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Week of February 19, 2007 |
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Eating fish during pregnancy boosts babies' communication, social skills Study says Fish-eating Moms Produce Smarter Kids LONDON -- Women who eat seafood while pregnant may be boosting their children's IQ in the process, a new study has stated. The results of the study were surprising, say the authors, and contradict American and British recommendations that pregnant women should limit seafood and fish consumption to avoid potentially high levels of mercury.
The study, led by Dr. Joseph Hibbeln of the United States' National Institutes of Health, tracked the eating habits of 11,875 pregnant women in Bristol, Britain. The study from found that eating more fish during pregnancy resulted in significant, measurable benefits to the communication skills and social standing of their children seven years later.
The National Institutes of Health is a branch of the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services.
At 32 weeks into their pregnancy, the women were asked to fill in a seafood consumption questionnaire. They were subsequently sent questionnaires four times during their pregnancy, and then up to eight years after the birth of their child. Researchers examined issues including the children's social and communication skills, their hand-eye coordination, and their IQ levels. As with any study based on self-reporting methods, however, the results cannot be considered entirely definitive.
The study was primarily funded by Britain's Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust, the University of Bristol, and the British government.
Hibbeln and his colleagues concluded that women who ate more than 340 grams per week of fish or seafood -- the equivalent of two or three servings a week -- had smarter children with better developmental skills. Children whose mothers ate no seafood were 48 % more likely to have a low verbal IQ score, compared to children whose mothers ate high amounts of seafood.
"We have found that when women had low levels of seafood consumption, the outcome is exactly the opposite of what was assumed by the United States Advisory. Unfortunately, the advice appears to have had the unintended consequence of causing harm in a specific developmental domain - verbal development - where protection was intended" said Dr Hibbeln .
"These results highlight the importance of including fish in the maternal diet and lend support to the popular opinion that fish is brain food," wrote Dr. Gary Myers and Dr. Philip Davidson of |
the University of Rochester Medical Center, in an accompanying commentary. Myers and Davidson were not connected to the study.
Eating even more than three portions of fish or seafood a week could be beneficial, Hibbeln suggests. "Advice that limits seafood consumption might reduce the intake of nutrients necessary for optimum neurological development," he and his colleagues wrote.
A recap of the study included the following: � Eating less than 12 oz. of seafood each week was found to result in a 48% increased risk of children ending up in the lowest group of demonstrated verbal intelligence. � Low fish consumption was also strongly correlated with poor motor skills, troublesome behavior, poor communication skills and lower social status. � The socioeconomic standing of the mother and family were taken into account so that the ability to afford more fish in the diet did not bias the results. � Health experts warn against pregnant women eating certain types of fish -- such as tuna -- due to latent mercury content. � The health benefits of fish consumption are believed to be due to the omega-3 fatty acid content of oily fish. � "This idea of fish being toxic has been around for a long time but this study seems to be saying that is a minor problem compared with the benefits you get from fish," said Professor Robert Grimble, professor of nutrition at the University of Southampton. � Nutrition during pregnancy has a powerful impact on the future behavior of children. "Problematic" behavior in children needs to be treated with diet, not drugs. � The mercury content of fish can be largely nullified by taking chlorella (a superfood supplement) or eating cilantro (a common culinary herb) during the meal that fish is consumed. � In the U.S., the FDA warns women about the health hazards of excess mercury consumption, but fails to inform the public of the tremendous health benefits of oily fish. � Great nutrition during pregnancy creates smarter kids with healthier nervous systems and better language skills, which leads to greater social success and career success.
Bottom line? � Eating more oily fish makes healthier babies
News Target http://www.newstarget.com/021614.html
University of Bristol http://www.bris.ac.uk/news/2007/5293.html
News Max http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2007/2/16/93809.shtml |
Daylight Savings Time change March 11 As you may be aware, this years Daylight Savings Time (DST) goes into effect Sunday, March 11 and ends on Sunday, November 4.
