water withdrawals from the lakes be governed by efficiency of use and conservation rules if the bottled water industry is allowed to take what it wants for its rapidly expanding market? Although the Annex clause assumes these bottled water takings will be used for regional consumption, the global nature of the bottled-water industry, dominated by players like Nestl�, Coke and Pepsi, suggests otherwise.
Even more disturbing, is the danger that Article 207.9 provides yet another tool for corporations to open the floodgates for bulk water takings and exports. Under international trade treaties like the North American Free Trade Agreement, water is understood to be an economic good.
Once water, as an economic good, is extracted and sold for commercial purpose, no government or regulatory regime would be allowed to put a ban or even a quota on it.
In other words, since Article 207.9 permits companies to extract water from the Great Lakes basin for sale as bottled water, it triggers the provisions and rules of NAFTA. Once this happens, there is nothing to stop a bulk water export company � or consortium of companies � from using the rules of NAFTA to compel governments to lift their restrictions on bulk water takings from the Great Lakes.
To be sure, the architects of the Annex want to conserve and protect the Great Lakes basin against bulk water takings. But, the Annex also makes it clear that its regulatory measures are subordinate to international trade treaties and laws. In short, the rules of NAFTA trump the standards and measures outlined in the Annex.
Moreover, any government that slaps a ban on a bulk water taking could be sued directly by a water extraction company for violating NAFTA's rules. In British Columbia, for example, the Sunbelt company filed a legal challenge claiming $10 billion (U.S.) in lost profits because the government imposed a ban on bulk water exports.
Article 207.9 opens the door for costly trade challenges that benefit corporate interests, not to mention the loophole itself is nothing more than a huge gift to the bottled water giants. Without article 207.9, which allows water to be taken from the Great Lakes and sold for commercial purposes, the rules of NAFTA would likely remain dormant. If the architects of the Annex really do want to protect the Great Lakes from bulk water takings, then they must remove Article 207.9. |
Weekly Great Lakes Water Levels for September 2, 2005 Lake Level Conditions: Lake Superior is currently 3 inches lower than last year, while the remaining lakes are 6 to 7 inches below the levels of a year ago. Dry conditions this spring and summer are the main reason that water levels on the Great Lakes are below last year�s levels. Looking ahead, Lake Superior is expected to fall 1 inch over the next month. Lake Michigan-Huron should fall 2 inches while the remaining lakes are expected to fall 4 to 6 inches over the next month, as the lakes continue their seasonal declines. Levels over the next few months on all the Great Lakes are expected to remain lower than 2004. See our Daily Levels web page for more water level information.
Current Outflows/Channel Conditions: The Lake Superior outflow through the St. Marys River into Lake Huron is projected to be near average during the month of September. Flows in the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers are anticipated to be below average during September. Flows in the Niagara River and St. Lawrence River are expected to be near in September.
Alerts: Users of the Great Lakes, connecting channels and St. Lawrence River should keep informed of current conditions before undertaking any activities that could be affected by |
changing water levels. Mariners should utilize navigation charts and refer to current water level readings.
NRA Sponsors 18th Youth Wildlife Art Contest (Fairfax, VA)--The NRA is now accepting entries for its 2005 Youth Wildlife Art Contest. The contest, the 18th in the annual series, is open to students in grades 1 through 12 (including home-schooled children). NRA membership is not required. The deadline to enter is October 3, 2005.
Winners in each grade category will receive $500. Second-place finishers will receive $250, and the third-place award will be $100.
Entries may be submitted in one of four categories, based on school grade. Category I includes grades 1 through 3. Category II is for grades 4 through 6. Category III covers grades 7 through 9, and Category IV includes grades 10 through 12. Entries may portray any North American game bird or animal that may be legally hunted or trapped. Endangered species and non-game animals, such as eagles and snakes, are not eligible subjects. Call (703) 267-1531 if you need to confirm whether a certain animal or bird is eligible.
Contestants are limited to one entry each. Entries may be in a medium of the artist�s choice (oil, water color, pastels, pencil, pen and ink, charcoal, etc.). Submissions should be on good quality bond or drawing paper, or illustration board. Preferred |
sizes for the image are 8-1/2" x 11" or 11" x 14"; matting is optional. Entries need not be framed. Composition must be original. Photographs may be used for reference, but artwork determined to have been traced or copied from an existing photograph or work of art will be disqualified.
Entries must arrive at NRA by October 3, 2005, and must be accompanied by a brief statement signed by the student�s parent, guardian, or teacher attesting to the originality of the work and verifying the artist�s grade level as of October 3, 2005. In addition, the artist�s name, home address, phone number, age, and grade must be printed on the back of the entry or on a note attached to the back of the entry. Entries will be judged on effort, creativity, anatomical accuracy, and composition.
