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Week of August 10, 2009 |
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National Guard
asked to explain 'internment' jobs An ad campaign featured on a U.S. Army website seeking those who would be interested in being an "Internment/Resettlement" specialist is raising alarms across the country, generating concerns that there is some truth in those theories about domestic detention camps, a roundup of dissidents and a crackdown on "threatening" conservatives.
The ads, at the GoArmy.com website as well as others including Monster.com, cite the need for: "Internment/Resettlement (I/R) Specialists in the Army are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility. I/R Specialists provide rehabilitative, health, welfare, and security to U.S. military prisoners within a confinement or correctional facility; conduct inspections; prepare written reports; and coordinate activities of prisoners/internees and staff personnel.
The campaign follows by only weeks a report from the U.S. |
Department of Homeland Security warning about "right-wing extremists" who could pose a danger to the country � including those who support third-party political candidates, oppose abortion and would prefer to have the U.S. immigration laws already on the books and enforced.
The "extremism" report coincided with a report out of California that the Department of Defense was describing protesters as "low-level terrorists." The new ad says successful candidates will "provide external security to � detention/internment facilities" and "provide counseling and guidance to individual prisoners within a rehabilitative program."
Officials at the state and federal National Guard levels told WND they were unaware of the program, although one officer speculated it could be intended for soldiers trained in the U.S. and dispatched overseas to "detention facilities." From the national level, WND was told, officials were unaware of any such "internment facilities" at which there could be jobs to be available.
New Monitoring Shows Asian Carp Closer to Barrier Chicago - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says that new monitoring techniques indicate that Asian carp may be closer to the electric barrier site in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal near Romeoville than previously thought.
As part of its expanded Asian carp monitoring program, the Corps recently began working with a University of Notre Dame team led by Dr. David Lodge to attempt to detect the presence of Asian carp through genetic testing of water samples. Under a contract with the Army Corps� Engineering Research and Development Center in Vicksburg, Miss., the university collected approximately 150 water samples from the Dresden Island and Brandon Road pools. Preliminary test results indicate there may be silver carp in the Brandon Road Pool, including at a location just downstream of the Lockport Lock and Dam. Previous monitoring by other techniques never detected Asian carp in the Brandon Road Pool.
�This is new technology and although we don�t have all the lab results yet, and we have no confirmed physical sighting of Asian carp as close as Lockport Lock, we are taking this new information very seriously. We have already taken action to gather additional water samples for more DNA testing, increased electrofishing efforts, and are using other traditional monitoring methods to confirm the initial findings of the DNA tests," said Col. Vincent Quarles, commander of the Army Corps Chicago District.
The DNA testing results to date indicate the possible presence of silver carp in the Brandon Road pool of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal immediately below the Lockport pool, including sites between the Lockport Dam (river mile 291) and the confluence with the Des Plaines River near river mile 290.
�While we work to validate these initial results, we will also consider if we need to make changes to current operations of our electrical dispersal barriers that are designed to deter the migration of Asian carp through the canal. We will continue to work closely with the Fish Barrier Advisory Panel, the U.S. Coast Guard and other agencies and stakeholders as we consider such measures,� Quarles said. |
The Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal is a man-made waterway that provides a direct hydraulic connection between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River Basin. Without intervention, invasive species such as the Asian carp could transfer between the basins, competing with native species for food, living space, and spawning areas with negative impacts to the environment.
The Army Corps Barrier Project consists of a series of electrical barriers that mitigate risks of invasive species reaching the Great Lakes through the most vulnerable path. This system of electric barriers provides a non-lethal deterrent to aquatic species that does not interfere with water flow and minimizes impact to navigation in the canal.
Boaters are reminded to exercise extreme caution while traveling in the Sanitary and Ship Canal from the Midwest generation power plant to the pipeline arch, an approximately 1400-foot section of the canal from river mile 296.1 to 296.7. The Coast Guard has implemented mandatory enhanced requirements for all vessels operating in the vicinity of the electric barrier. These requirements can be found at http://www.piersystem.com/go/doctype/443/29566/.
"The electric fish barrier illustrates the challenges faced in ensuring safety, security and environmental protection while balancing the oftentimes-conflicting needs of multiple public and private interest groups. The Coast Guard is committed to public safety and environmental protection and will continue to work closely and openly with all stakeholders," said Capt. Luann Barndt, commander of U.S. Coast Guard Sector Lake Michigan.
