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Week of June 30 , 2003 |
National |
Commerce Committee Marks-up Wallop-Breaux - Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act" Bill
Appropriations Committee Passes FY 04 Interior and Agriculture Funding Bills
Bush Administration recommends strengthening of Magnusson-Stevens Act
Regional |
General |
2nd Amendment issues |
Illinois |
Indiana |
Michigan |
Minnesota |
New York |
Ohio |
Pennsylvania |
Wisconsin |
WI - Cool weather a boon for some anglers, jury out for fish
WI - State Supreme Court to hear arguments on mourning dove hunt
Ontario |
or |
Nat'l - Anti-Telemarketing List Opens for Registration Dinnertime now safe from telemarketers WASHINGTON - Households frazzled by unwanted telephone sales calls could soon be enjoying the sounds of silence, thanks to a popular anti-telemarketing list that opened for registration on Friday, June 27.
Federal officials said consumers are now able to place their home and mobile telephone numbers on a free, national "do not call list" of households that do not want to receive telephone sales calls, by logging on to http://donotcall.gov or calling 888-382-1222. Telemarketers who call numbers on the list after Oct. 1 will face penalties of up to $11,000 per call, as well as possible lawsuits from consumers and state attorneys general.
Residents living in states west of the Mississippi River, including Louisiana and Minnesota, were able to sign up by phone starting June 27. Those living east of the Mississippi will not be able to sign up until July 7, though they will be able to sign up through the Web site |
Those who sign up through the Web site will be able to register up to three phone numbers at once, while those who register by phone will only be able to register the phone number from which they are calling.
Consumers who sign up for the list by August 31 should see a sharp drop-off in calls starting October 1, while those who sign up later will face a three-month wait before telemarketers add their numbers to the list.
Consumers will not have to pay for the list, as it will be funded by telemarketers. The list does not cover all callers. Nonprofit and political callers will be free to ignore it, but will have to honor consumer requests not to be called back. Businesses will be free to call customers for 18 months after making a sale, but they too will have to honor opt-out requests.
Telemarketing groups have sued to scratch the effort, arguing that it abridges free-speech rights.
Nat'l - USFWS and partners compile a fish-barrier database The USFWS and its partners have unveiled the first online national database of barriers to fish passage. Managers throughout the United States involved in resource planning and habitat restoration will use the inventory.
"This system will also be a living database," said Dr. Mamie Parker, assistant director for Fisheries and Habitat Conservation. "With just a few clicks of the mouse, the user can quickly see what kind of stream mileage can be made available. There will be constant updates of information. It's a user-friendly system and one we are very excited about."
The Service will spend $2.3 million this year to help reopen 837 miles of fish habitat and spawning grounds in 29 states, either removing or modifying small dams or other obstructions. Many of the small dams date to the beginnings of two revolutions � the American and the industrial � and long ago fell into disuse. Some dams are not removed but "notched" � cut with an access point � to allow fish passage. Dams that are still serving a function may be bypassed with the aid of a weir or fish ladder.
Known formally as the Fish Passage Decision Support System, the database is available online and provides barrier information such as location, type, size, name of the owner, passage capability, fish species affected, and local habitat information. It includes all barriers that prevent or inhibit fish or other aquatic species from reaching |
historic habitat or spawning grounds.
The Service's Fish Passage Program, initiated in 1999, works with federal, state, local, and civic agencies and organizations to restore fish and other aquatic species by reopening habitat that has become fragmented by artificial barriers. Partners in the Fish Passage Program contribute matching funds to the government's share.
"One of the most damaging things for fish and other aquatic systems are barriers that inundate habitat and block access from spawning grounds," said Elizabeth Maclin of American Rivers. "We're pleased to see the Fish and Wildlife Service and their partners pulling this database together. This program is already working well, and the database will enable it to work that much better."
The Fish Passage Decision Support System database currently includes the Army Corps of Engineers' National Inventory of Dams, state dam databases from North Carolina and Tennessee, and a list of barriers compiled in the Pacific States Marine Fishery Commission's StreamNet database. Service biologists are also entering data from recent inventory projects. New data on dams, culverts, dikes, and irrigation diversions from a number of cooperating agencies and organizations will be added to the system on a continuing basis.