Send entries to: NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030. Entries will be returned only if accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. NRA assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged artwork, and reserves all rights to reproduce entries. The immediate families of NRA staff members are not eligible to enter. Questions regarding the contest may be directed to (703) 267-1531. |
Lake Superior
Lake Superior's lamprey population booms DULUTH, Minn. -- Lake Superior's population of sea lamprey is exploding. Numbers of the eel-like creature, which feed by attaching their teeth-filled mouth to lake trout and other fish, nearly doubled in western Lake Superior in the last year, |
according to state and federal biologists. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' lamprey trap in Brule River caught 9,478 lamprey this year, three times last year's catch and the most in the barrier's 20-year history.
Gov. signs bill to protect aquatic resources Law to limit spread of invasive species SPRINGFIELD � Illinois Governor Rod R. Blagojevich on August 16 signed a new law to help contain the spread of invasive species, such as the Asian Carp Fish, which threaten the livelihood of commercial fishermen and the ecological balance of Lake Michigan.
Representative Lisa Dugan (D-Kankakee) and Senator Debbie Halvorson (D-Chicago Heights) sponsored House Bill 1181, with assistance and input from the IL DNR and Great Lakes Sport Fishing Council. The bill will help prevent the spread of exotic invasive species by bait dealers and the public, as well as prohibiting the release of unwanted species in Illinois waters.
House Bill 1181 includes three major provisions, amending the fish and aquatic code:
It clarifies the definition of minnow, to prevent both commercial and sport fisherman from using or selling invasive species as bait. The clarification allows the Illinois Department of Natural resources to regulate potentially undesirable species imported to and transported within the state of Illinois. Those fish specifically identified as not a minnow are: common carp, goldfish, bighead carp, black carp, grass carp, and silver carp. The bighead, black, grass and silver carp are known as Asian carp.
It increases penalties for those who release injurious species into Illinois waters from a petty offense to a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by a maximum one year jail term |
and $2,500 fine. It allows DNR to regulate the sale of aquatic life, regardless of its intended use, whether for bait or pets.
A critical facet of the legislation is the list specifying which species are indigenous, or naturally growing, in the state of Illinois. In the past, Illinois law regulations applied only to aquaculture, but not to activities such as transportation, stocking on private property, live sale and distribution of fish, and food fish.
�This law provides needed steps to prevent importation of Asian Carp into Illinois, and the muscle to enforce the new provisions,� said Sen. Halvorson. �We must be aggressive in going after this invader of Illinois ecosystems.�
Asian Carp can grow to be as large as one hundred pounds in size. They eat up to three times their weight daily in plankton. They compete for food with larval fish, paddlefish, bigmouth buffalo, and freshwater mollusks.
�Several waterways around our state have seen this non-native species already take over,� Rep. Dugan said. �This is one way we can stop its spread so that our natural resources will be available for years to come.�
All four of the Asian carps that are established in the United States spread quickly after introduction, became very abundant, and hurt native fishes either by damaging habitats or by consuming vast amounts of food. They destroy habitat and reduce water quality for native fishes by uprooting or consuming aquatic vegetation. |
Gov. announces $2.5 million for bike trails Projects Provide Safe Places to Ride in 11 Communities SPRINGFIELD - Governor Rod Blagojevich announced more than $2.5 million in bicycle path grants for 11 communities statewide, expanding local and regional bike trails that provide safe places to ride for families, children, commuters, and fitness and recreation enthusiasts.
The Bicycle Path Grant Program is administered by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. It reimburses local governments up to half the cost of approved land acquisition and development costs for bicycle trail projects. The program is funded through a percentage of the motor vehicle title transfer fee and has supported acquisition and development of nearly 1,000 miles of local community bike paths |
throughout the state.
A list of the communities: Glen Carbon, Village of (Madison County), $200,000, Lake County (DOT), $200,000, Lake in the Hills, Village of (McHenry County), $127,500, Madison County Transit District, $200,000, Marine, Village of (Madison County), $200,000, Peoria Park District (Peoria County), $200,000, Rockton Township (Winnebago County), $198,400 Skokie, Village of (Cook County), $720,000 St. Clair County Transit District, $107,000, Will County Forest Preserve District, $200,000 Yorkville, City of (Kendall County), $200,000 |
DNR to repair dam at Kunkel Lake Public open house set for September 7 at Ouabache The Indiana DNR will host a public information open house at the Ouabache State Park Lodge from 7 - 9 p.m. on Wednesday, September 7, to discuss the repair and upgrade of the dam and spillway at Kunkel Lake near Bluffton. Admission to the park will be free.
Plans and timelines for the construction at the Wells County site will be unveiled. The DNR has been monitoring repair and upgrade needs of the Kunkel Lake dam for several years. These repairs are part of the statewide plans to upgrade sub-standard DNR-owned dams throughout the state.
The DNR expects to drain the lake starting in mid-September. |
Once construction begins, the lake will be closed to public use until construction is completed over the winter. DNR officials expect the lake to be open for boating next summer.
Some fish in the lake will be moved to holding ponds at Roush Lake in September. Fishing regulations will not be relaxed during drawdown, due to the short time frame. Restocking of salvaged fish will occur as the lake refills. Supplemental stocking of channel catfish and other species, if needed, will occur in fall 2006. Trees will be removed on the dam to make the dam embankment safe. New trees will be planted at a 5:1 ratio in other areas of the park.