While traveling through the area boaters are advised to remain seated, stay out of the water, keep hands and feet out of the water and closely supervise children and pets or send them below deck. Boaters are also required not to linger or attempt to moor in the restricted area.
For more info: www.lrc.usace.army.mil/safety.
Weekly Great Lakes Water Levels for August 7, 2009 Weather Conditions High pressure led to mainly quiet weather across the Great Lakes basin this week. There were a few widely scattered showers and thunderstorms, but total rainfall was minimal. The upcoming weekend holds a chance for showers and thunderstorms. Some of the warmest temperatures of the season are also expected for Sunday. Hot and humid conditions will persist into early next week. Lake Level Conditions Lake Superior is 3 inches below the level it was a year ago while Lakes Michigan-Huron, St. Clair and Erie are 8, 5 and 4 inches, respectively, higher than their levels of a year ago. Lake Ontario is 1 inch below last year's level. Lake Superior is expected to rise 1 inch over the next month. Lakes Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie and Ontario are predicted to decline 1, 4, 3, and 7 inches respectively over the next 30 days. Over the next several months, Lake Superior is predicted to be near its level of a year ago. Lakes Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, and Erie are forecasted to remain at or above last year's levels during the same time period. Lake Ontario is forecasted to be near or below its levels of a year ago over the next six months. Current Outflows/Channel Conditions In July, the outflows from Lake Superior through the St. Mary's River and the outflow from Lake Michigan-Huron through the |
St. Clair River were below average. The Detroit and Niagara Rivers carried near average flows during July. The outflow from Lake Ontario through the St. Lawrence River was above average in July. Alerts Users of the Great Lakes, connecting channels and St. Lawrence River should keep informed of current conditions before undertaking any activities that could be affected by changing water levels. Mariners should utilize navigation charts and refer to current water level readings.
Small Dams Among Most Dangerous Frankfort, KY- A recent drowning at Great Crossings Dam on North Elkhorn Creek in Scott County underscores the dangers of smaller dams with water flowing over them - what are known as low-head dams. The flow over these dams creates dangerous currents that can trap swimmers underwater or sink a boat.
Low-head dams make an artificial waterfall in the stream. They look innocuous and the beauty of water flowing over them draws people. Old postcards featured low-head dams and the great central Kentucky artist, Paul Sawyier, painted images of the ones on the Elkhorn Creek system. The fishing below low-head dams is usually productive as well.
"Low-head dams draw people like moths to light," said Sgt. John Anderson, boating education coordinator for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources' law enforcement division. "It is so easy to be misled by their calm appearance. From the upper side, they look so innocent and non-threatening. There is no current, they are pretty, calm and seem safe." However, they may be the single most dangerous place on any water body. They are often referred to as "drowning machines."
"There are over 13,000 miles of streams in Kentucky," Anderson explained, "with lots of low-head dams. They are leftovers from the past and serve no purpose in most cases. Low-head dams are not built as commonly now."
Their semblance of innocence is what makes them so dangerous. "A drop of a few feet creates a heavy downward thrust just below the dam," Anderson explained. "It creates a hydraulic that holds a person underwater. You have tremendous downward pressure on your body. You may be a strong swimmer and able to lift several hundred pounds, but the human body is not designed for that situation."
A hundred gallons of water striking the body creates 835 lbs of force. "The more water, the more force," Anderson said. "Even with a life jacket on, if you fall below a low-head dam, you will be dragged down and held down. If you get extremely lucky, the life jacket may help you pop out of the current." |
If you ever study a low-head dam, you'll notice that logs, basketballs, pop bottles or other junk gets hung below them. The debris spins and goes under, but doesn't float downstream. That can happen to you if you fall below or accidentally go over a low-head dam.
Canoeists, kayakers and others must know if any low-head dams exist on the section they plan to float. Your eyes can fail to detect a low-head dam as you float towards it. "If you are close enough to cast to the dam from the upstream side, the current probably already has you," Anderson said.
If you hear the roar of water as you near the end of a slack water pool, get over to the bank immediately. Look for a smooth line against the horizon that signals a low-head dam. Also, look for any concrete, stone or brick abutments along both sides of the bank.
