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Week of August 19, 2013 |
Words to Ponder |
Regional |
Veterans Issues |
General |
Lake Michigan |
Illinois |
Indiana |
Michigan |
Minnesota |
New York |
Ohio |
Wisconsin |
Other Breaking News Items |
or |
Words to Ponder
James Madison once observed, "If tyranny and oppression come to this |
land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy" |
Beyond the Great Lakes
Largemouth Bass Virus Found in Northern Snakeheads in Virginia LEETOWN, W.Va. � A virus that can cause disease in largemouth bass has now been identified in otherwise apparently healthy northern snakeheads taken from two Potomac River tributaries in Virginia, the U.S. Geological Survey announced today.
This is the first time that the pathogen, known as largemouth bass virus, has been reported in northern snakeheads. The virus has been found in bass, sunfish, and other fish species, but largemouth bass are the only species known to develop disease from it.
While the significance of this finding is not yet known, the study's lead author, USGS research biologist Luke Iwanowicz, said it raises the possibility that snakeheads could be reservoirs of this virus and capable of transmitting it to bass populations in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The habitat of the two species overlaps, which may favor transmission of the virus.
Little is known about pathogens in northern snakeheads that inhabit U.S. waters. This study, done in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, is a preliminary survey of introduced pathogens from northern snakeheads living in Virginia waters.
Snakeheads are an invasive, predatory fish species found in the Maryland and Virginia parts of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, in Florida, North Carolina and New England. Efforts to eradicate or control the spread of
this invasive fish have been unsuccessful so far, and scientists predict that the northern snakehead is likely to increase its present range.
"The long-term and population-level effects of largemouth bass virus on bass inhabiting these rivers are unknown," said Iwanowicz.
The disease makes some largemouth bass unable to submerge, causing them to float on the surface of the water. There are no other obvious symptoms directly resulting from this virus.
Large-scale fish kills have occurred in some infected largemouth bass populations, while others appear to be healthy. It is not known how the virus is transmitted or how disease is activated. Genetic and other differences in the virus; environmental stress from pollution, high water temperatures, and co-infections; in addition to host-related factors contribute to the outcome for infected largemouth bass.
The origin of largemouth bass virus is uncertain. The first report of it in the U.S. was in 1991 in Florida. It has since been reported throughout the eastern, southern, and Midwestern U.S. In 2001, most Virginia waters tested with no or very low infection rates, but by August 2011, the virus was found in all sixteen bodies of water tested statewide and major rivers except the tidal James River.
Largemouth bass virus is a Ranavirus, a group of viruses that are known to cause lethal diseases in amphibians and are associated with significant population declines. |
Coast Guard sued over wind farm off Nantucket The Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound has filed a federal lawsuit against the Coast Guard, the latest in a series of suits against federal officials and agencies by groups opposing the planned Cape Wind offshore wind farm at Horseshoe Shoal that will include 130 windmills within sight of the shore.
According to the alliance, the suit was filed because the Coast Guard has failed to respond to repeated requests for public records as required under the Freedom of Information Act. The alliance claims the Coast Guard has ignored their request for more than two years, the only federal agency to fail to respond. Their request dates back to March 29, 2011.
The FOIA request seeks communications between the Coast Guard and all parties, federal or state, responsible for authorizing the project, including consultants and elected officials, dating back to April 28, 2010, when the U.S. Interior Department approved the project.
Specifically, the alliance wants to determine if the Coast Guard, like the Federal Aviation Administration, was under political pressure to go easy on Cape Wind, referring to reported accusations that the Obama administration exerted influence on the FAA to approve the project. Internal documents obtained indicate FAA employees said they felt political pressure to rule Cape Wind wouldn�t be a hazard to pilots, although they didn�t say who made them feel pressured.
A parallel navigational safety consideration was outlined Monday in a Soundings blog posting by Peter Swanson, executive editor of PassageMaker magazine. Admiralty lawyers Todd Lochner and John Fulweiler, representing the Marine Trades Association of Cape Cod and the Massachusetts Fishermen�s Partnership, have submitted a �friend of the court� brief articulating a case against the wind farm based on the navigational argument. They are asking the court to order the Coast Guard, which has already blessed the project, to take another look. |
�We�re looking at casualties and the real possibility of loss of life,� Lochner contends.