Kunkel Lake is a 24-acre impoundment located about 4 miles east of Bluffton off S.R. 201 in northeastern Indiana. |
DNR seeks feedback on new wildlife conservation plan The Indiana DNR is seeking feedback on the state's new Comprehensive Wildlife Strategy - the guiding document for keeping Indiana wildlife and habitats healthy.
The goal of the strategy is to keep species off the endangered species list by conserving wildlife and habitat at the all-encompassing landscape scale. Public comment is a crucial element to developing a strategy. To encourage an integrated approach to wildlife conservation, Congress required all states to develop comprehensive wildlife strategies by October 1, 2005. States have developed strategies by following specific guidelines provided by Congress.
The USFWS must approve strategies in order for states to be eligible for continued federal nongame wildlife funding. |
Continued federal funding will allow DNR and other conservation partners to work together to keep common species common. "This has never been done before," said Glen Salmon, director of the DNR fish and wildlife division. "Having all 50 states and U.S. territories simultaneously developing these strategies presents a tremendous opportunity for conservation at a landscape scale."
DNR gathered input from technical experts and more than 160 Hoosier conservation organizations to develop the Indiana CWS. The strategy focuses on wildlife and habitats in greatest need of conservation.
The public comment period is Aug. 24-Sept. 21, 2005. View the draft CWS plan and provide input at:
Lake Monroe monarch-tagging demo set for Sept 10-11 Naturalists from Lake Monroe will demonstrate the tagging of monarch butterflies on Saturday and Sunday, September 10 and 11, starting each day at 10 a.m. The demonstrations will take place at Stillwater Marsh at the north end of Lake Monroe.
Each year, millions of monarch butterflies migrate to the mountains of Mexico, but little is known of their migratory pathway. "By affixing tags to the underside of their wings, biologists hope to eventually put together a map of migration routes based on the recovery of these tagged butterflies," says Jeff Riegel, interpretive naturalist at Lake Monroe.
Six monarchs tagged at Stillwater Marsh in September 2003 were recovered that winter in Mexico. Approximately 200,000 |
monarchs will be tagged in the eastern part of the United States as part of Monarch Watch, a citizen science program administered by the University of Kansas. Participants in these demonstrations will be taught how to procure their own tags for marking the monarchs next year.
There is no fee for the demo.
To get to Stillwater Marsh, go east out of Bloomington on Highway 46. Approximately four miles from the intersection of Highways 46 and 446, turn right onto Kent Road. The parking area for Stillwater Marsh is about 300 yards down Kent Road on the right.
For more information, contact the Lake Monroe interpretive center at 812-837-9967. |
Lake Michigan coast week Sept. 10-17 Lake Michigan is many things to many people. It is a source of recreation, drinking water, industrial resources and other uses beyond measure. We invite you to share with us in celebrating the beauty and diversity of the coastal region during coast week, Sept. 10 - 17.
A variety of events, sponsored by the DNR's Lake Michigan coastal program and other coastal region organizations, will celebrate the splendor of the region while increasing awareness and understanding of the importance of the region to Northwest Indiana.
Some of the events include: * South Shore Train tour of the coastal area with special |
guest speakers (FREE - limited seating available - register early); * Hoosier Riverwatch volunteer water monitoring workshop - Chesterton; * Clean Water Fair - Gary; * Saving the savanna tour - Indiana Dunes; * Healthy Water/Healthy People workshop; * Coast week celebration/edutainment for all ages - Michigan City; * Native seed collection field training;
Wherever Hoosier's interests lie, there will be an activity or two they'll find interesting and exciting. To find out more about the activities, see www.in.gov/dnr/lakemich/news/coastweek |
Forest wildlife seminar Sept 29 � Oct 1 Indiana COVERTS Project is sponsoring a forest wildlife seminar for landowners and others interested in improving forest wildlife habitat from Sept. 29 to Oct. 1. The informal 2 1/2 day seminar, based at the Indiana FFA Leadership Center near Trafalgar, teaches participants how to improve wildlife habitat through sound forest and wildlife management practices. Training will include indoor and outdoor sessions in ecology and forest and wildlife management. Each participant will receive extensive reference materials and will become part of an informed statewide network of woodland owners and |
forestry and wildlife professionals. Food and lodging is provided. The registration fee is $40.
A covert is a thicket affording sheltering habitat for wildlife. Indiana COVERTS Project is a joint effort of the National Wild Turkey Federation, Ruffed Grouse Society, Purdue University, and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
More Project info and application: www.agriculture.purdue.edu/fnr/wildlife/Coverts/index.html Or contact Extension Wildlife Specialist Brian MacGowan at 765-647-3538 or [email protected]
State Allots Much Needed Capital to DNR The 2005 State Budget Committee has allotted to the DNR over $20 million of its $70,915,559 biannual capital budget. This money will be utilized for capital improvements at various DNR properties.