Carry your boat around a low-head dam and launch it well downstream to avoid the reverse current caused by water falling over the dam. The reverse current is difficult to see on the surface, but you'll detect it quickly if your boat is stuck in it. It is scary. You can paddle as hard as you want, yet it is all for naught as your boat creeps closer and closer to the dam face.
"That hydraulic that pulls you toward the dam is a machine that doesn't stop," Anderson said. Wading anglers should realize another danger of low-head dams. "In high water situations, the tremendous force scours a deep hole beneath the dam," Anderson said. "You can be several feet away from the dam in low water and go from knee deep water to over your head with one step."
Be careful around low-head dams. Don't let anyone try to walk or float over one and don't wade near them. They may be pretty, but are incredibly dangerous.
Author Lee McClellan is an award-winning associate editor for Kentucky Afield magazine, the official publication of the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. He is a life-long hunter and angler, with a passion for smallmouth bass fishing. |
Firearms Industry Rejects NPS memo of Traditional Ammo & Lead Sinkers as a Health Threat Offers to Work with NPS on Hunter Education Efforts NEWTOWN, Conn.--In response to an announcement today regarding a National Parks Service program encouraging hunters to voluntarily switch to alternative ammunition, the National Shooting Sports Foundation rejected NPS's categorization of traditional ammunition as a health threat. NSSF is offering to work with the National Park Service to develop measures to educate hunters about steps they can take to prevent scavengers from ingesting lead fragments of spent traditional ammunition. The park service is proposing to ban, at a minimum, the use of lead bullets, shot and sinkers in the park system by NPS personnel.
While no scientific evidence supports restricting the use of traditional ammunition containing lead components, the firearms industry believes that establishing voluntary measures is a more reasoned step than banning traditional ammunition, a drastic policy decision unsupported by science. NPS has raised concerns that lead bullet fragments found in game meat could cause lead poisoning in humans, a charge not borne out in scientific studies, including a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report.
"While we're not opposed to voluntary measures, we maintain there is no need for them," said Steve Sanetti, president of NSSF, the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry. "The firearms industry supports science-based decisions about wildlife management. Under current regulations, there is no scientific evidence showing that the health of wildlife populations and humans is at risk from the use of traditional ammunition."
In a press release, Grand Teton National Park and National Elk Refuge officials encouraged hunters to voluntarily switch to alternative ammunition during the 2009 elk and bison seasons. The voluntary measures are being advocated even though the manager of the elk refuge has told NSSF there have been no population impacts on ravens and eagles connected with the use of traditional ammunition.
NSSF says that educational messages can help inform hunters about options related to voluntary measures, such as how to choose alternative ammunition and how burying game entrails can reduce the chance of scavenger birds ingesting fragments from spent bullets in game carcasses. "Hunters were the first conservationists and are second to none in their support of and concern for wildlife," said Sanetti. "Surveys have shown that hunters are agreeable to taking voluntary measures, and our educational efforts in California to promote the burying of entrails was successful. We would like to work with NPS on this."
The use of traditional ammunition does not pose a health risk |
to human beings, a fact underscored by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study on North Dakota hunters who consumed game. The study showed there was no reason for concern over eating game taken with traditional ammunition. There has never been a documented case of lead poisoning among humans who have eaten game harvested with traditional ammunition.
Earlier in the year, the park service announced a ban on traditional ammunition that applied to park personnel involved with culling sick and wounded animals and indicated it would consider widening the ban to all hunters. The firearms industry and conservation groups criticized the ban in a press release, calling it "arbitrary, over-reactive and not based on science."
"In some areas today, wildlife management is being driven by fear of litigation, not by science," said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF senior vice president and general counsel.
For example, in California the Fish and Game Commission was forced to consider expanding a ban on traditional ammunition in areas protected for the California condor in response to a lawsuit settlement. Today, however, the commission followed the recommendation of the Fish & Game Department and recommended not to expand a ban on traditional ammunition in those areas. The department had previously cited lack of conclusive evidence to support an expansion of the ban.
Said Keane, "Any decision made about federal lands with regard to ammunition products should be based on a thorough scientific study of population impacts. Currently, there is no scientific evidence that indicates wildlife populations are being negatively impacted. We are calling on Congress to step in and provide the necessary oversight to prevent any unilateral actions by NPS on this issue. To date, the NPS decision-making process has not been transparent and based on sound, thorough science."