To date, the U.S. has no offshore wind farms because there is a decade-long pushback from many quarters against turbines being placed on our waterways, especially within sight of land. In the case of Cape Wind, which would be the first such development, the 24-square mile project off the coast of Cape Cod has unleashed a fierce fight. The groundswell to stop the wind farm was started by Cape Cod merchants and landowners. It�s also opposed by almost every town government. Even the late Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy, who had a home overlooking the proposed wind farm, opposed the project as is one of Martha�s Vineyard�s most famous residents, former CBS anchorman Walter Cronkite. �Our natural treasures should be off limits to industrialization and Nantucket is one of those treasures,� Cronkite says.
It�s notable that Secretary of the Interior Salazar has said renewable energy development must �. . . be accomplished in a manner that does not ignore, but protects our signature landscapes, natural resources, wildlife, and cultural resources.�
I couldn�t agree more. Clearly our near-shore waterways are among those �signature landscapes.� Moreover, there is little known about what effect things like pile driving, turbine noise and electromagnetic fields that will emanate from undersea cables connecting the turbines will have on fish, shellfish and other aquatic life.
If any future projects are to avoid similar opposition, it�s obvious offshore wind farms should be moved well offshore for openers. In addition, considerations like competition from cheap and hugely plentiful natural gas versus the expensive cost of wind-generated power and the need for taxpayer-supported tax credits to do it will continue to make the idea of wind farms on our waterways less than desirable. |
July Summary
Alternate Pathway Surveillance-Urban Pond Monitoring Four Asian carp crew members conducted an electrofishing operation at the Humboldt Park Lagoon in Chicago. Five bighead carp were captured, ranging in weight from 48-66 lbs and length from 45-47 inches. An additional 11 grass carp and 21 common carp were netted as well. There is no connection to Lake Michigan from the Humboldt Park Lagoon.
Weekly Great Lakes Water Levels for August 14 WEATHER CONDITIONS Temperatures in the Great Lakes basin generally ranged from average to below average last weekend and on Monday. On Tuesday, however, temperatures dropped to 7-10 degrees below normal in most of the region. The region remained cooler than average on Wednesday, with temperatures dropping even further in western New York. Also, significant rain fell throughout the basin on Monday, while the Lake Ontario basin saw rain on Tuesday. Generally, temperatures throughout the basin will rise to be around average this weekend and will rise on Monday. In addition, thunderstorms are expected in the northern portion of the basin on Monday. LAKE LEVEL CONDITIONS Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron water levels are 6 and 3 inches, respectively, above their levels of a year ago. Lakes St. Clair, Erie, and Ontario are 7, 9, and 13 inches, respectively, above their levels from this time last year. Over the next month, Lake Superior and Lake Michigan-Huron are each expected to fall 1 inch. The levels of Lakes St. Clair, Erie and Ontario are expected to drop 4, 5, and 7 inches, respectively, over the next 30 days. See our Daily Levels web page for more water level information. FORECASTED MONTHLY OUTFLOWS/CHANNEL CONDITIONS Lake Superior�s outflow through the St. Marys River is projected to be above average for the month of August. Lake Huron�s outflow into the St. |
Clair River and the outflow from Lake St. Clair into the Detroit River are also expected to be below average throughout the month of August. Lake Erie�s outflow through the Niagara River is predicted to be near average and the outflow of Lake Ontario into the St. Lawrence River is expected to be above average in August. ALERTS Official records are based on monthly average water levels and not daily water levels. Users of the Great Lakes, connecting channels and St. Lawrence River should keep informed of current conditions before undertaking any activities that could be affected by changing water levels. Mariners should utilize navigation charts and refer to current water level readings
National Scenic Trails Added to US Topo Maps Just in time for late summer recreation, the newly released US Topo maps for Wisconsin feature the Ice Age National Scenic Trail.
The Ice Age Trail, one of 11 National Scenic Trails in the U.S. and Wisconsin's only State Scenic Trail, follows the edge of the most recent continental glacier as it traveled south through the upper Midwest. These parts of the state's landscape are world-renowned as one of the best places to see the variety of landforms that resulted from glaciation. Several of the 1,109 new US Topo quadrangles display parts of the 640 miles of established Ice Age Trail segments, which are all contained within the state borders.