Click here for the Fish Passage Decision Support System (FPDSS): https://ecos.fws.gov/fpdss/index.do
Nat'l -
Appropriations Committee Passes FY 04 Interior and
Agriculture Funding Bills
The House Interior Appropriations subcommittee passed a $19.63 billion funding bill for the Department of the Interior and related agencies and a $17.01 billion bill for the Department of Agriculture (USDA). The bills are expected to be voted on by the full House after the July 4th recess. Detailed funding levels for the Department of Interior agencies can be found at: http://www.sportsmenslink.org/articles/FY04IntAppropsTables.pdf
The USDA funding levels would decrease the FY '03 |
amount by $393 million and fall $136 million below President Bush's request, which lead to cuts in two of the farmland conservation programs as contained in the 2002 Farm Bill. The Conservation Security Program (CSP), a new program that would have paid farmers for improving their ecological management of working lands, was slated to receive $53 million under the Farm Bill but was eliminated in the FY '04 spending bill.
The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) was also reduced in the subcommittee to $975 million, down $25 million from the Farm Bill authorized level of $1 billion. Highlights of the Agriculture Appropriations bill can be found at: http://www.house.gov/appropriations/news/108_1/04agfull.htm
Bush Administration recommends strengthening of Magnusson-Stevens Act As Congress prepares to review and re-authorize the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, NOAA Fisheries, offers recommendations to strengthen and build upon the success of existing fisheries management programs.
"The proposals we're submitting seek to improve some of the provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Act so we can continue to strengthen our science and management capabilities and better adapt to the ever-changing needs of our environment and fishing communities," said Bill Hogarth, director of NOAA Fisheries.
Hogarth explained that the last re-authorization provided the tools to make dramatic changes in fisheries management that focused on goals and improved operations. "As evidenced in our recent report to Congress, the Sustainable Fisheries Act of 1996 - which has been in place only six years - is working to rebuild fish stocks," said Hogarth.
The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act is the nation's premier fisheries conservation law. Originally developed in 1976, the act provides for federal management of fisheries in the 200 mile U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. The act established authority with the Department of Commerce, through NOAA Fisheries and the eight regional fishery management councils, for management of U.S. fishing operations.
Throughout the 1980s and early '90s, America experienced burgeoning fisheries in these waters as the demand for seafood worldwide rose. During that same period, technology made fishing more efficient and profitable, and more Americans began participating in both commercial and recreational fishing.
Responding to the increasing challenges facing fisheries management, Congress overhauled the provisions of the act in 1996 - through a re-authorization known as the Sustainable Fisheries Act - to place greater emphasis on fishery management regimes that rebuild overfished stocks, reduce the amount of fish caught unintentionally and discarded, protect fish habitats, prevent overfishing of our nation's fishery resources, and minimize adverse economic impacts on fishing communities. |
The Administration's recommendations for this year's Magnuson-Stevens Act re-authorization contain seven key components:
The Administration believes the fisheries management system has by and large succeeded in engaging regional user groups and other constituencies in the regulatory process, and improving the information available to decision makers. The long-term objective is to make the management system more efficient by streamlining the public comment and Secretarial review and approval process. Cost effective provisions for notifying the public have also been introduced.
Amendments to develop standards and requirements for the development of individual fishing quotas (IFQs). IFQs could provide a means of bringing into better balance the harvesting capability of our fleets with the amount of fish available for harvest.
An amendment that would improve the effectiveness of fishing capacity reduction programs. This amendment would allow a fishing capacity reduction program to apply to several fisheries in a geographical area, allow the Secretary of Commerce to conduct a program without first receiving a request from a council or governor, which permits a program to span multiple fisheries. Such buyback programs can help reduce harvesting capacity to biologically and economically sustainable levels.
Tougher fines and penalties for fishery violations.
Amendments to give the councils and the Secretary discretion in developing additional funding mechanisms for fishery observer programs. The removal of restrictions on access to essential economic data.