"This is exciting progress for the DNR and the entire state," said Kyle Hupfer, Director of the DNR. "Over the past four years, while the legislature has appropriated over $144 million to the DNR for capital projects, the DNR was only allowed to actually utilize $62 million of that overall capital funding amount. As a result, there are a significant number of capital projects that are in need of being addressed. Because of Governor Daniel's commitment to have a balanced budget come out of the legislature this past session, the DNR is now in a position to receive all of its appropriated capital funds during this biennium." |
The DNR has been spending a considerable amount of time prioritizing capital projects around the state. The first projects being completed are those where a risk of a complete loss of a building or public safety is an issue. After that, projects will be prioritized based upon the potential for a positive economic impact to the DNR and/or surrounding communities.
Hupfer added, "During my seven months with the DNR, I have seen firsthand how precious our state properties are to our fellow Hoosiers. I appreciate that the State Legislature respects the incredible responsibility we bear in taking care of these properties for future generations."
Over the next few weeks, the DNR will visit locations around the state to announce specific projects.
Patoka offers archery class for beginners Sept. 10 Visitors to Patoka Lake Reservoir Sept. 10 can take aim, as conservation officers offer a hands-on beginner's archery class at the visitors center. This class, offered from 9 a.m.-noon EST, will cover proper technique, tree stand safety, bow hunters' responsibility and more.
"This is an excellent refresher for veteran hunters, as well," said Maria Abel-Crecelius, Patoka Lake interpretive naturalist, |
adding that participants must be aged 10 or older.
Equipment will be provided. Space is limited. Please register in advance by calling the Patoka Lake visitors center at 812-685-2447. This program is free with the $4 per vehicle ($5 out of state) gate fee.
Patoka Lake Reservoir is located in Wickliffe. For more info call 812-685-2447.
High-Tech Buoy Monitors Weather TRAVERSE CITY (AP) - A solar-powered buoy bobbing on the surface of Grand Traverse Bay is providing boaters, forecasters and other interested people with up-to-date information about the Lake Michigan waterway's sometimes volatile weather.
And that's just for starters, if scientists have their way. The floating device is being added to a developing network of Great Lakes buoys that could support research projects on topics ranging from global warming to oxygen depletion.
The University of Michigan's Marine Hydrodynamics Lab is managing data transmitted from the buoy, which was launched last month. The information, updated every 10 minutes, became available over the Internet this week. The buoy will be removed during winter, when the bay surface often freezes.
The buoy is about 10 feet high, but only the top 4.5 feet reaches above the surface. It's fitted with sensors that measure wind speed and direction, wave height, and temperatures of the air and surface water. It is anchored about 1.5 miles north of Traverse City on the western arm of the bay, where the water is 150 feet deep.
The National Weather Service monitors the same conditions from the Cherry Capital Airport, only a few miles away. "But the wind changes dramatically as it encounters the edge of the land," said Guy Meadows, director of the university lab. "It's very important to get measurements in the water itself." The buoy already is proving valuable to the weather service office in Gaylord, which prepares marine forecasts for a wide area that includes Grand Traverse Bay. |
"Even with all the satellites and radars and other tools we have, there's a surprising lack of direct measurements of the marine environment," forecaster Steve Rowley said. "For the first time, we have an instrument that can help provide those measurements of the winds and waves."
The data will be valuable for recreational boaters, sport and commercial fishermen and others who need accurate information about conditions on the roughly 30-mile-long bay, Meadows said. It also will assist educational programs. Law enforcement agencies could consult the database for updates on water currents when searching for drowning victims, Meadows said.
The buoy, which cost about $60,000, previously was placed in Lake St. Clair. It generated information for a computer model the University of Michigan lab developed to track water flow and predict when pollutants such as E. coli might drift near shore. Great Lakes beaches sometimes are closed when sewer overflows contaminate the waters with E. coli, a bacterium that can cause diarrhea, dehydration and other illnesses.
Scientists want to produce a similar model for Grand Traverse Bay, Meadows said.
The device has been added to a computer-linked network of Great Lakes buoys. Together, they are part of an observation system under development to support research into climate change, low oxygen levels and other topics.
The buoy also will supply information to a data center operated by the National Weather Service, which manages two other buoys in Lake Michigan. |
DNR Seeks Park Visitor Comments Park and Recreation System Funding Changes Visitors to state park and recreation areas will have an opportunity to share their opinions about a proposed short-term financing plan for the state park and recreation system by the Citizens Committee for Michigan State Parks and make suggestions to ensure adequate future funding for Michigan's premier state park system, state park officials announced today.
Postage paid, self-addressed postcards will be available in all state parks with campgrounds and in four day-use locations providing information about the fee increase proposal and facts about the system's financial challenge starting this weekend.
The two-sided postcards provide info about the proposed fee increases being considered Sept. 8 by the NRC to be acted upon by DNR Director Rebecca Humphries. The card also includes info about how Michigan's state park system stacks up to systems in other states. The same information will be available on the DNR Web site at www.michigan.gov/dnr |
under the Parks and Recreation section. Also, feedback will be taken by e-mail at [email protected] .