"Wisconsin�s US Topo maps display the relief of the state's glacial features that the Trail then interprets on the ground," says Tim Malzhan, director of trail operations for the Ice Age Trail Alliance, the nonprofit arm in a partnership that manages and supports the Trail. "When people use these maps, seeing the ribbon of the Ice Age Trail as it crosses the state will allow them to learn about and explore Wisconsin�s glacial history."
The Ice Age Trail will one day be a continuous 1,200-mile footpath |
spanning the state from the Minnesota border on the west to Lake Michigan on the east. The Ice Age Trail was designated a National Scenic Trail on Oct. 3, 1980, when Congress amended the National Trails System Act to authorize and establish the Ice Age National Scenic Trail as part of the National Trails System.
The USGS partnered with the National Park Service, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Ice Age Trail Alliance to incorporate the Ice Age Trail onto Wisconsin's maps. These three agencies worked cooperatively to shape the IAT into one of the premier hiking trails in the country. The USGS has future plans to include all National Scenic Trails in The National Map products, including updates to the US Topo map series.
These new maps replace the first edition US Topo maps for Wisconsin and are available for free download from The National Map and the USGS Map Locator & Downloader website. As with all US Topo map updates, the replaced maps will be added to the USGS Historical Topographic Map Collection and are also available for download. To download US Topo maps: http://nationalmap.gov/ustopo/ |
Approval of hunting highest since 1995 79% of Americans Approve of Hunting
A recently released nationwide
scientific survey by Responsive Management shows that 79% of Americans 18
years old and older approve of hunting, up five percentage points from 74%
in 2011. This marks the highest level of support for hunting since 1995,
according to data compiled by Responsive Management.
Since 2006, hunting participation has increased by 9%, according to the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2011). Meanwhile, shooting participation has increased by 18% since 2009 (Responsive Management, 2013). Other studies on public opinion on hunting conducted by Responsive Management show that the strongest correlation with approval of hunting is knowing a hunter--over and above demographic variables or any other factor. With the increased number of hunters in the field and sport shooters at the range, it is possible that this increase is being reflected in support for hunting as well.
Overall, the most recent study found that more than half of Americans (52%) strongly approve of hunting (79% strongly or moderately approve). At the other end of the spectrum, 12% disapprove (strongly or moderately) of hunting. Another 9% gave a neutral answer. |
Veterans Issues
Those who are using the Post 9/11 GI Bill to fund their education at a private college or university saw their annual maximum tuition cap increased to $19,198.31 per academic year. Last year's annual maximum |
was $18,077.50. Those attending state operated schools will continue to get up to the full in-state resident tuition and fees covered under the GI Bill. Visit Military.com's Education Center to learn more about your education benefits. |
Lake Michigan
Lake Michigan anglers asked to aid chinook and lake trout researchAnglers asked to save and donate heads of the chinook and lake trout they harvestMILWAUKEE � Anglers fishing Lake Michigan�s open waters and tributaries for chinook and lake trout are being asked to donate the heads of the fish they harvest to aid research critical to keeping fishing strong.
�With the help of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, more tagged fish are being stocked now than ever before,� says Cheryl Masterson, a Department of Natural Resources fisheries technician. �The tag in the fish�s snout has a number that tells us when and where the fish was stocked. To learn as much as we can about the behavior of the fish in the lake, we would like to collect heads from tagged sport-caught fish.�
Only those harvested fish missing the small
back top fin, known as the
Chinook Salmon with Coded Wire Tag (CWT) and
missing adipose fin. DNR has partnered with local businesses in most major ports along the lakeshore where anglers can drop off fish heads, Masterson says. Each business has been given a supply of forms for anglers to fill out and bags to use for freezing the head. Anglers should include the following information with each head � date of capture and capture location, along with the fish species, length, weight, and gender, she said.
Nick Legler, DNR fisheries biologist in Sturgeon Bay, said the information associated with the number on the tag in the fish can help answer how many fish are in Lake Michigan, how many are wild instead of raised in a hatchery, and where they are caught in relation to where they were stocked. Data also will be used to measure fish growth and age at capture and to evaluate hatchery and stocking practices.
Preliminary findings from the fish that anglers provided last year suggest that during the summer months, salmon roam all over lake, which at 22,300 square miles is the second largest of the Great Lakes and is the largest lake within U.S. borders. Fifty-nine percent of the hundreds of wire tags recovered from chinook caught by anglers over the summer in Wisconsin�s open waters of Lake Michigan in summer 2012 had been stocked by Michigan, Illinois or Indiana, preliminary results show.