A statutory distinction between the terms "overfishing" and "overfished". The act currently has a single definition that applies to both overfishing and overfished, whereas overfishing relates to the rate of fishing harvests, and overfished relates to the size of the stock of fish.
Copies of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act fact sheets can be viewed at: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov .
Schornack confirmation as Chair of U.S. Section of IJC - support needed The confirmation of Dennis Schornack as chair of the U.S. Section of the International Joint Commission is pending on this week's calendar of the U.S. Senate, and we need your help. Follows is an open letter to the Senate. Schornack is an avid angler and boater and a firm supporter of the sport fishing community from all over the basin � and a big time adversary of invasive species. He needs our support and endorsement.
All you need to do is send your name and home town and state to: [email protected] and he will add your name to the letter below.
Dan Thomas, President
June 23, 2003
The United States Senate Capitol Building Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Senators:
We urge you to confirm the Honorable Dennis Schornack as Chairman of the United States Section of the International Joint Commission (IJC). He has most ably served in that position since April of 2002, has achieved much over that same period and is extremely well qualified to continue in this important post. That�s why we join former Michigan Governor Bill Milliken, former Wisconsin governor Anthony Earl and former Michigan Attorney General Frank Kelley in supporting his confirmation.
Under the leadership of Chairman Schornack, the IJC has |
moved swiftly to raise awareness in the United States and Canada about the growing threat of aquatic invasive species. For example, he played a key role in the installation of an electrical dispersal barrier in the Chicago Ship and Sanitary Canal to block the passage of the Asian carp � a huge filter-feeding fish that threatens to devastate the Great Lakes fishery.
In addition, under his thoughtful supervision, the IJC issued the first report in almost a decade on the status of polluted hotspots in the Great Lakes known as Areas of Concern and discussions are underway with both governments to make this report a living document on the Internet for the first time. Moreover, as one of the original authors of Annex 2001 of the Great Lakes Charter, Chairman Schornack is uniquely suited to lead the IJC in discussions over how best to protect the waters of the Great Lakes from diversion.
We are also honored that Chairman Schornack has succeeded in scheduling the IJC�s Great Lakes Conference and Biennial Meeting in Ann Arbor this September, bringing this event to the heart of the Great Lakes for the first time since 1991.
For more than a year, Chairman Schornack has patiently waited for the Senate to act and has served our president and our nation with grace and distinction. Moreover, he has developed excellent relations with his counterparts in Canada, earning the respect and admiration of his fellow commissioners. Therefore, we urge you to do what�s right for the Great Lakes and for America by confirming the Honorable Dennis Schornack as Chairman of the U.S. Section of the International Joint Commission.
2nd Amendment issues
IL - Archery licenses go on sale July 12 Attention non-resident Illinois deer hunters Illinois archery deer hunting permits for non-residents of the state for the 2003-2004 season will go on sale on Saturday, July 12 at 8 a.m. The permits for non-residents will only be available by telephone using a credit card to complete the transaction.
Beginning at 8 a.m. on Saturday, July 12, non-resident archery deer permits will be available via toll-free telephone using a credit card at 888-6-PERMIT (888-673-7648).
The 2003 non-resident archery deer permit fee is $226 plus a processing fee. This permit includes an either-sex and an antlerless-only permit. In addition to their permit, non-resident deer hunters must also purchase a non-resident hunting license and a habitat stamp. Non-resident hunters may purchase either the annual license ($50.75) or a five-day license ($28.75) depending on the amount of time they will be hunting.
Non-resident archery deer hunters are limited to one archery deer permit for the 2003 hunting season. The sale of these permits is capped at 12,843 (the cap represents the number of non-resident permits that have been sold annually since the |
2000-2001 archery deer season). Non-resident archery deer permits are not available over-the-counter at hunting license vendors.
During the 2002 permit sales period, these permits were completely sold out within four weeks. More than 2,000 hunters inquired about non-resident permits after they were sold out. Permits will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis until the quota is reached. Habitat stamps and hunting licenses will also be available to callers, who should have their hunter safety certificate number on hand if born after January 1, 1980. Applicants must also provide their social security and driver's license numbers.