The Citizens Committee for Michigan State Parks and the Parks and Recreation Division is recommending fee increases, including a $4 per night increase at 35 high-demand campgrounds and fee increases related to the Central Reservation System. The fees are expected to generate $4.5 million in revenue to aid the DNR in maintaining and operating state parks until a long-term financial plan is put in place to address state park funding. State parks are funded almost exclusively by user fees, including motor vehicle passes and camping fees, and an endowment from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund. Michigan is tied for last in the nation in terms of general tax support for state parks.
Director Humphries is expected to decide on the proposal at the NRC's regular meeting Sept. 8 at Michigan Technological University in Houghton.
Hoffmaster Park Hosts 12th Annual Sportsmen for Youth Day Sept 10 P.J. Hoffmaster State Park will hold the 12th Annual Youth Day on Saturday, Sept. 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Organized by the nonprofit group Sportsmen for Youth, this event introduces youngsters to Michigan's outdoor heritage and helps youths discover a greater appreciation for hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation.
Sportsmen For Youth, a group of area sporting and conservation organizations including the Grand River chapter of Whitetails Unlimited, Lakeshore Safari Club, Muskegon Bowmen and the Michigan United Conservation Clubs, have pooled resources to coordinate the day-long event.
The event offers hands-on activities and special demonstrations, conducted and supervised by each of the participating organizations will be held in the day-use beach parking area. The events include:
* MUCC offers two wetland programs at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. * Park Interpreter Elizabeth Brockwell-Tillman will present live Michigan turtles throughout the day. * Muskegon-based DNR wildlife biologists will have a |
display of Michigan mammals and waterfowl. * DNR Conservation Officer Dave Shaw will be doing a hands-on activity with children to illustrate carrying capacity and deer management.
All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at a ratio of at least one parent or guardian per five youths. All youths will enter drawings for door prizes provided by the sporting organizations. Hot dogs and refreshments are provided free to kids.
Sportsmen for Youth Day activities are free; however, a state park motor vehicle permit is required for entry into the park. Permits are $6 for the day or $24 for a resident annual permit, which is valid at any state park.
P.J. Hoffmaster State Park is located at 6585 Lake Harbor Rd,, Muskegon. Take US-31 to the Pontaluna Road exit and go west three miles to the park entrance. Call the park at (231) 798-3711 for more information. Overflow parking for vehicles with a state park motor vehicle permit is available at the Muskegon Motorcycle Club, three-quarters of a mile north on Lake Harbor Rd. A shuttle will take visitors from this parking lot to the event. |
State gets $4 million for harbor dredging West Michigan will receive $4 million in federal funds designated for dredging. Dredging funds for Michigan harbors were included in the recently enacted Energy Bill. The funds primarily target harbors that have commercial shipping, including the ports of Frankfort, Grand Haven, Holland, |
Muskegon, Ludington Pentwater and Saugatuck.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials said most of the projects include dredging the outer and inner harbors of the targeted cities |
DNR seeks comments on experimental walleye regs on Rainy Lake Meetings to be held September 22 and October 18 The Minnesota DNR will be hosting public meetings this fall to gather input on walleye regulations on Rainy Lake.
The first of these meetings will be an open house at the DNR Central Office, 500 Lafayette Rd, St. Paul, MN on September 22 from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. The second meeting will be held in International Falls at Rainy River Community College on October 18, 2005 at 7:00 pm. The forums are intended to provide background information, answer questions, and take public input on walleye regulations on Rainy Lake.
Rainy Lake walleye have been protected with a slot limit since |
1994, one of the first such regulations in Minnesota. The current regulation requires the immediate release of all walleye from 17 to 28 inches, with one walleye over 28 inches allowed in a possession limit of four. This regulation expires on March 1, 2006 and may be modified, extended or dropped following review and public input. DNR's preferred alternative at this time is to extend the current regulation for 10 years.
Comments on the walleye regulation review will be accepted at the DNR Area Fisheries Office in International Falls, 392 Highway 11 East; (218) 286-5220; [email protected] . All comments must be received by October 28, 2005.
DNR, 1854 Authority sign conservation law enforcement agreement The 1854 Authority and the Minnesota DNR recently signed a conservation law enforcement agreement that implements state law (M.S. 626.94). The agreement deals with enforcement of state and band game and fish, natural resource and recreation laws and regulations within the geographic boundaries of the 1854 Treaty Area in northeastern Minnesota.
The joint powers agreement allows 1854 Authority |
conservation officers to enforce state laws and rules, and allows Minnesota DNR conservation officers to enforce 1854 Authority Conservation Codes. This agreement is the only one of its kind in Minnesota. The 1854 Authority is an inter-tribal natural resource organization that implements the off-reservation hunting, fishing and gathering rights of the Grand Portage and Bois Forte Bands of the Lake Superior Chippewa in the territory ceded under the Treaty of 1854.
Information about the 1854 Authority and its geographic boundaries is available on the web at www.1854authority.org . |
ScotchGard Whistleblower files federal Free Speech Suit Gag Order Against Speaking with Legislators and at Conferences on �Emerging Contaminants Minneapolis � The Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and her top deputies have forbidden the coordinator for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) program on emerging contaminants from speaking at scientific seminars
A Minnesota state scientist has been forbidden from answering questions submitted by legislators or accepting invitations to speak at scientific conferences about the public health threat from new, high-tech, emerging contaminants, according to a federal civil rights suit released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). The federal suit filed in Minneapolis names Sheryl Corrigan, Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and her top deputies as defendants.