In contrast, initial results from fish heads recovered during the fall spawning runs at DNR egg collection facilities suggest that the fish tend to return home to the water where they were first stocked to complete their spawning run.
This year, DNR and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have been collecting fish heads and biographical data from anglers during the summer fishery and will continue to collect more data into the fall, Legler says.
DNR has partnered with local businesses in most major ports along the lakeshore where anglers can drop off fish heads, Masterson says. Each business has been given a supply of forms for anglers to fill out and bags to use for freezing the head. Anglers should include the following information with each head � date of capture and capture location, along with the fish species, length, weight, and gender, she said.
FOR MORE INFO: Nick Legler, 920-746-5112; Cheryl Masterson 414-382-7923 |
Asian Carp monitoring July Summary
Alternate Pathway Surveillance-Urban Pond Monitoring Four Asian carp crew members conducted an electrofishing operation at the Humboldt Park Lagoon in Chicago. Five bighead carp were captured, ranging in weight from 48-66 lbs and length from 45-47 inches. An additional 11 grass carp and 21 common carp were netted as well. There is no connection to Lake Michigan from the Humboldt Park Lagoon.
The IDNR and participating partners sponsor wingshooting clinics at sites throughout Illinois to help improve the shooting skills of participants. Youth/Women's clinics are designed to teach participants basic firearm safety and the fundamentals of wingshooting. Hunter clinics are designed to enhance the wingshooting skills of hunters and provide sound wingshooting practice techniques. Upcoming clinics will be conducted on weekends from mid-August through late October.
For a complete schedule: http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/landmgt/programs/wingshooting/
WingshootingDates.htm IDNR, the Illinois Conservation Foundation and primary sponsors and Raycraft Farm are sponsoring a Wingshooting Clinic for beginning shot-gunners at Raycraft Farm, 7 miles west and 2 miles south of Monticello on Sat., Sept. 7 and Sun., Sept. 8. The clinic is for women and young wingshooters age 11 years old and up. The clinic will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. The professional wingshooting teachers are certified National Sporting Clays Association wingshooting instructors. There is no charge and all supplies, including shotguns and ammunition, are provided, along with lunch.
Co-sponsor members are supplying the manpower and the funding for both sessions. To make a reservation, use the IDNR website at www.dnr.illinois.gov and navigate to �Wingshooting Clinics.� Spaces are |
still available for women and youth on both days. This clinic is hands-on and includes extensive live fire at clay targets. There will also be a short classroom session each day on basic firearm safety and handling, firearm nomenclature, and hunter safety which will be presented by an IDNR Certified Volunteer Hunter Safety Instructor. This is basic classroom hunter safety information and does not satisfy the Illinois Hunter Education requirement. Certification in Hunter Safety is not required to attend this wingshooting clinic.
Johnson-Sauk Trail Youth/Women Wingshooting Clinic Sept 14 Johnson-Sauk Trail State Recreation Area, the IDNR and the Rock Island and Henry County Chapters of Pheasants Forever are sponsoring a wingshooting clinic for beginning shotgunners at Johnson-Sauk Trail SRA near Kewanee, IL on Sat., Sept. 14. The clinic is for young wingshooters (boys and girls) ages 10-15 years of age and women. Registration begins at 9 a.m. The clinic runs from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The professional wingshooting teachers are certified IDNR or National Sporting Clays Association wingshooting instructors. There is a registration fee of $10. All supplies including shotguns and ammunition are provided, as is lunch. To make a reservation, call Bill Candler at 309-848-0080 or 563-726-3323 (space is limited to 24 students). This clinic is hands-on and includes extensive live fire at clay targets. There will also be a short classroom session on basic firearm safety and handling, firearm nomenclature, and hunter safety, which will be presented by an IDNR Certified Volunteer Hunter Safety Instructor or a NSCA Certified Wingshooting Instructor. |
River size limits apply to bass at Cedarville Reservoir
Anglers are being advised
that the area of St. Joseph River north of Fort Wayne commonly known as
Cedarville Reservoir is subject to size and bag limit regulations on
black bass for rivers and streams, not the general lake regulations. |
inches. This is commonly
referred to as a slot limit. Black bass is a term for largemouth,
smallmouth and spotted bass. State regulations for black bass caught in lakes allow five fish with a minimum size of 14 inches. Special regulations apply on Lake Michigan and several other lakes, streams and rivers across Indiana. Consult the Indiana Fishing Guide for details (fishing.IN.gov). |
DNR stocked more than 4.1 million walleye this year The Department of Natural Resources today announced the totals from its annual walleye rearing pond harvest and stocking of walleye fingerlings. The DNR Fisheries Division stocked 4,160,502 walleye fingerlings in 120 water bodies located throughout Michigan this spring and summer.