A processing fee of $13 will be charged in addition to the normal issuing fees. If any permits remain unsold as of September 2, 2003, they will also be available from seven Illinois Department of Natural Resources offices until sold out. The offices are located in Sterling, Bartlett, Champaign, Alton, Benton, Springfield and Chicago. Addresses and phone numbers can be found at the IDNR web site (http://dnr.state.il.us ), by consulting an Illinois Digest of Hunting and Trapping Regulations, or by calling 217/782-2965. Also, please visit our web site (http://dnr.state.il.us ) for updates. |
IN - Super-sized steelhead entering St. Joe River The net poles are bending a little further as Indiana DNR biologists collect steelhead broodstock in the St. Joseph River this year.
"The fish are averaging two lbs heavier," said Bodine State Fish Hatchery biologist Bob Bell. "The 231 fish trapped so far have weighed an average of 11 lbs, and one out of ten fish are pushing 17 to 18 lbs -- some of the biggest Skamania steelhead we've ever trapped." For the last ten years, Skamania broodstock trapped and transported to DNR's Bodine State Fish Hatchery near Mishawaka had an average weight of 9 lbs.
Each year, biologists collect 700 adult Skamania steelhead at fish ladders in Michigan and Indiana. These summer-migrating trout are kept at the hatchery until they are ready to release eggs in the winter. Some Skamania begin heading up Michigan's portion of the St. Joe in June, but the bulk of the Skamania run usually hits South Bend and Mishawaka in August and September. |
DNR biologist David Meuninck speculates the fish are unusually hulky due to plentiful food, or that migrating fish may be older than usual. Alewives, one of the primary food fish for trout and salmon in Lake Michigan, have been very abundant in the past few years. But last year's lack-luster steelhead run may be the key.
Last summer, Lake Michigan's water level was low and the water temperatures were high - not ideal conditions for steelhead migrations. Many steelhead may have stayed in the lake to forage, building up reserves for the grueling run up the river to spawn.
"The extra year of foraging might help account for the extra weight of the fish we are seeing this year," said Meuninck. Meuninck is guardedly optimistic about what this will mean for St. Joe Skamania anglers this summer and fall. "We could have some amazed anglers and a few more snapped lines," he said.
Lake Michigan and tributary fishing information: http://www.IN.gov/dnr/fishwild/fish/lkmich/open.html |
IN - New Knobstone Trail map available in print and online Indiana's longest footpath has upgraded features The Knobstone Trail is Indiana's longest footpath, running up and down hills, through state forests, a county park, and past a state fish and wildlife area. At 58 miles, the trail has features used and enjoyed by all sorts of outdoors people, including hunters, anglers, campers and bird watchers.
But its primary use is as a very rugged hiking trail for people who seek challenging and well-mapped terrain through public lands.
After several years of upgrades-including a new trailhead and enhanced trail sections-the Knobstone Trail also has a new and more accurate map, enhanced in part through global positioning system technology.
The map is available as a printed version for $4 from the DNR Customer Service Center, 317-232-4180. An online .pdf version of the map is downloadable at www.IN.gov/dnr/knobstone ; the map files are big, greater than 6 MB each, and will take some time to download. Additional trail information, including directions and hiking tips are also available online. Recent trail improvements, such as the re-routing of the |
Jackson Road Trailhead north of Deam Lake are recorded on the new map, as well as the new Oxley Trailhead, a memorial to John Stuart Oxley, a trail lover who died in 1998.
The Knobstone is not only known for challenging terrain, but also for water preparation challenges. With a lake at the two beginnings and one in the middle, folks who choose to purify their own drinking water can meet many hydration challenges. Hikers should not expect to rely upon water in seasonal streams (water found after rainfall).
Hikers should carefully consider stashing water at places where roads cross the trail. That's where using one of the new $4 maps comes in handy. You can also drive to trailheads and stash a jug of water behind a tree or near an easily found rock.
Likewise, carrying the food you'll eat also can be a challenge, but modern food preparation techniques, especially those that employ dried foods and rehydration, help keep hikers healthy and well fed.