Dr. Fardin Oliaei, the coordinator for the MPCA program on emerging contaminants, has been reprimanded for expressing opinions in media interviews that do not match official policy, forbidden from speaking at scientific seminars and had her funding cut off for investigations into chemical contaminants.
The suit cites the First Amendment, federal civil rights statutes and the Minnesota Human Rights and Whistleblower Acts. Dr. Oliaei is seeking to have agency gag orders lifted and to be allowed to complete her scientific research free from further harassment. MPCA Commissioner Corrigan, a former 3M executive, has blocked Dr. Oliaei�s investigations into chemicals manufactured by 3M that were used in nationally distributed products, such as Scotchgard, Teflon, Stainmaster and Gore-Tex. |
�Government scientists are protected on the job by the First Amendment precisely because they work for the public,� stated Rockford Chrastil of the Minneapolis firm of Chrastil and Steinberg who is serving as the lead attorney in the case, noting that the new federal suit subsumes many of Dr. Oliaei�s prior administrative filings. �Forcing public science through the screen of politics does a dangerous disservice to the people whose drinking water and health may be at risk.�
The chemicals at issue include � ► PFDs, perfluorochemical compounds, which bio-accumulate in living tissue and do not break down. While not yet categorized as a human carcinogen, PFCs have caused birth defects and deaths in animal studies. 3M began to phase out production of the chemicals in 2000, but hundreds of thousands of pounds remain in the environment;
► PBDEs, or polybrominated diphenyl ethers; which are among the most widely used of the brominated flame retardants. Found widely throughout the environment, PBDEs also bio-accumulate in humans, wildlife and aquatic organisms and have been associated with endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, and developmental neurotoxicity; and ► Suites of new agents that are chemical variations of phased out agents. Each year, approximately 1,700 chemicals are introduced into the stream of commerce without prior public health review.
�These chemicals are already spreading rapidly through the environment and can even be found in the flesh of fish from the remote waters of Voyageurs National Park,� added PEER General Counsel Richard Condit, a leading whistleblower attorney who is assisting in the case. �As its name implies, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is supposed to investigate not ignore emerging pollution threats.� |
New York
NY seeks public comment on invasive species The New York State departments of Environmental Conservation and Agriculture and Markets are seeking public comment on the recently released Draft Report of the New York State Invasive Species Task Force. The report (available online from the task force web site) describes problems associated with invasive plants, animals and pathogens, and discusses existing efforts by government, conservation groups and industry. It also makes recommendations about |
how New York can more effectively combat this growing and expensive threat. Comments on the ISFT Draft Report will be accepted through September 14, 2005.
All comments must be written. They can be sent electronically to [email protected] ("ISTF Report" in subject line) or mailed to NYSDEC, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-4756, Attn: ISTF Report. |
Auxiliary assists at houseboat sinking CINCINNATI - USCG Auxiliary personnel assisted rescue crews at a houseboat that sank August 25 in the Ohio River near Cincinnati. Three unidentified bodies were recovered and |
another, Gary Betz, 48, of Cincinnati, was recovered Thursday. Rescued Thursday was David Caudill, 44, of Clermont County, Ohio. |
Middle Creek to host Wildfowl show Sept 17-18 HARRISBURG - The Pennsylvania Game Commission's Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area will host its 19th Annual Middle Creek Wildfowl Show on Sept. 17-18. The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Admission is free, but donations are graciously accepted and benefit the Wildlands Preservation Fund to preserve wild lands. Middle Creek is along Hopeland Road, two miles south of Kleinfeltersville, on the Lebanon-Lancaster county line.
The show features wildfowl carvings, artwork, collectibles and |
carving supplies from over 60 vendors. Retriever demonstrations will be at 10 a.m. and noon on Saturday, Sept. 17, and at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 18. Two different retriever clubs will display their dogs' abilities, both with water retrievals, and upland retrievals.
Decoy competitions will be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, and winners will be announced at 4 p.m. Pennsylvania State Duck and Goose Calling Championships will be held at 2 p.m. on Sunday. Food vendors will be selling throughout the show. For further information or directions, call 717-733-1512. |
Pymatuning Waterfowl Expo Sept 17-18 HARRISBURG - The Pennsylvania Game Commission's Pymatuning Wildlife Learning Center is gearing up for the 2005 Pymatuning Ducks Unlimited Waterfowl Expo on Sept. 17-18, in and around Linesville, Crawford County. A highlight of the two-day event is the selection of the Pennsylvania Waterfowl Management Stamp from entries by many of the Commonwealth's most accomplished wildlife artists will be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 17, at the Linesville High School, 302 West School Drive.
Exhibits by woodcarvers, crafters, hunting equipment vendors and others will be featured on Saturday and Sunday. In addition, hunting dog demonstrations and duck calling contests will be held Saturday and Sunday.