Walleye ponds are a critical component of the DNR�s coolwater fisheries management and have been used extensively since the mid-1970s. A total of 30 walleye ponds located throughout Michigan were used this year, and most rely heavily on the support of local sportsmen organizations. These organizations assist with the ponds� finances and supply volunteers to help with fertilization, pond maintenance and fish harvest.
Eggs are taken from adult walleye from the Muskegon River and Little Bay De Noc. These eggs are hatched at Thompson and Wolf Lake state
fish hatcheries. A few days after hatching, the larval walleyes are moved from the state fish hatcheries to walleye ponds. Walleye are reared in these ponds for 50 to 60 days, where they eat tiny aquatic animals called zooplankton. They are then harvested and stocked into public waters when they are 1.5 to 2 inches long. These fish will grow to legal size in four to five years.
"We appreciate the many local angling groups that join us in rearing and stocking walleye," said Gary Whelan, the DNR's fish production manager. "These annual efforts allow us to enhance fishing opportunities in Michigan."
Several of the DNR�s fisheries management units are still rearing walleye to be stocked this fall at an even larger size. To find out if walleye were stocked in your favorite fishing spot, visit the DNR�s fish stocking database at www.michigandnr.com/fishstock. |
Michigan to Provide Toll-Free # for Weekly Fishing Reports
To access the Weekly Fishing Report, visit www.michigan.gov/fishingreport.
Michigan 2013-14 Waterfowl Hunting Seasons
Michigan hunters will again enjoy 60-day duck seasons this fall.
Duck seasons will once again be split into two segments in all three of
state duck-hunting zones. |
Zone; Sept. 21-29 and Oct. 5 - Dec. 26 in the Middle Zone; and
Sept. 21-23, Oct. 12 - Dec. 8 and Dec. 28-29 in the South Zone, except
in designated goose management units. The daily bag limit is two.
►In Saginaw County Goose Mgmt Unit, the season is Sept. 21-23, Oct. 12 -
Dec. 8 and Dec. 28 - Jan. 27, 2014, two is daily bag limit
applications due Sept. 5
Hunters should carefully review the list of lottery areas, particularly in extreme northwestern Minnesota and the Iron Range area of northeastern Minnesota. The following permit areas are designated as lottery this year but were not last year: 176, 101, 105, 111, 267 and 268. Elsewhere, other permit area designations have changed too in response to local deer population changes.
Regulations are detailed in Minnesota�s 2013 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Handbook and Deer Season Map, which now are available wherever hunting and angling licenses are sold, online at www.mndnr.gov/regulations and in many DNR offices across the state. Fifty-eight of the state�s 129 permit areas are lottery areas. The number of permit areas designated as lottery is unchanged from 2012. The number of either-sex permits available has increased about 10 percent. People can purchase a deer license and apply for the lottery or a special hunt at |
any DNR license agent, by telephone at 888-665-4236 or online at www.mndnr.gov/buyalicense. Lottery winners will be notified in October.
Hunters can apply for lottery deer areas and special hunts using both their firearm and muzzleloader licenses. Although a hunter can be selected for both licenses, successful applicants can only take one deer in lottery permit areas. In the case of special hunts, a person may draw both a firearm and muzzleloader permit, in which case he or she must adhere to the bag limits established by each special hunt.
Lottery deer areas in 2013 are permit areas 101, 103, 105, 108, 110, 111, 118, 119, 122, 169, 171, 172, 176, 183, 184, 197, 199, 234, 237, 238, 250, 251, 252, 253, 260, 261, 262, 263, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 288, 289, 290, 291, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298 and 299.
DNR encourages hunters to review new deer hunting regulations, permit area designations and boundary changes before applying. Current and up-to-date information is available online at www.mndnr.gov/hunting/deer and www.mndnr.gov/regulations/hunting. |
New York
2013-14 Sporting licenses now available Deer Mgmt, Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Licenses Available The 2013-2014 hunting, fishing and trapping licenses and Deer Management Permits (DMPs) can be purchased beginning Monday, August 12, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens today announced.