Volunteers also help groom the trail using people of all skill levels, including Scouts, senior citizens and local service clubs. To find out more about volunteering or Knobstone Trail information, contact Nila Armstrong at [email protected] or 317-232-4070 |
IN - Hoosier Riverwatch to hold volunteer stream monitoring workshop July 10 The next volunteer stream monitoring workshop will be held in Floyd County on July 10, 2003. The training is free, but class size is limited to 10 participants. Persons interested in participating must make a prior reservation.
"Education is an important mission of the DNR," said John Goss, DNR director. "These local stream monitor volunteers will take home knowledge and a commitment that they will pass on to others who will, in turn, bring more people into the circle of those committed to protecting and improving our resources. When we accomplish widening that circle we are successful."
A level one training workshop will be held Thursday, July 10, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The workshop will provide general education in water quality issues and introductory-level training in monitoring the health of rivers and streams through physical, chemical, and biological testing. After completion of this training, volunteers can perform stream
testing, submit data to the statewide volunteer stream monitoring database, and teach students how to monitor.
Hoosier Riverwatch, jointly sponsored by Purdue University and the Indiana DNR, through its division of soil conservation, is a statewide education program that focuses on local river and stream stewardship. To date, approximately 3000 people have participated in the program.
"The training is for anyone interested in learning about water quality and gaining hands-on experience in monitoring rivers and streams," according to Lyn Hartman, Hoosier Riverwatch coordinator. People interested in the environment, especially local educators, are invited to attend the workshop.
For reservations and directions, contact Sylvia Hottel at the Floyd County Soil and Water Conservation District at [email protected] or call 812-945-9936. www.in.gov/dnr/soilcons/riverwatch |
MI - New Michigan club for salmon and trout anglers Overview of the Great Lakes Professional Angling Association, "GLPAA". The Great Lakes Professional Angling Association is a newly formed organization dedicated to establishing a professional arena within the Great Lakes for salmon and trout anglers. The recognition that salmon and trout anglers on the Great Lakes deserve is long overdue. Their skill, ability and knowledge, are equal to that of professional bass and walleye anglers. Collectively, salmon and trout anglers have a substantial economic impact on the United States and Canadian communities of the Great Lakes.
This year the GLPAA is hosting an inaugural tournament trail on Lake Huron consisting of four regional qualifying tournaments, followed by a championship event. The four regional tournaments are in Lexington, Harbor Beach, |
Oscoda and Alpena, Michigan. Qualifying teams will advance to the championship event in Rogers City, Michigan, "The Salmon Showdown"
Numerous sponsors have come forward to support this new concept including Big Jon Inc., Jack Daniels Country Cocktails, Fishlander, Pursuit Sports Inc., Jay's Sporting Goods, Luhr-Jensen, Michigan Stinger, Wolverine Tackle, Magna-Dyne(Northport Nailer), G-Fly, Shakespeare, Fowlplay, and others.
Visit www.glpaa.com for tournament dates, rules, entry form, payouts, prizes, sponsors, results and other information.
Brian Kuhr is President of the Great Lakes Professional Angling Association, and can be contacted at 231-633-2564 or 231-578-1788, [email protected] |
MI - 2003 Michigan elk hunt applications due July 15 State DNR officials are reminding hunters that applications for a Michigan elk hunting license are available from June 15 to July 15.
The 2003 elk hunting season is Dec. 9-16, on both public and private lands, in several northern Michigan counties. A second hunting period in January will be considered after the December hunt, based on harvest and hunters_ field observations. Only Michigan residents are eligible to apply. Hunters |
must be 14 years or older to hunt elk in Michigan, but youth hunters can apply prior to age 14 as long as they will be 14 by the end of the December hunt period. Hunters can apply online at www.michigan.gov/dnr or at any authorized license agent. A nonrefundable $4 fee is charged at the time of application.
Applicants may check the drawing results on-line beginning Aug. 1 at 10 a.m. See the 2003 Michigan Elk Hunting Guide for more details about the application process.
MN - DNR announces dates for 2003 bear hunting clinics The Minnesota DNR is offering a number bear hunting clinics designed to provide hunters with an in-depth look at the Minnesota black bear.