Keane also expressed concern over the cost to hunters forced or coerced into purchasing alternative ammunition products. "Non-traditional ammunition is expensive and about doubles the cost of a box of bullets," he stated. "In these difficult economic times, imposing voluntary or mandated restrictions on the use of traditional ammunition will serve to keep people from hunting and have a negative impact on the Pittman-Robertson Conservation Fund."
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of every box of ammunition and each firearm goes to the Pittman-Robertson Fund, which is the keystone for state wildlife conservation projects.
The Illinois DNR and participating partners sponsor wingshooting clinics at sites throughout Illinois this summer and fall to help improve the shooting skills of participants. Youth/Women's clinics are designed to teach participants basic firearm and hunter safety and the fundamentals of wingshooting. Hunter clinics are designed to enhance the wingshooting skills of hunters and provide sound wingshooting practice techniques.
For a complete schedule, check the IDNR web site at http://dnr.state.il.us.
Upcoming clinics include: Aug. 15-16 � Youth/Women Clinic � Shabonna Lake State Park (DeKalb Co.), phone 815/758-2773 Aug. 15-16 � Youth/Women Clinic � Cender Conservation Camp, Fisher (Champaign Co.), phone 217/935-6860 Aug. 22-23 � Hunter Clinic � Cender Conservation Camp, |
Fisher, phone 217/935-6860 Sept. 12-13 � Youth/Women Clinic � Johnson Sauk Trail State Park (Henry Co.), phone 309/853-5589 Sept. 12-13 � Youth/Women Clinic � Sam Dale Lake (Wayne Co.), phone 618/835-2292 Sept. 19-20 � Hunter Clinic � Des Plaines SFWA (Will Co.), phone 217/785-8129 Sept. 26-27 � Youth/Women Clinic � South Fork Dirt Riders Park (Christian Co.), phone 217/496-3113 Sept. 27 � Youth Clinic � Decatur Gun Club (Macon Co.), phone 217/521-9469 Oct. 3-4 � Hunter Clinic � WSRC-Sparta (Randolph Co.), phone 618/295-2700 Oct. 10-11 � Hunter Clinic � Jim Edgar Panther Creek SFWA (Cass Co.), phone 217/452-7741 Oct. 17-18 � Hunter Clinic � St. Charles Sportsmen�s Club (Kane Co.), phone 630/363-6180 Oct. 24-25 � Youth/Women Clinic � Ten Mile Creek SFWA (Hamilton Co.), 618/643-2862 |
Go Fishing at the Hoosier Outdoor Experience Fishing is a popular and enjoyable means of outdoor recreation in Indiana, and the Hoosier Outdoor Experience on September 26-27 at Fort Harrison State Park is the place to learn fishing skills from experts.
"Fishing remains one of the most wholesome and fun ways to enjoy the great outdoors," said Bill James, chief fisheries biologist for the Department of Natural Resources. "Unfortunately, many of today's computer-age kids spend far more time plugged in indoors than they do exploring their natural world. Teaching a youngster to fish opens up and enriches their world in ways that can last a lifetime."
Fishing activities planned for the Hoosier Outdoor Experience include lessons for all ages on basic fundamentals, equipment, knot tying and casting.
In addition, the Indiana Bass Federation is host for a youth casting competition. Youths will cast from the front of a boat (on land) to three targets placed at different distances. The winner at the Hoosier Outdoor Experience qualifies for the state competition later in the year. |
The Hoosier Outdoor Experience is a family-friendly event that is the first of its kind in Indiana. Unlike traditional trade shows, visitors will be able to enjoy hands-on experiences in a wide range of outdoor activities, such as fly fishing, target shooting, archery, kayaking, mountain biking, hiking, rock climbing, camping and much more.
The Hoosier Outdoor Experience is presented by the Department of Natural Resources and the Indiana Natural Resources Foundation, with sponsorship support from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust, Ball Brothers Foundation, WXIN-Fox 59, Indianapolis, and numerous other sponsors.
Parking, admission, activities, demonstrations and seminars are free to the public, but online registration is required. To register, go to hoosieroutdoorexperience.IN.gov and click on the yellow registration icon.