The Learning Center activities and exhibits will be open from |
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sept. 17 and 18. Exhibits on the grounds of the Learning Center include those from: the Purple Martin Conservation Association; the Conneaut Lake/French Creek Valley Conservancy; the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources' Bureau of Forestry; the Natural Resource Conservation Service; and the Northeast Ohio Loggers' Chapter.
Additional activities at the Learning Center include: at 11:30 a.m. on Sept. 17, a waterfowl information and banding program, with the opportunity for children to assist in the release of wild ducks; a tree identification tour will be conducted by Mark Lewis, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources service forester, at 1:30 p.m. on Sept. 17; and a soils program by the U.S. National Resource Conservation Service at 1 p.m. on Sept. 17 and 18. |
Game Commission told of CWD-positive deer in W. VA HARRISBURG - Pennsylvania Game Commission officials late last week were informed that the West Virginia DNR received confirmation that a road-killed white-tailed deer from Hampshire County, West Virginia, tested positive for Chronic Wasting Disease. The 2.5-year-old buck was discovered about 25 miles south of the Pennsylvania/Maryland line, due south of Bedford County, PA.
There currently is no practical way to test live animals for CWD, no cure for animals that contact the disease and no vaccine to prevent an animal from contracting the disease. Clinical signs include poor posture, lowered head and ears, uncoordinated movement, rough-hair coat, decreased appetite, weight loss, increased thirst, excessive drooling, and, ultimately, death. |
In addition to West Virginia, those states where CWD has been found in wild or captive deer or elk herds are: Colorado; Wyoming; Montana; Utah; New Mexico; New York; South Dakota; Nebraska; Kansas; Oklahoma; Minnesota; Wisconsin; and Illinois. In addition, CWD has been detected in wild or captive deer and elk in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan.
To learn more about CWD, visit the agency's website (www.pgc.state.pa.us ) and click on "Hunting & Trapping" and then select "Chronic Wasting Disease." Additional information can be viewed by going to the national CWD Alliance website (www.cwd-info.org ), or from West Virginia Division of Natural Resources website (www.wvdnr.gov ).
Boater to be tried in fatality OSHKOSH, Wis (AP). -- A Wisconsin man accused of drunken boating in a June accident that killed a Michigan man was ordered Wednesday to stand trial on charges that include homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle.
Todd M. Frisbie, 39, of Fremont in eastern central Wisconsin, also is charged in Winnebago County Circuit Court with misdemeanor causing injury by intoxicated use of a boat. The 34-foot powerboat crashed at the shore of Lake Butte des Morts June 6, sheriff's officials said. All three men in the vessel were thrown out. Alan Richards, 38, of Holland, was killed.
Matthew Baum, who also was on the boat, testified at Frisbie's preliminary hearing that the group had taken their boat to two waterfront bars in Oshkosh. Baum said just before the crash he saw trees ahead and thought they were pulling into a |
channel near Frisbie's home. "The next thing you know, that's when we hit something," he said.
Winneconne Police Officer Lee Robenhagen testified he tried to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Richards, and he interviewed both Baum and Frisbie. Both men smelled of intoxicants, he said, and Frisbie acknowledged he was driving the boat.
Judge Thomas Gritton rejected a defense request for dismissal of the case for lack of evidence. The homicide charge carries a maximum prison term of 40 years and a $100,000 fine. The misdemeanor carries up to a year in jail and $2,000 in fines.
Frisbie remains free on a signature bond. Arraignment was scheduled for Sept. 28. |
Van Roy Cormorant bill passes committee MADISON � The Assembly Committee on Natural Resources voted in favor of Assembly Bill 486, the Wisconsin Cormorant Bill, by a vote of 13-2 this afternoon. State Rep. Karl Van Roy (R � Howard) says that the overwhelming bipartisan support shown for the bill today bodes well for the bill�s chances of passing the full Assembly this fall.
�Both Democrats and Republicans on the Assembly Natural Resources Committee realized today what my constituents have been saying for years,� said Van Roy. �These birds are overpopulating and laying waste to fish populations and our Lake Michigan ecosystem.� |
Van Roy introduced the Cormorant Bill along with State Senator Alan Lasee and area Reps. Judy Krawczyk and Garey Bies earlier this year when several constituents raised concerns about Cormorant overpopulation. After numerous studies pointed to Cormorants as the culprit behind fish population declines, habitat destruction, and pollution, the Federal Government issued a public depredation order granting Wisconsin the authority to manage its population.
�Wisconsin is one step closer to joining the rest of the Great Lakes states in recognizing and remedying the Cormorant problem,� said Van Roy. �I feel confident that we will take the next step of passing this bill on the Assembly Floor soon.� |
Professor, a convicted Felon still on Payroll at Univ. of Wisconsin (AgapePress) - In March a University of Wisconsin (UW) professor was convicted of three felony counts of repeated sexual contact with three minor girls, ages 5, 6 and 9. Recently, a Wisconsin county circuit court sentenced physiology professor Roberto Coronado to eight years in prison. But UW will not sever the employment of the professor, and will keep him on their payroll.
