Chagrin River Salmon Association


P.O.Box 7191

Eastlake, Ohio 44097


              [email protected]


First In Conservation and Angler Education!

The Chagrin River Salmon Association was founded in 1973 for the purpose of supporting, assisting and maintaining local interest in the stocking of Salmon and Steelhead in the Chagrin River.


Up through the years, including the present time period, our organization, of approximately 100 members, has continued to inspire the interest in fishing, boating, conservation and education among our members, other associations, and the public.


Other concerns, such as pollution of our lakes, rivers and streams and the prevention of same, are also paramount in the club's priorities. There is other on going issues we deal with from time to time as necessary, including legislative matters.


Our association, known extremely well in a multi-county area for our ideals and willingness to get involved, also demonstrates an interest in civic events, such as, our annual "Senior Citizen Fish Fry", the annual "Lou Ray’s Kids Fishing Derby", various community donations when necessary, and other organizational support, just to name a few.


Frateralism among fishermen, which includes the exchange of fishing and boating ideas, concepts, latest techniques and the like, still remain to be one of our most important goals. Our club always remains open to new members who may have similar interests and wish to share it in a common cause. As an example of member interest, we normally have approximately 45% of the membership in attendance at our monthly meetings, (hard to beat). The Chagrin River Salmon Association will continue to be an asset to all concerned. With the goals and ideals mentioned above, we still manage to have some good social affairs for our members. So, come and visit the Chagrin River Salmon Association and join up when you do.


For membership information contact Kevin McCarthy - President 440-942-4730 - [email protected] , Rick Lessick - Secretary 440-951-0671 - [email protected] or Ernie Pavlovcak - Trustee 440-946-4775


Meeting Location: 
                                  C.R.S.A. Headquarters
                                  Erie Rd. next to Eastlake Ramps, Ohio

 We meet the last Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.


            Initiation $5.00

            Membership $30.00 per year

            Renewal $30.00 per year



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