Event updates can be found at www.hoosieroutdoorexperience.IN.gov.
DNR Fishin' Pond awaits young State Fair anglers About 4,500 kids learned to fish for free during last year's Indiana State Fair at the DNR's 312,000-gallon Fishin' Pond. This catch-and-release fishing program runs from 9 a.m. to noon, and 4 to 7 p.m., daily, Aug. 7-23, (except the mornings of Aug. 7-8 and 17-21).
As last year, 3,500 hybrid bluegill and 1,500 channel catfish will be stocked before and during the fair to keep the fishing fresh. Friendly volunteers will again teach kids, ages 5-17, how to be safe and successful. These adults will also bait the hook and release the fish if needed. Kids must be accompanied by an adult to participate. After the fishing, participants will want to head over to the education table where kids can do crafts and adults have the chance to make an Angler�s Legacy pledge to take a kid fishing in the upcoming year.
Registration, which is required before fishing, is located next |
to the Natural Resources Building, outside the doors of Mother Nature's Mercantile, near the paddlefish pond (sorry, no fishing there).
Just like natural fishin' holes, the Fishin' Pond is most crowded on weekends. If you go to the fair on a Saturday or Sunday and want to fish, head to the Fishin' Pond registration site as soon as you get in the fair gates. On those busy days, the early birds get to cast the worms. Early anglers also are likely to have better luck on weekdays, since that the crowds are thinner in the morning and grow heavier late in the day.
New DNR Go FishIN program coordinator Clint Kowalik, formerly an assistant fisheries biologist for the DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife, is eager to meet and ready to help the fair-going youngsters and youth fish safely and successfully.
White River fish kill was caused by algae bloom A fish kill in the White River near Rocky Ripple in Marion County noticed by members of the public late last week appears to be the result of an excessive algae bloom.
Both DNR and IDEM dispatched investigators on July 24, after several reports from concerned citizens. Neither agency found evidence of a spill, but instead found brownish water and scummy algae on the water's surface. Lenore Tedesco, director of IUPUI's Center for Earth and Environmental Science, collected water samples in the area on July 24 and 27, and documented a diatom algae bloom. |
According to Tedesco, such algae blooms can cause fish kills. �When the algae are in very high concentrations, like they are right now in the White River, they make oxygen during the day, but rob oxygen from the water at night," she said. "Without enough oxygen, fish will basically suffocate.� Tedesco said that while algae are natural in streams and lakes, excessive growth like this is not natural. "Right now we are seeing algal blooms in many of our (local) freshwater systems," Tedesco said. "This is typical in middle to late summer and suggests excessive nutrients in the water.�
Lake Shoreline/Seawall Workshop August 28 The rules that regulate seawall construction projects on Indiana lakes can be confusing. A workshop designed to help lake residents, lake leaders, realtors, attorneys, and developers understand is scheduled, August 28 at Skinner Lake in Noble County.
The event is hosted by the Skinner Lake Homeowners Association (SLHOA), Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and the Indiana Lakes Management Society (ILMS). The goal is to provide information on various shoreline classifications and how those classifications determine the type of seawall that may legally be installed.
The workshop begins at 6 p.m., and should last approximately two hours. After a brief presentation on factors used to classify shorelines, workshop participants will tour Skinner Lake on pontoon boats to examine various sites and discuss seawall options.
"There is a general lack of knowledge and widespread misunderstanding of the rules that regulate seawalls," said Jeremy Price, DNR compliance biologist who handles cases involving illegal seawalls. "This workshop gives folks the |
opportunity to find out what type of seawall might be permitted along their lakefront property."
According to Indiana law (IC 14-26-2-3), anyone who constructs seawall along the shoreline of a public freshwater lake must first get a permit from the DNR. When reviewing seawall permit applications, the DNR must follow certain standards under administrative rule 312 IAC 11-1-1, based on one of four shoreline categories. The categories function much the same way as local zoning designations and restrictions.
Concrete, steel or other "bulkhead" seawalls may only be constructed in "developed areas," already impacted by extensive shoreline alterations. Glacial rock seawalls may be permitted within less-impacted "areas of special concern." In sensitive areas, those classified as "natural shorelines" or "significant wetlands," only bio-engineered seawalls that incorporate native plants into their design may be allowed.