�New York has some of the best hunting, trapping and fishing opportunities in the nation, and we encourage people to purchase a license that will allow them to take advantage of all our state has to offer,� said Commissioner Martens. �Governor Cuomo�s NY Open for Hunting and Fishing Initiative is committed to providing outdoor enthusiasts with an abundance of recreational opportunities to enjoy throughout the year. DEC is continually working to develop and manage new programs to enhance the outdoor experience while protecting the state�s natural resources, and purchasing a sporting license is a great way to access a variety of outdoor opportunities.�
The NY Open for Hunting and Fishing Initiative is an effort to improve recreational activities for in-state and out-of-state sportsmen and sportswomen and to boost tourism opportunities throughout the state. Under this initiative, New York is streamlining the purchase of hunting and fishing licensing and reducing license fees, improving fishing access at various sites across the state, stocking as much as 900,000 pounds of fish, expanding fishing clinics and increasing hunting opportunities in various regions. The reduced fees become effective February 1, 2014.
Licenses and permits can be purchased at one of DEC�s 1,500 license sales outlets statewide. Sporting licenses can also be ordered by telephone or by visiting the DEC website (www.dec.ny.gov). The 2013-2014 sporting licenses are valid beginning October 1, 2013. The new Hunting & Trapping and Freshwater Fishing regulation guides are available at all license issuing outlets as well as from the DEC website.
To further encourage fishing in New York State, Governor Cuomo signed legislation last year expanding the opportunity for free fishing clinics. The Free Fishing Days program began in 1991 to give all people an opportunity to sample the incredible fishing New York State has to offer. New York's sport fishing industry generates an estimated $1.8 billion in economic activity annually, supporting nearly 17,000 jobs.
DEC�s Automated Licensing System (DECALS) is a computerized system for issuing sporting licenses and tracking license sales and revenues. DECALS may also be used for donations to the Habitat Access Stamp Program, Venison Donation Coalition, Conservation Fund and the Trail Maintenance Program. The DECALS Call Center at (1-866-933-2257) is accessible from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday from August 12 to October 12 for questions regarding license purchases. Regular Call Center weekday hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. will resume on October 14.
License buyers should have the following items ready when applying: complete name and address information, customer ID number if you have it, proof of residency information (driver's license number or non-driver's ID number with a valid NYS address to qualify for a resident license), and, if purchasing by phone or internet, a credit card and card expiration date. Hunting license purchases require individuals to provide proof of a hunting education certification or a copy of a previous license, if this information is not already contained in their DECALS file.
Sales of all sporting licenses are deposited into the Conservation Fund, which is used to manage New York�s fish and wildlife populations and protect and manage wildlife habitat.
Important updates for 2013-2014 � Youth Firearms Deer Season will occur over Columbus Day weekend, October 12-14, 2013. For more information, visit http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/46245.html.
� New legislation allows the use of rifles for big game hunting in Ontario and Wayne counties, until October 1, 2015. See Rifle, Shotgun, and Bow Areas on DEC�s website (http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/35010.html) for other counties where rifles can be used.
� The Deer Management Focus Area will continue in central Tompkins County to assist communities in the Ithaca area with the burden of overabundant deer populations (http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/82382.html).
� Mandatory antler restrictions (3 points on one side minimum) remain in effect in WMUs 3A, 3C, 3H, 3J, 3K, 4G, 4O, 4P, 4R, 4S, and 4W during all seasons for all hunters 17 years and older (http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/27663.html).
Additional details are listed in the 2013-2014 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Guide, which is available at http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/37136.html or at any license sales agent.
The Freshwater Fishing Regulations Guide has been restructured for 2013 to make it easier for anglers to find the information they need. Special regulations now follow immediately after the statewide fishing regulations in the front of the guide, and information for major resources (e.g., Great Lakes) can now be found immediately after the regional regulations for the DEC region(s) where they are located.
Deer Management Permits With an exceptionally mild winter in 2011/12 and below average winter |
conditions in most of the state again in 2012/13, deer populations have grown despite generally increasing antlerless harvests the past few years. Accordingly, DEC will be issuing approximately 18 percent more Deer Management Permits (DMPs; tags for antlerless deer) this year. DEC issues DMPs to control antlerless harvest and move the deer population closer toward objective levels in each Wildlife Management Unit (WMU).