Hunters and bear enthusiasts will learn from fellow bear hunters and research personnel what to look for when scouting for bear, selecting bait sites, and baiting bear based on the principle of timing and quality. An up-to-date black bear handbook will be given to all participants. The clinics also include information about the latest regulations and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.
Last year almost 2,000 people attended a bear hunting clinic. Clinics are not mandatory but are strongly recommended. There is no age restriction for attending a clinic. After attending one of these clinics, hunters should have a better understanding of the behavior of black bear and their habitat needs. Hunters will learn techniques that will eliminate protective surveillance, old bait burnout, and cut down on nocturnal bears. These techniques will increase hunters' enjoyment and success. According to the DNR, 35 % of Minnesota bear hunters harvest a bear.
Advanced Hunter Education certification can also be earned through a format of individual clinics. By completing a bear clinic, hunters will be a step closer to earning their Advanced Hunter Education certification. Part of the certification involves attending five approved single topic clinics, one of which must include a shooting activity. Also, a take home, open book examination must be completed. In addition to this clinic, hunters can choose topics including whitetailed deer, waterfowl, bear, planning a hunt, survival in the outdoors, map and compass, gun safety in the home and more.
Seminars for Advanced Hunter Education and Minnesota Bow-Hunter Education programs are listed on a telephone recording and the Internet. Call (651) 296-5015 or visit www.dnr.state.mn.us . The listing is updated every two weeks. For a recording of Twin City area firearm safety classes, call (651) 296-4819 or toll free 800-366-8917.
2003 BEAR HUNTING CLINICS Date City Location Time July 12 Owatonna Cabela's 1:00-4:00 p.m. July 14 Owatonna Cabela's 6:00-9:00 p.m. July 15 Rosemount VFW 6:30-9:00 p.m. |
July 15 Aitkin High School 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 15 Spicer Mel's Sports Shop 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 15 Rochester PCA Building 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 17 Cambridge Middle School 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 17 Shakopee VFW 6:30-9:00 p.m. July 17 North Mankato South-Central Technical College 6:00-9:00 p.m. July 22 Hermantown Police Department 6:00-9:00 p.m. July 22 Mound VFW 6:30-9:00 p.m. July 22 Mora Kanabec County History Center 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 22 International Falls High Schoolcafeteria 7:00-10:00 p.m. July 22 St. Joseph LaPlayette Restaurant 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 23 Little Falls Camp Ripley 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 24 Thief River Falls High School auditorium 7:00-10:00 p.m. July 24 Hutchinson Gopher Campfire 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 24 Brainerd Central Lakes Community College 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 24 New Ulm Public Library 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 24 Silver Creek Silver Creek/Hasty Sports Club 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 26 Finlayson Giese Sportsmen's Club 1:00-5:00 p.m. July 29 Grand Rapids Itasca Community College 6:00-9:00 p.m. July 29 Warroad Streiff's Sporting Goods 7:00-10:00 p.m. July 29 Hugo City Hall 6:30-9:30 p.m. July 31 Bemidji High School 7:00-10:00 p.m. July 31 White Bear LakeWhite Bear Lake (South Campus) 6:30-9:30 p.m. August 4 Hawley High School auditorium 7:00-10:00 p.m. August 5 Detroit Lakes High School, Room 228 7:00-10:00 p.m. August 6 Alexandria Discovery Middle School 7:00-10:00 p.m.
New York
NY - Lake Level Headed for Above Average Summer in 2003 New York Sea Grant Looks at Historic Averages Brockport, NY; 06-17-03 Above average precipitation in the Great Lakes Basin since early March, particularly on the lower Great Lakes, has caused the level of Lake Ontario to rise more than thirty-two inches since March 15th, about nineteen inches more than the "normal" seasonal rise for that time of year. Rain in the Great Lakes Basin was about 31 percent above average for May 2003 while in the Lake Erie and Lake Ontario basins it was more than 60 percent above average, says Coastal Resources Specialist Chuck O'Neill of New York Sea Grant.
"Much depends on the weather, but it now looks as though by mid-June the water level on Lake Ontario will be about five inches above the lake's long-term average for that date," says O'Neill, comparing the forecasted level to data which averages Lake Ontario water levels from 1918-2002.