Please contact Ed Sprague of the SLHOA and board member of ILMS at (260) 636-7336 or [email protected] if you plan to attend. Sweet Lake Church is located east of Albion at the intersection of Noble County 300E and 415N. |
Canoe at the Hoosier Outdoor Experience, Sept. 25 - 27 Finding a place to paddle a canoe is easy in Indiana, where opportunities abound on hundreds of lakes and miles and miles of rivers and streams.
�While many Hoosiers may be aware of the great hiking and biking trail opportunities available to them in Indiana, it may come as some surprise to learn that there are 1,600 miles of water trails ready and waiting for the launching of canoes,� said Steve Morris, director of the DNR Division of Outdoor Recreation. �Paddling Indiana's streams and lakes is a great way to get back to nature and have some outdoor fun.�
What if you don�t know how to paddle a canoe but want to learn? The Hoosier Canoe Club will help make the connection at the Hoosier Outdoor Experience on Sept. 26-27 at Fort Harrison State Park. �Our canoe club is excited for this opportunity to introduce our fellow Hoosiers to the joys of paddling in Indiana,� said Dan Velleskey, club member. |
The Hoosier Outdoor Experience is a family-friendly event that is the first of its kind in Indiana. Unlike traditional trade shows, visitors will be able to enjoy hands-on experiences in a wide range of outdoor activities, such as fly fishing, target shooting, archery, kayaking, mountain biking, hiking, rock climbing, camping and much more.
The Hoosier Outdoor Experience is presented by the Department of Natural Resources and the Indiana Natural Resources Foundation, with sponsorship support from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust, Ball Brothers Foundation, WXIN-Fox 59 Indianapolis, and numerous other sponsors.
Parking, admission, activities, demonstrations and seminars are free to the public, but online registration is required. To register or for more info: www.hoosieroutdoorexperience.IN.gov , click on the yellow registration icon. |
Public Tours of Sturgeon Hatchery on Black River Now Offered Provides Unique Opportunity to See Sturgeon Fingerlings The Department of Natural Resources, Michigan State University, Tower-Kleber Limited Partnership and Sturgeon for Tomorrow will host sturgeon hatchery tours at the Black River facility near Onaway on Wednesday, Aug. 12, and Thursday, Aug. 13. Tours will run from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on both days.
Tours are free of charge. Group tours of 10 or more participants are asked to pre-register by calling 231-625-2776. Meeting arrangements will be made upon registration. The hatchery is located in Cheboygan County�s Upper Black River on Twin School Road adjacent to the Kleber Dam.
Sturgeon researchers from the DNR and MSU will be on hand to talk about lake sturgeon biology, reproductive ecology and current year�s research. Sturgeon for Tomorrow representatives will discuss restoration work to improve sturgeon spawning habitat, sturgeon conservation and outreach programming.
�On the tour we will see the three month old sturgeon currently in the hatchery, and learn about early life history and how we can all play a role to keep this fish in our lakes,� said David Borgeson, Northern Lake Huron Unit supervisor with the DNR.
�Through DNR and federal funding, MSU and the DNR are conducting research on rearing sturgeon in a streamside culture facility to determine growth and survival,� said Ben |
Rook, MSU doctorate student. Results will provide much needed guidance for managers involved in lake sturgeon restoration efforts, while improving the effectiveness of lake sturgeon culture and stocking efforts. The sturgeon fingerlings produced at the hatchery will be reintroduced to Black Lake and potentially other large local lakes with known sturgeon populations on Aug. 15.
The Tower-Kleber Limited Partnership entered into an agreement with the DNR and have provided the land and invested in the building of this facility.
�The commitment Tower-Kleber demonstrated in constructing the facility this year in time to allow for fish production is outstanding,� said Kurt Newman, Lake Huron Basin coordinator with the DNR. �The primary purpose of the facility is to rear lake sturgeon to assist in the species� rehabilitation,� said Nate Sayers, Tower-Kleber project manager.
The lake sturgeon has a long history in the lakes and rivers of Michigan. In fact, sturgeon have been cruising lake waters since the time of the dinosaurs -- about 136 million years ago -- and was a common fish in Great Lakes waters 120 years ago. However, many stresses threaten their survival. The lake sturgeon is now considered an uncommon fish, and is a state listed threatened species. Sturgeon can live to be over 100 years old, grow to eight feet in length and weigh over 200 lbs.