The university has been aware of Coronado's case since 2004, when allegations were first filed against the professor. According to a August 9 press release issued by the chancellor's office, UW considered removing the professor from its employment in March but chose not to because a review was required by the school from its governance groups.
The University through its Sea Grant Extension program is intimately involved in the state and region's natural resources activities with studies, research and fish consumption advisories. If their policies regarding convicted felons can be so skewed can the school's administrators be trusted in their involvement with our resources and the state and federal taxes - our dollars - they receive to further their agenda?
According to the Leader-Telegram, a Wisconsin daily newspaper, school policy prevents professors from being fired "solely because they have been found guilty in a court of law." Consequently, even though the Wisconsin professor has been convicted of a felony, the university -- a public institution -- continues to pay Coronado a salary of $137,641 per year, until his vacation leave is exhausted.
Wisconsin State Representative Scott Suder says: "The man |
[Coronado] was convicted of assaulting girls age 5, 6 and 9 over the course of 10 years. And he's going to jail and he needs to be fired from the university immediately -- [but] for the life of me I don't understand why UW doesn't sever the ties with this monster."
The state lawmaker has another concern: "It would be a slap in the face to the victims and their families if this pedophile was rewarded a severance package by the university. I hope they do the right thing."
Apparently the controversy involving Coronado is not the first one for UW. Lewis Cohen, a literature professor with the school, was sentenced in July to 30 days in jail and two years' probation after pleading no contest to having sexually explicit conversations with a minor in addition to sharing nude photographs with him. Even though Cohen has been convicted of this crime, the Leader Telegram says the university is still considering "whether Clark violated policies related to faculty conduct that it says could lead to his discipline or dismissal."
And in June yet another UW educator -- associate professor Steven Clark -- was sentenced to one year in jail after being convicted of stalking charges. According to the Wisconsin State Journal all these events have led Suder and eight other Republican lawmakers this week to call for "an independent state audit to determine how many felons are employed by the University of Wisconsin system."
While Wisconsin lawmakers are trying to make sense of UW's employment policies, the university is working hard to defend their policies that includes continuance of employment until cases like that of Professor Coronado are brought forth and resolved by a committee of his peers. |
Expanded Hunting Opportunities Help Manage Wildlife Province Extends and Expands Deer Season TORONTO - The province is expanding deer hunting opportunities in southern and central Ontario, Natural Resources Minister David Ramsay announced.
"I'm pleased we can expand hunting opportunities as part of a sustainable wildlife management program," said Ramsay. "Not only does it keep deer populations under control but it provides an economic boost to communities."
The ministry has expanded deer hunts in some parts of the |
province and created some new deer hunting seasons to reduce deer-vehicle collisions, crop damage and habitat degradation. The ministry posted the proposed changes on the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry for comment on March 1, 2005, for 30 days before making the changes. Most of the comments were positive.
Deer populations in parts of Ontario have increased significantly over the past 10 years due to mild winters and abundant food supplies. For more info: http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/csb/news/2005/aug24bg_05.html
Province Reopens Inverhuron Campground after 29 Years INVERHURON � The Ontario government is increasing camping opportunities and supporting the local economy by reopening the campground at Inverhuron Provincial Park on Lake Huron, Natural Resources Minister David Ramsay announced.
Inverhuron Provincial Park offers 125 private, treed campsites with electrical service and conveniently located comfort stations. In addition to the beach and sand dunes, the park provides visitors with a picnic area, improved roads and trails for walking and cycling, a boat launch on Lake Huron and some local history � a cemetery from the 1800s.
Inverhuron Provincial Park was restricted to day-use-only in |
the 1970s when the nearby Bruce Nuclear power plant was developed. Bruce Nuclear closed the last of its heavy water plants in 1998, which allowed the ministry to work with local First Nations and the community to upgrade the park to bring back overnight camping and provide more public access.
�Inverhuron�s spectacular beach and ancient sand dunes made it one of Ontario�s most popular parks in the 1950s and 60s,� said Carol Mitchell, MPP for Huron-Bruce. �Many people remember camping there when they were young. Now that the campground is open again, we want Ontarians to rediscover our parks system�s best-kept secret.�
For more info: www.OntarioParks.com . To reserve a campsite, call 1-888-ONT-PARK. |
Hefty fines for Port Dover Commercials ST. THOMAS � A Port Dover commercial fish company and two commercial fishers have been fined $6,000 for exceeding their 2004 quota of yellow perch.
Court was told that Dave Ryerse, president of Lynn-Dover Foods Ltd. in Port Dover, reported to the Ministry of Natural Resources that he had exceeded his 2004 yellow perch quota by 947 kilograms while fishing on Nov 9 and 10 last year. The company has been fined $5,000 and Ryerse has been fined |
$500. Eric Ryerse of Port Dover, the captain of the commercial fishing vessel involved in the offence, has also been fined $500.
Restitution of $4,266 for the extra perch caught has already been paid to the OMNR. Justice of the Peace A. Murphy heard the case in the Ontario Court of Justice in St. Thomas, August 29, 2005.
Report violations to Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477). |
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