According to O'Neill, Lake Ontario's water level moves through roughly a two foot range from a "normal" mid-winter low of around 244.5 ft above sea level on New Year's Day to a seasonal high of around 246.12 ft in mid-June. Between 1860 and 1960 (when lake level regulation began), water levels have fluctuated through a six-foot
range between 242 and 248 feet above sea level.
Since mid-March 2003, the lake has gone from being some 14 �" below average for that time of year to almost 5" above average for that time of year on June 11th.
A recent study by the Recreational Boating and Tourism Technical Work Group of the International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Study Board indicates that marina operators dredge basins and channels during low water periods to be sure depths will handle the boats frequenting their marinas.
"Predicting water levels can be difficult because so much depends on the weather, but it now looks as though Lake Ontario is headed for a summer peak 4 - 6" above an "average" seasonal high level. Fall 2003 lake levels are more difficult to predict this early, but will most likely remain several inches above the lake's long-term average level," O'Neill says.
To see a chart showing recent lake levels plus forecasted levels for wet and dry weather conditions through October 2003, visit www.cce.cornell.edu/seagrant/gl-levels/ontario/ontario_forecast.gif
PA - Details finalized for upcoming Elk Season HARRISBURG - The Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners has given final approval to three measures that finalize the details for elk hunting. Among the proposals adopted, the Board eliminated the cap on the number of nonresident elk licenses that may be awarded; established a preference system for those who apply for, but do not receive elk licenses in 2003 and subsequent years; and made it unlawful to drive or herd elk.
For the 2001 and 2002 elk hunts, based on previous year's nonresidents license sales, nonresidents were limited to receiving up to 2 and 5 elk licenses, respectively. However, in the 2001 elk hunt, only one nonresident application was drawn, and in the 2002 elk hunt only four nonresidents applications were drawn. Beginning with the 2003 elk hunt, nonresidents will no longer be limited.
Establishment of a preference system for the elk license drawing is something that previous applicants supported. Beginning with the applications submitted for this year's drawing, individuals who are not awarded either an antlered or antlerless elk license in 2003 will be given preference in future drawings. Consecutive applications will not be required to maintain previously earned preference points, but applicants will only be awarded preference points for each year in which an application is submitted. Once a hunter is awarded an elk license - either an antlered or antlerless elk license - their preference points will revert to zero.
Lastly, based on certain situations involving elk hunters and guides driving elk from one management zone to another, or out of safety zones, the Board made it illegal to drive or herd elk. This measure is intended to address concerns voiced by a few landowners in the elk range.
On April 30, the Game Commission began accepting applications for the public drawing of 100 elk hunting licenses (20 for antlered elk, 80 for antlerless elk) to be made available for this fall's season through "The Outdoor Shop" on the agency's website www.pgc.state.pa.us . The public drawing is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 27, and the elk season is set for Nov. 10-15.
For those who prefer to complete a mail-in form, the agency also has posted a printable application on its |
website. In addition, applications will be included in the 2003-2004 Pennsylvania Digest of Hunting and Trapping Regulations, which is provided to each license buyer.
A $10 non-refundable fee must be submitted with the application. On-line applications must be accompanied by a credit card payment (VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express accepted), and must be submitted by Sept. 12.
Forms submitted through the mail must be accompanied by a check or money order (do not send cash) for $10 made payable to "Pennsylvania Game Commission," and must be received in the Game Commission's post office box by Aug. 22. Mail-in applications may be printed off the website, completed and mailed to: Pennsylvania Game Commission, Elk License Application, P.O. Box 61890, Harrisburg, PA 17106-1890.
"By law, only one application per year is permitted per person," Ross said. "If a person submits more than one application in any given year, all of his or her applications will be declared ineligible and the individual will be subject to prosecution. All application fees are non-refundable."
Because the application period opened before the 2003-2004 hunting licenses go on sale July 1, individuals are not required to purchase a resident or nonresident general hunting license to apply for the drawing. However, if they are drawn for one of the elk licenses, hunters then will be required to purchase the appropriate resident or nonresident general hunting license and attend a mandatory orientation program sponsored by the Game Commission before being permitted to purchase the elk license. The elk license fees are $25 for residents and $250 for nonresidents.