For more information on lake sturgeon and to learn how to become involved, log on to www.sturgeonfortomorrow.org. |
DNR steps up Patrols on AuSable River A spike in complaints about marine safety, resource damage, littering, drug and alcohol use and disorderly conduct on Michigan�s AuSable River will result in increased law enforcement patrols of the river for the remainder of the summer, the DNR said.
DNR conservation officers will partner with local law enforcement agencies to increase patrols to address violations on the AuSable. Multi-agency patrols on various stretches of the river will be in effect through the rest of the summer season to protect resources and provide public safety, said DNR Law Enforcement Division Chief Gary Hagler.
�Observations from law enforcement officers of disorderly behavior and resource damage, coupled with an increase in complaints from the public about violations occurring on the AuSable, have prompted us to beef up our patrols on the river,� |
said Hagler. �We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable experience on one of Michigan�s favorite rivers, and we are asking the public to cooperate by obeying marine safety laws and being more courteous to others who are out enjoying the river too.�
The AuSable, famed for its blue ribbon trout fishery, also attracts many canoers, kayakers, tubing enthusiasts and boaters in the summer months.
Boaters are encouraged to operate safely, follow the rules and have minimal impact on the resources, Hagler said. Citizens who witness illegal activity on the river are encouraged to call 911 or the DNR�s Report All Poaching Hotline at 800-292-7800.
For more information about safe recreation on the AuSable River, contact the DNR at 989-275-5151 or the U.S. Forest Service�s Mio Ranger District Office at 989-826-3252. |
First Lake Sturgeon Release from New Black River Hatchery Planned for Aug. 15 The Michigan DNR is celebrating the release of young sturgeon raised at the Black River Streamside Lake Sturgeon Rearing Facility.
DNR Fisheries officials announced that the newly completed streamside sturgeon rearing facility on the Black River has produced its first batch of young lake sturgeon, and these fish are now ready to be released back into the river. This is part of ongoing efforts to rehabilitate the Black Lake sturgeon population.
A ceremony to celebrate the successful construction of the facility and the stocking of the young lake sturgeon will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 15, at Kleber Dam, which is operated by Tower-Kleber Limited Partnership. The dam is located at the Twin School Road crossing of the Black River, approximately three miles northeast of Tower in Cheboygan County.
Construction of the rearing facility was one of the essential elements included in a negotiated agreement between the |
DNR and Tower-Kleber as part of the dam's operating license. The company agreed to help enhance sturgeon populations after a 1997 DNR survey showed sturgeon numbers had declined significantly from previous levels.
�The efforts of the people at Tower-Kleber have been extraordinary; they worked through difficult weather conditions and under a very tight schedule to construct the facility in time to produce sturgeon this year,� said Dave Borgeson, the Northern Lake Huron Unit manager for the DNR.
The rearing facility was staffed by MSU personnel, but that was only one of the many tasks completed as part of the ongoing research, led by Dr. Kim Scribner, Ph.D. candidate Ben Rook of MSU, and DNR researcher Dr. Ed Baker.
�It has been a very busy field season. The timing for the spring tagging of spawning adults, collection of eggs and larval sturgeon, and rearing of the young fish all overlapped this year, which made for some very long days,� Rook said. �It will be nice to see our efforts pay off when we put these young fish back into river.� |
Rifle River Recreation Area Hosts its Third Annual Survivor Weekend Aug. 22 The Michigan DNR invites youngsters to �GO-Get Outdoors� and have some fun with a day of friendly competition at Rifle River Recreation Area on Saturday, Aug. 22.
The �Survivor Event� will test participants� abilities and knowledge. The event will begin at 11 a.m. at the Grousehaven Lake Day Use Area, and is scheduled to end at 3 p.m. Participants do not need to form a team. Teams will be selected upon arrival according to two age classes: 6 to 10 years of age, and 11 to 16 years of age. Youngsters should dress in old clothes and expect to get dirty while having some fun.
There will be a lunch intermission around 1 p.m. Competitors and visitors can roast their own hot dog lunch and discuss |
their afternoon strategy. Hotdogs are being provided by Parkview Acres, the local convenience store located across the street from the park.