These dates are different from previous Daylight Savings Time due to the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Additional information on the DST date change is available at http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/daylight_time.html
What does this mean to you? The following Microsoft operating systems automatically provide a code-fix upgrade, provided you have selected the |
automatic updates in your Windows operating system, or if you go to http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com : Windows XP SP2 Windows Server 2003 SP1 Windows Server 2003 (with no Service Pack) Windows 2000 with SP4 (workstation and all server platforms) For Windows XP (Pre-SP2) and Windows 2000 (pre-SP4), users should update their operating system or applying the latest service pack. For more info: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/928388 and http://support.microsoft.com/kb/317211 . |
Cornell scientists find quick test to detect deadly fish virus ITHACA, N.Y. (AP) � A new test will help scientists quickly detect VHS, a fast-spreading aquatic virus that threatens the Great Lakes fishing industry, according to its developers at Cornell University. Current tests for the viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus involve culturing cells and can take up to a |
month. The new technique, which measures viral genetic material, takes only 24 hours to identify the virus, said Paul Bowser, a Cornell professor of aquatic animal medicine.
"Earlier detection of the virus will provide us with a powerful research and diagnostic tool that will greatly aid in efforts to limit the impact of VHSV," Bowser said last week. |
Coast Guard wants industry�s help to fight terrorism Adm. Nimmich looking to partner with small boat operations MIAMI BEACH � Small vessels can pose a threat to national security and the recreational boating industry needs to work with government to develop methods of keeping boats out of the hands of those who could use them to harm others.
That was the message from Rear Admiral Joe Nimmich, The U.S. Coast Guard�s assistant commandant for policy and planning, who spoke this morning at the Boating Writers International breakfast.
�We�re looking to partner with you to get the right structure in place,� he said, noting it would not be easy to change the culture of boating. �The terrorists look for soft spots and this is a soft spot.� Nimmich said it�s generally recognized that a terrorist could use a small boat to attack larger cruise ships or commercial vessels, or even cities on or near the water. These vessels, he said, have little oversight.
�Terrorists understand how to use a waterborne explosive |
device,� he said. �This is a known way � terrorists take advantage of slow-moving vessels.� Some possible ways to improve the situation are to have tracking devices on boats, developing a federal standard for boat registrations or instituting a national licensing system.
While it�s easy to look up information on any car, no matter which state it�s from, the same cannot be said for boats. �The ability to move freely and go anywhere you want is different than on land,� he said, adding that such regulations could make it �a little more difficult to do something than it was before.�
Nimmich said a summit is planned this spring to allow state and government officials and recreational boating industry leaders to meet and discuss all possibilities. �We�re looking to partner with you to get the right structure in place,� he said. �This isn�t easy; it�s a culture change.� Courtesy: Trade Only Today
Congress hearing on Climate Change postponed due to Snow/Ice storm The House Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality hearing scheduled for Wednesday, February 14, 2007, had to be |
postponed due to heavy snow and ice. The hearing, entitled �Climate Change: Are Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Human Activities Contributing to a Warming of the Planet?� will be rescheduled to a date and time to be announced later. |
Weekly Great Lakes Water Levels for Feb. 16, 2007 Weather Conditions: A major winter storm brought heavy snow to the southern Great Lakes basin this week. Across the Lakes Erie and Ontario watersheds this new snow fell on top of the record snowfall of a week ago, when snow was measured with a yardstick. The upcoming weekend holds the chance of snow and continued cold temperatures. Ice cover on the Great Lakes has increased dramatically during this recent cold snap. See the link to the National Ice Center below for current ice conditions.
Lake Level Conditions: Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron are 14 inches and 1 inch, respectively, lower than it was a year ago. The remaining lakes are 4 inches higher. Over the next month the water level on Lake Superior is expected to drop an inch. A high rate of evaporation has reversed the rise in levels that took place from Lakes Michigan-Huron to Ontario during January. This evaporation is the result of the recent frigid air mass meeting the Great Lakes that were kept relatively warm and ice-free by the moderate temperatures earlier in the winter. Lakes Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie, and Lake Ontario are nearing their seasonal low levels, and are predicted to either remain at the same level, or rise by an inch, over the next thirty days. Over the next few months, Lake Superior is predicted to remain well below last year�s water levels, while Lakes Michigan-Huron, St. Clair, Erie, and Ontario are forecasted to remain at or above the levels of a year ago. See our Daily Levels web page | for more water level information.