Ross reminded those considering submitting an application for one of the 100 elk licenses available for this fall that the $10 fee from the first 10,000 applications received will go toward a special partnership project to improve habitat in the elk range.
The Game Commission has posted on its website a new feature offering a look back at the 2002 elk season. To view the new section, go to the agency's homepage www.pgc.state.pa.us and click on the "PA Elk Hunting Headquarters" icon. |
PA - Grant approved to assist wildlife nuisance research The Pennsylvania Board of Commissioners has approved a grant of $30,770 to the Wildlife Management Institute as Pennsylvania's share in the Northeast Wildlife Damage Management Research and Outreach Cooperative.
The cooperative was formed in 1999, at the direction of the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agency Directors. Its goals are to develop cost-effective public and private solutions to wildlife damage conflicts through shared expertise, facilities and expenses between state and federal wildlife agencies, the Wildlife Management
Institute, universities and agricultural experiment stations and cooperative extension systems.
Since its formation, the cooperative has completed products related to the management of white-tailed deer in the suburbs; managing Canada geese in urban environments; managing nuisance bears and beavers, and a guide to the management of human-wildlife conflicts.
Calvin DuBrock, Game Commission Bureau of Wildlife Management director, serves on the cooperative's steering committee. The Northeast Wildlife Damage Management Cooperative website is www.wildlifecontrol.info/NEWDMC |
Here�s what fisheries biologists reported About Lake Michigan on June 20-23: Lake Michigan fishing is slow right now due to weather. The thermocline has not setup yet and the water temperature is about 52 degrees from top to bottom so the fish are real scattered right now. The thermocline is the transition area between warm surface waters and cold bottom waters. If the surface is 75 degrees, that might reach down to 40 ft and then the temperature starts to drop until it reaches the 40s near the bottom. Of course the deeper the water you are in, the colder the bottom temperature will be.
This is important because most salmon and trout prefer
water temperatures in the mid-50s so when this band appears the fish stay in this area and are easier to target. Of course lake trout stay deep in colder water and rainbow can come to the surface in the summer but they also can be found in this band of water. This is due to the unusually cold spring and early summer we have had; once the weather warms and the lake starts to stratify, the fish will congregate more and the fishing will pick up.
Coho salmon action has been good to excellent in the southern part of the lake. Racine and Kenosha anglers have been getting limits for weeks and they are good sized some over 10 pounds. Fishing remains slow north of Racine primarily due to the weather. - Brad Eggold, fisheries supervisor, southern Lake Michigan. |
WI - Record fish continue coming in at record rate MADISON � Anglers have already reeled in some state record fish for 2003, repeating the fast starts of recent years.
On May 1, Shane Cassel of Tomah caught a state record white crappie in the Cranberry Marsh in Monroe County. Cassel�s catch weighed in at 3 lbs 13.1 oz and was 16.5" long, besting the previous record, a 3 lb, 2 oz white crappie caught in 2001 from the Black River in Clark County. His catch represents the tenth time this record has changed hands in less than a decade.
On May 27, Frank Brown of Chippewa Falls caught a 9.6" long, 1 lb, 2 oz pumpkinseed from Big Round Lake in Polk County, edging out the previous record fish by 1 ounce. Records have been falling like rain in recent years � at least 20 of them in fact -- in a trend that may partly reflect the public�s increased awareness of existing state records.A Department of Natural Resources Web page |
lists all records � and reveals a wealth of categories for state records beyond the big game fish people might expect, according to Karl Scheidegger, the fisheries biologist who maintains the state records.
"I think some of what we're seeing is that anglers may be targeting records that seem attainable or are more willing to wade through the paperwork if they think they've caught a record fish," he says.
The recent spate of state records also reflects Wisconsin�s diversity of fish: 159 fish species in 27 families, with 145 of those species native to the state. Fourteen are introduced nonnative species. State records have been established in recent years for the quillback carpsucker, the mooneye, the shortnose gar, the American eel, and the burbot, among others.
To read about these and other state record fish, go online to www.fishingwisconsin.org , then look under "Wisconsin fish" for "record fish."
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