DMPs will be available at all license issuing outlets and can also be obtained by phone, internet or mail, from August 12 through close of business October 1, 2013. DMPs are issued through a random selection process at the point of sale, and customers who are selected for DMPs will receive their permits immediately. For planning purposes, review the 2013 chances of selection for DMPs in each WMU at http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/30409.html. Charts of the chances of selection are also available at License Issuing Agent locations, or on the DMP Hotline at 1-866-472-4332. Chances of getting a DMP remain the same throughout the application period - hunters do not need to rush to apply for a DMP on the first day of sale.
If a significant number of DMPs are still available in a WMU after October 1, leftover DMP sales will commence on November 1, and continue on a first-come/first-serve basis until the end of the hunting season or until all DMPs have been issued in the WMU. Additionally, Bonus DMPs will be available in the bowhunting-only WMUs 3S, 4J, and 8C and in WMUs 1C. For information about Bonus DMPs, see http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/10001.html.
An outline on how DMP targets are set and permits are issued is available on DEC�s website at http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/47743.html. Hunters are reminded that DMPs are only valid for antlerless deer in the WMU specified on the permit. To learn more about what to expect for deer hunting throughout the state this fall, see Deer Hunting Season Forecasts at http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/37304.html.
Be a Mentor to a New Hunter, Trapper or Angler The Youth Firearms Deer Hunt was a success in 2012 and will continue to provide opportunities for adult hunters to share their expertise and pass on important traditions to young hunters. DEC also provides special hunting opportunities for junior hunters by offering youth hunts for waterfowl, wild turkey, and pheasants. Learn more about opportunities for junior hunters and trappers at http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/52495.html or find details and a permission form in the 2013-2014 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Guide.
Anglers are encouraged to grow the sport of fishing, by taking someone new fishing in 2013. Recent legislation now allows angler groups to conduct an unlimited number of free sportfishing clinics and no longer require direct DEC involvement. The requirement for a fishing license is waived for participants in these events. For more information, go to http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/89811.html.
Fish the Great Lakes Fishing in New York�s Great Lakes and tributaries is better than it ever has been and the new I FISH NY Guide to Great Lakes Fishing will provide all the information an angler needs to fish these phenomenal resources. A copy of the guide is available on the DEC website at http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/fish_marine_pdf/glfishing.pdf or may be requested by emailing DEC at [email protected] with �Great Lakes Fishing Map� in the subject line. Copies are also available at all DEC regional offices.
Contribute Via Habitat Stamps, Trail Supporter Patch, or Donation Directly to Support the Conservation Fund or the Venison Donation Program DEC encourages all outdoor enthusiasts to consider purchasing a Habitat/Access Stamp and/or a Trail Supporter Patch. These stamps and patches support DEC�s efforts to conserve habitat and increase public access for fishing and wildlife-related recreation and maintain non-motorized trails. Buying a $5 stamp or patch or donating directly to the Conservation Fund is a way to help conserve New York�s rich wildlife heritage and enhance outdoor recreation in the state.
Additionally, anyone - not just hunters and anglers - can help feed the hungry by contributing to the Venison Donation Program at all license issuing outlets. Individuals should inform the license sales agent if they are interested in making a donation of $1 or more to support the program. Since 1999, the Venison Donation Coalition has paid for the processing of more than 330 tons of highly nutritious venison, the equivalent of 2.8 million meals served. For more information about the Venison Donation Coalition program, visit DEC�s website.
Participate in Citizen Science to Benefit Wildlife Management Each year, thousands of hunters, trappers and anglers help DEC monitor wildlife populations by recording their wildlife observations while afield. Information on how to participate in the Cooperator Ruffed Grouse Hunting Log, Bowhunter Sighting Log, Winter Wild Turkey Flock Survey and other citizen science programs is available at http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/1155.html.