Rifle River is located at 2550 E. Rose City R., four and one-half miles east of Rose City. For more information about this event, the Rifle River Recreation Area, accessibility, or persons needing accommodations to attend this event, contact the park supervisor at 989-473-2258.
Camping reservations can be made on-line at www.midnrreservations.com, or by calling the DNR central reservation system at 1-800-447-2757. Join the DNR in celebrating the 90th Anniversary of Michigan State Parks (1919-2009) this year. Events are being posted at www.michigan.gov/dnrgogetoutdoors. |
DNR, Sportsmen Partner on Three Upper Peninsula Deer Habitat Projects Three sportsmen�s groups in the Upper Peninsula have been chosen by the DNR to receive funding for deer habitat improvement projects, DNR officials announced.
The cooperative projects are part of the DNR�s Deer Habitat Improvement Partnership Initiative, a program created to help fund proposals from non-government organizations designed to improve Upper Peninsula white-tailed deer habitat on both private and public land. The state�s Deer Range Improvement (DRIP) Fund, which receives $1.50 from each deer license sold in Michigan, will provide $17,000 for the projects.
Two of the Deer Habitat Improvement Partnership Initiative projects will take place in Dickinson County. The United |
Sportsmen�s Club, Inc., of Merriman, will create wildlife openings on private land adjacent to a tract of state land. The East Dickinson County Sportsmans Club of Filch will spearhead a wildlife tree planting project targeting rural camp owners.
�Interest in the new Deer Habitat Improvement Partnership Initiative was very keen and we�re looking forward to completing this year�s three projects,� said DNR DRIP coordinator Bill Scullion. �This entire effort has been an excellent opportunity for the DNR to build partnerships with sportsmen�s clubs and the general public while improving our deer habitat in innovative ways.�
For more information, contact Bill Scullion at 906-786-2351. |
New York
New Navigation Law effective Nov 1, 2009 New York State Navigation Law Article 4 Part 1 Section 40, Equipment: Equipment required herein shall be carried on every vessel except as otherwise provided, while underway, or at anchor with any person aboard, while on the navigable waters of the state and any tidewaters bordering on or lying within the boundaries of Nassau and Suffolk counties. Should the federal government adopt vessel equipment requirements different from those contained in this section, the commissioner shall be authorized to adopt rules and regulations superseding the vessel equipment requirements of this section to achieve consistency with federal standards, and shall submit such proposed rules and regulations to the secretary of state in accordance with the state administrative procedure act within thirty days of the adoption of federal equipment requirements or submit a statement as to why such conforming changes are not being proposed. 1. * personal flotation devices. * NB Effective until November 1, 2009 * Personal flotation devices. * NB Effective November 1, 2009 (a) Every pleasure vessel and every rowboat, canoe and kayak shall have at least one wearable personal flotation device for each person on board, which shall be of a type approved by the United States coast guard and shall be in good condition. (b) Pleasure vessels sixteen feet and greater in length shall |
carry at least one type IV throwable personal flotation device which shall be of a type approved by the United States coast guard and shall be in good condition. (c) Every operator or person in charge or control of a pleasure vessel, rowboat or canoe, as described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subdivision shall be responsible for compliance with the provisions of this subdivision. (d) No person shall operate a pleasure vessel of Class A, one, two or three as classified and defined in subdivision one of section forty-three of this article or a rowboat, canoe or kayak nor shall the owner of such vessel while on board such vessel knowingly permit its operation, unless each person on such vessel under the age of twelve is wearing a securely fastened United States Coast Guard approved wearable personal flotation device of an appropriate size when said vessel is underway. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to any person on such vessel under the age of twelve who is within a fully enclosed cabin.
* (e) No owner or operator of a pleasure vessel less than twenty-one feet, including rowboats, canoes, and kayaks shall permit its operation, between November first and May first, unless each person on board such vessel is wearing a securely fastened United States Coast Guard approved wearable personal flotation device of an appropriate size when such vessel is underway. * NB Effective November 1, 2009 |
Bald Eagle Reproduction A Success Reflecting national trends, Ohio's bald eagle population continues to grow in numbers and expand in territory. Biologists with the Ohio DNR Division of Wildlife counted a |
record 215 nests in the state this year, the twenty-second consecutive year that the state's breeding bald eagle population has increased. |
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