Current Outflows/Channel Conditions |
Flow in the St. Marys and St. Clair rivers was below average in January and is predicted to be below average for February. Outflow from the Detroit River is predicted to be near average for this month. Flow in the Niagara River, as well as the St. Lawrence River, is expected to be above average.
Alerts: Due to abnormally dry conditions on the Lake Superior basin over the last six months, Lake Superior�s water level is currently below chart datum and is expected to remain below datum through July. Users of the Great Lakes, connecting channels and St. Lawrence River should keep informed of current conditions before undertaking any activities that could be affected by changing water levels. Mariners should utilize navigation charts and refer to current water level readings. Ice information can be found at the National Ice Center web page.
Turkey Weekend at Bass Pro Shops-March 24-25 GURNEE, IL � Turkey season is here and Bass Pro Shops wants to get you ready for the spring hunt. March 24 and 25, 2007 Bass Pro Shops will be hosting Turkey Weekend.
Meet Mike Reynolds of the RedHead pro staff along with Brandon Wikman of the Bass Pro Shops Next Generation television show and pro staff team as they conduct seminars and give hands on demonstration on every aspect of turkey hunting, calling techniques and dressing to stay hidden so you see tom before he sees you.
The Next Generation team is a group of young people that Bass Pro Shops has chosen to demonstrate to other young people the joys associated with being in the outdoors. |
Wikman is a championship caller, and an outstanding hunter. He can be seen weekly on the Next Generation television show hunting, fishing, and discussing products, and conservation issues that affect us all. Wikman will discuss his adventures and share his techniques to help you become a better turkey hunter.
Mike Reynolds has been hunting since his days in Iowa. He is well regarding in the area as an expert hunter and caller. Reynolds also hosts the monthly Calling Club at Bass Pro Shops. He will share his expertise, skills, trials and joys of turkey hunting during Turkey Weekend at Bass Pro Shops.
For more info call Tisma Juett at 847-856-1229 or visit www.basspro.com |
First youth spring turkey hunt to be held in Wisconsin MADISON -- 2007 marks the first year Wisconsin youth will be able to participate in an annual youth spring turkey hunt. The hunt is designated to give youth hunters, ages 12 through 15 that have successfully completed a hunter education program, an opportunity to hunt turkeys and gain valuable hunting experiences.
The new special youth hunt is for both residents and nonresidents who have a spring turkey hunting license and carcass tag. Youth hunters will be allowed to hunt on Saturday |
and Sunday April 7 and 8, regardless of what time period their permit is issued for. They may only hunt in the Turkey Management Zone for which their permit was issued, and may only harvest one turkey total, during this two-day youth hunt. If they have more than one tag, it does not matter which tag they use, as long as it is for the zone in which they will be hunting. If the participants do not fill their tags, or have extra tags purchased over-the-counter, they may still use any remaining tags not filled during the special youth hunt during the time period and in the zone for which the tags were issued. |
2006 third highest deer harvest on record; no statewide October antlerless hunt in 2007 Hunters will need a �concerted effort� next year or October hunt will return in 2008 MADISON � With nearly all registration stubs from the 2006 season compiled, hunters harvested just under 500,000 white-tailed deer, which would make 2006 the third highest year on record for deer harvest in Wisconsin, according to state wildlife officials.
Based on the nearly final harvest numbers for all 2006 deer |
hunting seasons, a moratorium on the October antlerlessdeer hunt will continue into its second year, according to Keith Warnke, deer and bear ecologist for the state Department of Natural Resources.
Harvest numbers, which are still considered preliminary, put the antlered harvest at 175,355 and antlerless harvest at 321,280, with 3,344 unknowns (usually reflecting incomplete registration forms) for a total of 499,979. Registration numbers will not be final until completion of the 2006 Wisconsin Big Game Hunting Summary this spring. |
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