[email protected]
Who we are:
An all volunteer organization dedicated to the promotion of fish and wildlife conservation, education, and related outdoor recreation.
The FEDERATION conducts or sponsors many educational opportunities for young and old, including sponsorship of young people to conservation camps, assistance scholarships for qualified students pursuing conservation-related education, conservation instructor workshops, sponsorship of outdoors woman program candidates, and others.
We also sponsor several community service programs that include Hunters Helping the Hungry, Family Fishing Clinics, and a National Hunting & Fishing Day hands-on event for youth.
What we do:
Promote good sportsmanship and safety in the use of firearms, archery, boating, and other outdoor recreational activities.
Create, cultivate and sponsor a respect for fish & game laws and regulations of the New York State Department of Conservation.
Sponsor legislation that will preserve fish, game, and natural resources beneficial to angling, hunting, trapping, and conservation for recreational purposes.
Ally with other organizations whose ideals in sportsmanship are akin to the purposes of the Erie County Federation of Sportsman’s Clubs, Inc.
Attempt to improve hunting and angling conditions for sportsmen, conserve natural resources and to promote the multiple use of our lands, forests, and waters for recreational purposes.
Assist and report on fish stocking in Lake Erie and tributaries, and inland lakes and streams of Erie County.
Assist and report on wildlife stocking throughout Erie County and to assist the Conservation Department in pheasant stocking, and involvement in the 4H pheasant stocking program.
What We Offer:
Local, regional and statewide educational workshops for sportsmen, conservationists, teachers, youth, and others interested interested in the great outdoors.
Monthly Informational meetings for cooperative planning and reporting.
Constant updating on current legislation during Legislature Meetings as they affect the sportsman and conservationist.
Monitor pollution and issue remedial recommendations to govt. officials at the city, county, state, and federal levels.
Monitor gun legislation, registration, and opposition to all anti-gun movements.
Report on fish and wildlife expenditure on replenishment stocking programs.
Participation in development of green open areas for recreational and forever wild areas.
Publicize and conduct hunter safety classes for youth and newly license hunters.
Liaison between county, state, and federal agencies for ecological and sportsmen’s programs.
Scholarship Assistance program for teachers and students for participation in educational workshops.
Send young people to conservation camp (DEC).
Conduct FREE hands-on National Hunting and Fishing Day program.
Coordinate the Hunter’s Helping the Hungry Program in Erie County.
Call 716-824-1528 for a membership application.