The latest updates on New York's fish and wildlife can be easily accessed on the Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources E-mail News, a free online e-mail list that visitors can subscribe to at http://www.dec.ny.gov/about/65855.html. |
Ohio vigilant in Asian Carp Testing COLUMBUS, OH � Only a single water sample, out of 225 samples from the Maumee River and 100 samples from the Sandusky River, contained traces of genetic material from silver Asian carp, according to the Ohio DNR. The testing seeks to identify the presence of environmental DNA (eDNA) from bighead or silver Asian carp and the lone positive sample was collected in the Maumee River. The samples were collected as part of an extensive monitoring effort in the Maumee and Sandusky rivers by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
�The eDNA technology represents a tremendous early detection tool that will help us identify potential sources and vectors of Asian carp. It is important that we look at the persistence of eDNA over time to help guide us on future efforts,� said Rich Carter, executive administrator, ODNR Fish Management and Research.� Ohio appreciates the USFWS efforts in conducting this year�s eDNA sampling and analysis.�
Ohio teamed with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Michigan DNR last year to conduct an exhaustive targeted survey for bighead and silver Asian carp after Asian carp eDNA was detected in both Maumee and Sandusky bays and rivers in 2011 and 2012. No live fish |
were captured during last year�s cooperative search. There is also extensive and ongoing routine sampling being conducted by all the states that border Lake Erie, as well as an extensive commercial and recreational fishing effort, with no live fish captured in these efforts.
ODNR will continue to collaborate with USFWS on follow-up sampling. Monitoring for live fish will continue through an extensive ongoing annual inter-agency fish sampling program, commercial fishery catch reporting, and reporting by recreational fishermen. eDNA can be left in the environment in the form of scales, cells, feces or mucus. At present, eDNA evidence cannot verify whether live Asian carp are present, whether the DNA may have come from a dead fish, or whether water containing Asian carp DNA may have been transported from other sources such as bilge water, storm sewers or fish-eating birds.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Geological Survey are leading a two-year Asian Carp Environmental eDNA Calibration Study (ECALS), funded through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to reduce the uncertainty surrounding Asian carp environmental DNA (eDNA) results. For more information on ECALS, please visit www.AsianCarp.us. |
Deadline to sign-up for disabled deer hunt Sept 1MADISON � Hunters who plan to participate in the annual gun deer hunt for hunters with disabilities are reminded to sign up with hunt sponsors no later than Sept. 1.
To participate in the disabled deer hunt, hunters should contact a participating sponsor directly and ask for permission to participate in their hunt. Interested hunters can find a list of sponsors at dnr.wi.gov, and search keywords �disabled deer hunt.�
Hunters must be signed up with the sponsor by Sept. 1 and will have to provide the sponsor their name and contact information. Hunters must possess a valid Class A, long-term Class B that authorizes shooting from a vehicle, Class C or Class D Disabled Hunting Permit and a current gun deer hunting license to participate in the disabled deer hunt. This year�s gun hunt for hunters with disabilities will occur Oct. 5 to 13. Hunters are allowed to shoot either antlered or antlerless deer during this |
hunt with the appropriate permit(s). Please check the 2013 Deer Hunting Regulations for more information.
�To date, 90 sponsors have enrolled over 72,000 acres of property in 50 counties,� Roepke said. �These are private lands offering great opportunities for up to 3,600 hunters to enjoy deer hunting. Many of these properties are in areas of high deer density.�
Sponsors of the hunt range from single individuals with smaller properties to large organized hunts on thousands of acres of hunting land. �Hunting space is limited on some properties, so hunters are encouraged to contact sponsors as soon as possible,� Roepke said. Sponsors are encouraged to submit their list of hunters using the new online process which can be found on the DNR web site, keywords �disabled deer hunt.� If sponsors do not have access to the online form, hard copies are available at DNR service centers or by calling Scott Roepke at 608-261-7588. |
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Officials to
research 2 options for halting carp
Calls to list quagga mussels as injurious under Lacey Act A bill in the U.S. House would add quaggas to a list of "injurious" species under the 1900 Lacey Act, which prohibits trade in wildlife, fish, and plants that have been illegally taken, transported or sold. If quaggas are put on the list, the federal government could prosecute � criminally or civilly � people who import or transport the mussels across state lines.
MN Gov Dayton questions limiting guns in Capitol The Gov weighed in against banning weapons in the State Capitol, which he fears would require the kind of screening system that he says has had a �chilling effect� on public involvement at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. �It�s the people who would come in without a permit, with guns, with some intent [of] wrongdoing, who would concern me,� Dayton said.
Demand for gun permits soars in Newtown after school shooting Since the Newtown, Conn., school shooting the number of residents seeking permits to purchase firearms has surged. Requests are on track to double over last year; in 2012, 177 gun permit applications were filed, up 75 % from the 99 filed in 2011.The CFity has already had 211 permit requests this |
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